
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

You know John 3:16, but do you know John 3:31-36?

Good morning everyone! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!

     Okay, to you, the believer, there is one clear choice - Jesus Christ as LORD and saviour.  But what about the unbeliever?  What does a person do?  Take a moment to look at John 3:31-36. It is laid out here clearly.  Your whole spiritual life, my spiritual life, our friends and families spiritual life depends on the answer to one question: Who is Jesus Christ?
    If your answer is: Jesus Christ is my LORD and saviour - you are smarter than a non-believer (or fifth grader).  But if the answer is a teacher in the Bible, a prophet, etc., now, Houston, we have a problem.  God's son, the Messiah, the Savior, any of these work - but when we lower His position - be careful of what you speak.
   Jesus claimed to be God's son, even God himself.  The quandary I find myself in is how do I share this with family or friends who are close to me, wanting not to offend, yet wanting them to know the truth and the way.  Praying about it is important, however, being human, I want my prayers answered NOW!  lol  I am asking God to help me give my burdens to Him, then walk away and leave them for Him to take care of.  Will I quit praying?  No, I will be diligent in my prayer, but I have to shake the burden from my hands and cast the burden upon my Heavenly Father.
        It is important that you, a child of God, do share the truth:  John 3:36.   The master gave 3 servants talents to care for on his leave; one - 10 talents; the second 5 talents; and then 1 talent.  Do not be as the servant with 1 talent - to hide it, investing it no where, only of knowing it himself.  The others invested and their talents grew.  We are to be as the other servants - invest - tell others of Jesus Christ.  IT IS NOT A SECRET!  SHARE!  SHARE! SHARE!  Go forth boldly, telling of Jesus - salvation.  Take up your walk, your knowledge of Christ and go forth my friend.  Stay thirsty for the LIVING WATER.  Love you all.
    In Christ's Love and Grace


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