Favoritism? Good or Bad?

Good morning everyone!! Yes, another day and do not forget to look up, priase God, and give God the glory. Sometimes we forget, then huddles are cast before us and we may not have the ability to leap them without God's help. Look up, smile, know that God is in control!!1
James 2:1 "My dear brothers and sisters, how can you claim to have faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ if you favor some people over others?" James condemns acts of favoritism. Often we treat a well-dressed impressive looking person better than someone who looks shabby. We do this because we would rather identify with successful people than with apparent failures.
Showing favoritism is wrong to show to the wealthy! Why? 1. It is inconsistent with Christ's teachings. Why? Stay tuned and we will talk about this tomorrow. Look at your day! Do you show favoritism? Why? Are you right in doing so? Thank you for reading. Love you all!
In Christ's Love and Grace
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