How is your tongue??

Good morning everyone!! Yea!! A great day to be alive in JESUS!! Soooo, what is happening today? Well, a birthday for the oldest gorilla, who turns 55 today and a sink hole in deep east Texas. BUT, God is still in control.
James 1:26 "IF YOU CLAIM TO BE RELIGIOUS BUT DON'T CONTROL YOUR TONGUE, YOU ARE FOOLING YOURSELF, AND YOUR RELIGION IS WORTHLESS." Wow!! How strong is this? No matter how spiritual we may think we are, we all could control our speech more effectively.
The word "religious (threskos) means given to religious observances. What? You mean if I attend worship services, pray, almsgiving, fast, but don't control my tongue my religion is vain? Yes, this is what the good book says. Where do you sit?
Are you great in church for your hour, 2 hours, and then live life to the utmost, not controling your tongue and taking pride in the fact that you "say what is on your mind?" Think about this: you may be religious, but you may not be a Christian. Food for thought! Thanks for reading. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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