
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Is your temple beautiful inside and out? Or is it in ruins? Nehemiah 2:3

Good morning all!  God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
   Wandering thoughts to share today and I do pray you are able to follow and return your thoughts as well.  Let's talk about prayer, spiritual life, our world.
  •  How do you pray? 
  •  Do you use those great orator words, smooth, silken, impressive, but with no meaning? 
  •  Or, do you talk to God as you would a close friend, pouring out your heart, giving specific requests, praising him for what has and will happen, trusting God yet still take action to see God's will is in place?  
  • When did you last have troubles and turned the matter over to God--- I mean really turned it over to God? 
  •  How many of your actions today, yesterday, and tomorrow will be done with the purpose of pleasing God?
  We are the temple of Jesus Christ, but how often do we bring criticism upon this temple.  How often are we the image of a beautiful temple, but inside it is dirty, nasty, and very unclean?  We may build the temple, however, the work is not complete until our lives are rebuilt spiritually.  How do we do this?
   Just as Ezra did to the people, we take instruction in God's word, listen and hear, recognize the sin in our lives, admit it, and then take steps to remove it.
   To put this on a simple, everyday level, take the example of schools.  Some schools are built and have a beautiful appearance and are so impressive.  But, if you build a new school for better education it won't happen.  Why not?  If the administration and staff are mediocre at best, what do you have?  This is our spiritual life!!
    If we are mediocre at best, give good lip service, to what service are we of God?  We - you and I - as Christians need to stand strong, study the word of God, cleanse our inside, and then share the greatness of God as we traverse this world as the seconds of life tick away.  Time is drawing nigh and we need to do something now.
   Nehemiah was sad, it showed, and his king asked what was wrong. His reply, "Long live the king! How can I not be sad?  For the city where my ancestors are buried is in ruins, and the gates have been destroyed by fire." Nehemiah 2:3
    I, too, find the land where my ancestors are buried, America, is treading toward ruins and the moral fiber has been destroyed by liberal beliefs in lieu of Biblical beliefs.  It is time for prayer, and may the revival begin with you, with me, with our Christian friends.  Thank you for entertaining what was on my heart. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace


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