
Sunday, September 21, 2014

As a part of that great rock - Jesus - I.........

Hello dear friends!  God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
    James 4:14 " is but a vapour....."   I have talked about this before, but would like to revisit the thought.  A 96 year old man is losing blood - what to do?  An 88 year old man is struggling with memory - what to do?   A 22 year old man suddenly becomes ill - what to do?  An 11 year old child is locked in a closet, starved, and dies - what to do?  News reporters are beheaded by ISIS - what to do?
    Life is but a vapour - how long is your vapour?  How much longer will it last?  Hmmm.  
Do you ever look at nature and just stop and observe? A rock is torn apart by the weather, wind-rain-cold, heat - and it becomes a mere pebble or dust particle - blown here and yon - then it lands - collects with other particles and becomes a rock, a ledge, farm land, silt in a body of water.  Are we as such?
   As you pass through your life, you, as a minute piece of that  great rock (Jesus), touch other people through your actions, looks, words, and what is to come of it all?  What do others observe as they experience you?  What persona do you came cast forth?  Is it one of Jesus?  Is it one of indifference, apathy? Is it one of evil?  Life is but a vapour - is your vapour refreshing as the fallen rain?  Or, the smog (ugliness) from pollution?
  I pray that as a piece of that  great rock (Jesus), I will, through God's grace, be a rock others can build from; a ledge to sit and commune with God on, farm land that is fertile and helps others grow in Christ, silt as a habitat for creatures of the sea (giving them protection).  May my vapour be always in the flavor of what God wishes me to be!
    What will your vapour be like?  What will the "dash" on your tombstone say?  Just food for thought on this enjoyable, relaxing afternoon.  Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace


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