
Friday, January 09, 2015

Will you be deceived? Matthew 24:5

Good morning all. God is good all the time,  all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!
    Sorry I have missed the last couple of days--Miss Fluenza and I have been fighting.  Okay, I stopped on the 6th at Matthew 24:4 - where Jesus tells His disciples to let no one mislead you.
   Review - how do we keep from being misled???   Focus on Jesus and stay focused.
Matthew 24:
4 "And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many."
 We read verse 4 last time, verse 5 tells us clearly  MANY SHALL COME IN MY(JESUS) NAME.  Have you seen this, here, in America?  Let me remind you if you don't remember.  Many come, yet they may not claim to be the "MESSIAH", yet there message and leadership, all be it unspoken, projects that image.
    What happens when we start believing in man rather than Jesus?  Jim Jones and his followers.  They followed HIM, to their death - they no longer put their trust in Jesus but Jim Jones.  How about Vernon Wayne Howell who changed his name to David Koresh, the Branch Davidians.  He believed he was the last, final prophet.   There are others, rather than list, please know that these people have a charismatic personality/nature and tend to attract followers.   The followers do believe they are something special from God.You are a special person to God; love thy neighbor as thyself but love the love thy God first, with all you heart, mind, and soul.
   Oh, I would never follow someone you say; many of these people said the same thing. There was a pastor in Dallas that convinced his followers to give "everything" to the church; this is what God wanted.  Many lost homes, vehicles, and eventually jobs and why????   They were following a MAN, not following "JESUS"!
    Will you be deceived?  Before you say absolutely not do a self check with God and see where you are standing right now, today.   Following God and listening to God; OR, doing your own thing rationalizing that this is what God wants you to do.
    Be not deceived my friend; there is only 1 Christ and you will know when HE returns.  Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
to read the Bible in a year


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