Yep, you ain't nothing, you are but one, what can you do?
Good morning all! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!!
Yesterday evening at Bible study several subjects caught me, stimulated thought (I know-hard to believe I think - lol), and makes me wonder and more curious.
It is easy to sit here and complain about different things, not take responsibility for our actions (someone else's fault), and see nothing but negativity around us. Why??
As Pastor has said numerous times from the pulpit, let the change begin with you, with me, with just a few. Where will change begin? Yes, we can have our own radio show and complain about Obama, our senators/congressmen, the world, our life, and so one; but how do we change this?
A FEW ARE CALLED! When God gave Abram the promised land, God had Abram take 318 men from his own "family" of people and they defeated the four (or five) kings and thousands in their promised land. God told Gideon to narrow his warriors from 30,000 down to . . . . 300 men, and they defeated thousands. Do you not think God can take a few of His warriors (you, me, & others) to defeat the enemy here that lurks about?
If God cannot defeat the evil about us, then God is dead. However, I am here to tell you that: GOD'S NOT DEAD, HE IS SURELY ALIVE, ROARING LIKE A LION!! The problem lies within.....yes....within ourselves to truly believe. It is okay, we can change this.
David, a man of God committed numerous sins. Samson, a man of God committed numerous sins. Peter, a chosen disciple DENIED Christ not once, not twice, but three times. What these men then did was realize their sins, asked FORGIVENESS, and did God's work.
David's son - Solomon; Samson killed over 3000 Philistines in his last work for God; Peter became a stronger and more determined disciple, changing lives. Can we not become wise, defeat the enemy, and be a more determined and spirit led disciple of Christ?
Jesus was one, and the most loved and hated man in the world today. JESUS MADE A DIFFERENCE!! You ain't nothing, you are but one, YOU C A N MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
I woke this early A.M. singing praises to God. Here is a link to hear and think about. MY JESUS!
May your day be wonderful and alive in the Lord, Jesus Christ. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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