
Monday, December 18, 2006

If no one sees me, then it is okay!!!

Good morning everyone!!! What a beautiful weekend in the Lord!!!! I hope you time was well spent. God gives us 1440 minutes daily to use wisely!!! Wow, another day, one day closer to Christmas, and what is our focus? Gifts, baking, rush rush to get 'things' for Christmas, or is Jesus the focus as He is the reason??? You know, if no one sees what I do, then it is okay. Have you ever been there, done that? Most of us have. Last night in Bible study Ezekiel 8 & 9 jumped out at me. I won't print all of it, but take a moment to go and look. Ezekiel speaks of being lifted up by the spirit and transported to view several things. Ezekiel 8:8 begins with him seeing from the Temple court a hole in the wall of the temple. He dug into the wall and found a hidden room and guess what he saw here? Verse 11 70 elders or Israel were standing there worshiping pictures of what???? Idols, snakes, lizards, idols, etc. Each was buring incense so there was a thick could of smoke. Here the Lord speaks to Ezekiel and tells him the elders are thinking the Lord doesn't see us, so we can worship and do what we want. There were elders worshiping the sun as well. Now, don't you know this anger God!!!! Well, what is the end result? You got it, death!!! Read chapter 9 of Ezekiel.
Now, how often have we been guilty of this? Doing something we know God does not approve of and thinking it will be okay? Or doing something and thinking well I can ask forgiveness for this? It will be okay!! Our character and integrity are on the line and who sees what we do ALL THE TIME!!! God does, and when we veer off the chosen path, satan is there rooting us on and encouraging us. If I, you, whoever, goes out of town, walks with the devil for a day or two, who knows? Who cares?? God does, and then we may reach a point where the judgment comes and God will seat us in either Smoking or Non-Smoking!!!!
Where do you want to be seated?? Who lives in your heart??? Do you do the right thing when tempted???? Yes, we will fall, and that is okay as we are human, but don't lie on the ground, get up, dust yourself off, ask forgiveness, and praise God that He is a living, loving and forgiving God.
Thank you for reading today. GOD bless each one of you. Love you all. have a wonderful and splendid week. See you tomorrow.
In Christ's Love and Grace


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