
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Cult? Gang? Social Gather? Terrorist? Jesus Christ? Which is yours?

Good morning all.   God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
    Hmmmmm!   Social gathering?   cult?   gang?   I once took a friend with me to visit the church I attended.  Afterwards I asked what they thought.  The response was: "it was a nice social gathering."
   Of this I did take offense as I heard the word of God preached, I heard salvation through Jesus Christ preached, and I thought the service was good.  However, this does provoke thought.  Why do we have social gatherings?  Why are there cults?  Why are there gangs?  Why do people join ISIS?
    Human nature says I want to be a part of something.  I want to be accepted, to feel needed/important. Just to be part of 'something' is important to us.  We tend to become ritualistic in much of what we do. For example: Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Catholic, or any other religious group, even cults and gangs have a certain way to do things when all together; specific recitations, a certain order, and it is all COMFORTABLE!
   Do we understand what we are saying/doing?  Really?  The Pharisee and Sadducees  were "religious" meaning they went through their rituals to "lead the people to God" and we know how that turned out.
   There are over 5,000 cults in America today.  We have not seen any as dramatic as Heaven's Gate. Jim Jones, or Branch Davidian lately; but it could happen. How many gangs or terrorist groups?  Who knows.  Why do people seek out these other venues and not turn to Christ.  Very simple. 
 Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 2:14 "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God (Holy Spirit); for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."
  Life application Bible says, "But people who aren't spiritual can't receive these truths from God's Spirit.  It all sounds foolish to them and they can't understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means."
   So, what do we do?  The non-Christians cannot understand spiritual truths and they cannot comprehend the idea that God's Spirit lives in believers; so........plant seeds, tell them stories about God, about Christ, interesting things from the Bible, but always sharing the right of salvation through Jesus Christ.
   Don't expect these people to approve of or understand your decision to follow Christ.  It just seems silly and besides "I don't see God doing anything"-they quip.  Maintain a line of communication, DO NOT BE SILENT, even if you know you make be mocked or ridiculed.  As the song goes: Stand up Stand up for Jesus; or  Standing on the Promises of Christ my LORD.
   ISIS  executes Christians; gangs believe in themselves; cults have their own different set of beliefs; but what are your beliefs?   Yes, the cliche` gets old, but once again: sitting in church makes you a Christian as much as sitting in a garage makes you a car.
    How would you respond today if someone asked you about your faith?  Love you all!
In Christ's Love and Grace


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