Braided hair, gold and jewelry -- at church -- is this appropriate?
Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
So, what is on the menu for today? Vanity, Pride, Self-absorbed, Non-caring? OR, humble, helpful, obedient caring servant of God? Hmmm! Think about YOU for a moment. Who are you? What do you do, really? How do you dress and act? Where is your heart? Why are you this way?
Now, think about churches, the people who attend, how they act, dress and behave. Is it appropriate?
What does Paul say?
1 Timothy 2:King James Version (KJV) 9 In
like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with
shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided (braided)hair, or gold, or pearls,
or costly array;
First of all, Paul is speaking to the women and how they should come to church. Broided or braided hair, in the first century would take hours to do. It was not a simple braid, but hair was curled, braided together, and then curled again. It was a long, pain-staking ordeal. Then, once the hair was complete they would adorn (put on) the finest of jewelry for the visual appearance and either admiration or contempt from others.
So, what was their main purpose in preparing for church? God!?? No, not at all. Their main purpose was to "look better than the woman next to her or in the next set of seats. Now, remember, in these days the women sat in one area and were to be silent while the men sat in another area and were allowed to talk. At the churches women were to be seen---not heard. Hmmm! Don't think that would fly today, do you?? lol
1 Timothy 2: (KJV)10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.
1 Timothy 2: (NIV)10 but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.
The women should come to church professing godliness; not a fashion show or statement. This section deals with just the women and why? Timothy was experiencing difficulties in his church which needed to be straightened out. Paul already had to set Timothy straight about the crossing of Judism and Christianity with the men.
If you will look around at church and see how many women and men dress appropriately and how many dress in-appropriately. Women should not, in my opinion, come wearing clothing that is slightly revealing, causing mens mind to wander and go to the dark side. Also, men should be aware of this temptation, and if the thought begins to enter rebuke satan and pray immediately for forgiveness and a cleansing of the heart. Spaghetti straps with low cut front tops, to me, are not acceptable. Cover, be modest, be godly in appearance and nature.
Satan is not a pitch-fork, horns, and a bright red face and has a tail. Satan is that lady sitting there with revealing clothing, or the good-looking man making flattering, yet suggestive remarks. Satan comes as a picture of light, yet inside----ugh! Like a book - the outside may be beautiful--yet the inside is a horror story. Food for thought today! Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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