
Friday, February 27, 2015

Angry? P.O.ed? Why??? Because, IT IS YOUR FAULT, not mine!

Good morning all!  God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!
   Anger causes many problems.  When you are angry and yell at someone or express yourself either verbally or physically; the only one who profits from this is YOU!  You let off steam and now you feel better.  So what?   You now have destroyed all communication around you, caused others to become upset, and for what?  A ball game, a meal cooked wrong (in your eyes), a vehicle won't start, the house is a wreck, or whatever it may be.  How self centered and conceded you must be.
   Yeah, well I just tell it like it is.  Hmmm! That is not always good.  Words of wisdom from a president;  Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.  Abe Lincoln.
    Proverbs 15:1 "A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger."   Have you ever tried to argue in a whisper; it does not work well.  Think about this.  Yes, I am talking to you--YOU--stop and think what anger does to your family, your spouse, your children, your friends.  Who wants to be around you?  Not me!
   Proverbs 29:22 "an angry man stirreth up strife, and a furious man aboundeth in transgression."
Let me share a short story with you.  I used to be a head girls coach in basketball, high school girls.  I went to a particular school where their record was not exemplary and 8 wins in a season was a victory.
   I coach, I don't scream and holler.  Let me chase a rabbit a moment:  If you mishandle a basketball and throw it out of bounds---what good does it do for someone to yell at you and tell you--"you threw the ball out of bounds"-- you already know that.  Why not offer something constructive instead of destructive.
  Okay, back to the team.  When the girls on my team would make a mistake my comment was usually something in the nature of  "that's okay, you learned something, now let's go on, play ball."  When they were not afraid of being yelled at and ridiculed openly in public they actually played better.  The correction comes at practice and still in teaching mode not anger mode.
   We were favored to be DL in our district (Dead Last). But through encouragement, not wrath, we ended the season with 12 or 14 wins, a high for these girls. 
   Again, Proverbs 15:1 (Life App) "A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare."    Please remember, a nasty and quick temper can be like a fire out of control, burning us and everyone in its path.  Anger divides people.  It pushes us into hasty decisions that only cause bitterness and guilt.  Anger, in itself, is not wrong, IF, IF it is a legitimate reaction to injustice and sin.
    When you feel yourself getting angry--look at the cause: if reacting to sin--OK; if not sin--NO KAY!  Pray that God will help you control a quick temper, channeling your feelings into effective action and conquering selfish anger through humility and repentance. Food for thought. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace


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