
Friday, May 07, 2010

Micah 1:9 How deep is your wound?

Good morning everyone! I do hope the National Day of Prayer was productive for you. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.

Micah 1:9 "For my people's wound is too deep to heal. It has reached into Judah, even to the gates of Jerusalem."

Samaria's sins were incurable, and God's judgment on the city had already begun. This sin was not like a gash in the skin but more like a stab wound in a vital organ, causing an injury that would soon prove fatal. Samaria was destroyed early in Micah's ministry. Samaria's sin had influenced Jerusalem and judgment would come to its very gates.

Are we as Samaria? Have we strayed so far that our wounds are incurable? God has laid forth His judgment, but we could be as Nineveh. We need to pray and pray hard for God's help, a state of reprieve, that His judgment won't come upon us, but that we will return to a country, united, and under 1 God. The one and only living God, who sent His son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins.

May God have mercy on us and our generations to come. Love you all. Pray!!

In Christ's Love and Grace



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