
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Who did Jesus touch??? Who do you touch???

Good morning everyone!!! What a great day to be alive in Jesus!!! God is good all the time, all the time God is good!!!! Yesterday I posted a study on my blog site. If you care to visit it go to:
I was visiting about who Jesus touched.....who touched Jesus!!! Look at Matthew 9:9 - Jesus talked to a despised tax collector. Mark 5:1-15 Jesus talked to an insane hermit. Mark 15:1-15 the Roman governor.
Who do you touch with your life??? No one??? Who have you mentioned Jesus to yesterday?? the last week? the last month??? What makes us different than Jesus where we cannot reach out to more people. Who? The guy or gal with tattos, the guy or gal with piercings, the business man, the long hair with a pony tail, the clean cut ivy league looking person, your friend, your neighbor!!!!!
Matthew 9:9 "As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at his tax collector's booth. "FOLLOW ME AND BE MY DISCIPLE," Jesus said to him. So Matthew got up and followed him."
Matthew was a Jew, appointed by the Romans to be the area's tax collector. He collected taxes from the citizens as well as from merchants passing through town. Tax collectors were expected to take a commission on the taxes they collected, but most of them overcharged and kept the profits. Thus, tax collectors were hated by the Jews because of their reputation for cheating and because of their support of Rome. When Matthew got up as Jesus commanded and followed Him, he gave up a very lucrative career. When God calls you to follow or obey him, do you do it as Matthew did?? Leaving your comfort zone and step into the questionable area of......."THE WORLD!!" The decision to follow Jesus may require difficult or painful choices, but we must decide to leave behind those things that would keep us from following Christ.
Where are you?? Share the good news of JESUS CHRIST to all around you. What have you to lose?? We may lose today's life for ETERNAL LIFE!!! WOW!! Worshipping God, Jesus the rest of our lives. No pain, no hunger, no sleep, just rejoicing and being in the presence of God. AWESOME!!!!
Thank you for reading with me today. Love you all. My computer has to go into the shop. Hopefully I will be back online by Thursday.
In Christ's Love and Grace


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