
Monday, October 20, 2014

Is it time for a COME TO JESUS MEETING?

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!!
   Wow!  Yesterday was truly a blessing.  Being at church, worshiping with family and friends, and feeling close to God.  When we feel really close to God it is not He who moved, it is thee!  God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow; we are the ones who change.
   Ever think you are doing God's will and it is really your will?  Yep, we all probably have.  In Genesis 16/17 Abram had no heirs, so Sarai, his wife, gave Hagar-her hand maiden, to Abram to be a wife and bring forth an heir.  Now, was this what God wanted?  No! It was not.  Hagar conceived and then came more problems.  Sarai thought this was good; for Abram to have an heir-then afterwards regretted her decision.
   But, you know what?  God corrected the situation, He told Abram his wife Sarai would bear him a child.  Abram laughed as he was 99 years old and Sarai 90.  God went on to correct what Sarai did-giving her hand maiden to Abram.
   Hagar despised Sarai and Sarai treated Hagar horribly.  An angel came to Hagar and told her to stay with Sarai, endure, and name her child Ishmael.  Hagar did.  God talked to Abram, changed his name to Abraham and Sarai's name to Sara and they had a child who is to be named Isaac.
    Hagar's childs seed would be exceedingly great and become a nation, 1 large nation.  Sara's child would  produce exceedingly also and become many nations.  There is more to this story than I can tell at this time, however, Ishmael became the nation (1) of Islam and Isaace became many nations of the chosen people (Jews, and later Gentiles).
   Why did I ramble on and on.  I want you to know God knows who you are, what you are doing, your intentions, where you are headed, decisions you will make--yet HE allows us, creatures of free will, to do these things.  Whether it is for His glory or not; and even if our intentions are the best-though misguided, God will work it out.
   What is the difference between Islamic belief, Jewish belief, and Christian belief.  We, all three, believe in God--the same God, B U T - - the difference is JESUS!!
   Do you truly know JESUS?  Do you act like JESUS or like your old self?  If you claim to act like JESUS, yet still walk in the world and are not filled with the HOLY SPIRIT, you may need to have a "COME TO JESUS" meeting with the only true living God!  Come to Jesus my friend, and live!! Love you all.
  In Christ's Love and Grace


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