Are you a DOVE or a VULTURE???
Good morning all! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!!
Friday I visited with you about braided hair, excessive adorning of women to go to church. Let me share this with you today. Last night my wife and I watched the Dove Awards. Huh? What are Dove Awards? These are awards given to people who promote, expose and celebrate Christianity through the use of song and movies.
There was no "revealing" clothes worn by women, no outlandish attire worn by men, no styles that would shock, but all in good taste, good messages, revealing more the nature of Christ than of the world.
This is the link to the Dove Awards and you can view the new artists, artists of old and just good wholesome music. Also, on Oct. 16 you can view this on JUCE TV which is provided by cable, satellite, or via computer. If you wish to view it on your computer go to: : and you will be in.
Instead of listening to music with negative down beats try uplifting Christian music. Let others see Jesus Christ in you.
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