
Saturday, May 01, 2010

Plowed under? Us?!?! Micah 1:6

Good morning everyone! Another great day to be alive in the LORD JESUS CHRIST! God is good all the time, all the time God is good!

Did you stop and think about Micah and substituting in America and Washington D.C.? So what else does Micah say?

Micah 1:6 "So I, the LORD, will make the city of Samaria a heap of ruins. Her streets will be plowed up for planting vineyards. I will roll the stones of her walls into the valley below, exposing her foundations."

Why would God do this? Substitute Washington D.C. for Samaria. Why, God? Because of the perversion of worship and injustice toward others. God is not happy! If God ain't happy, ain't nobody gonna be happy!

Ezekiel 13:14 "I will break down your wall right to its foundation, and when it falls, it will crush you. Then you will know that I am the LORD."

How much more clear can God be? He warns us, yet we sit, silent, moaning and groaning but we do nothing. Hit your knees, Christians! Pray! Pray hard for the reviving of America and the world. We are being overcome by idols and non-Christian values and what do we do? What do we do?

Think about it, take time, pray! P R A Y !

In Christ's Love and Grace



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