Jesus said, "I am willing, you are cleansed." Mark 1:40-45
Good morning everyone! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!
I realize I have spent a lot of "time" harping about "TIME." However,time is either our enemy or our friend. Again, how do you spell love to your children and spouse?
T - I - M - E !
If we just take time to be with the LORD, look around at His creation we may end up as the leper in Mark 1:40-45 who was cleansed; we will have so much excitement and enthusiasm about what God has done we will want to tell everyone!
When Jesus cleansed the leper He simply reached out His hand, touched the leper, and said, "I am willing, you are cleansed." Can you ask Jesus, as the leper did, to heal you if He is willing? If you do, you will get the same answer from Jesus, "I am willing, you are cleansed."
I have many things to be cleansed of, but one I do wish to be cleansed of is my "hurrying"; slow down, visit a quiet place, see if the silence is really deafening. To listen to the birds, to stop and observe. What a great creation God made. My prayer is to help me slow down and enjoy God's creation - large or small. Thank you for reading. I would appreciate any feedback. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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