Jeremiah, a weeping prophet
Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!
JEREMIAH, the weeping prophet, was told by God not to marry. Why? God knew what was in store for Judah and it was not a place to raise children and that generation would soon be wiped out. Hmm. Jeremiah listened to God, went to kings, delivered God's message and in return he spent a lot of time in prison.
Jeremiah had a faithful friend, Baruch, who put all of Jeremiah's words from God on a scroll. Jeremiah did not have a lot of friends as they saw him as Mister Doom and Gloom. He was forecasting the fall of Judah to the Babylonians.
People did not listen, they cast him aside as a wacko and heeded not his words from God. Wow! Does this seem to be a main theme through out the Bible? Throughout time? In America? Hmm!
Josiah, a king, was friendly toward Jeremiah, but when he went forth to confront the Egyptians he came to an untimely death. Things were not pretty from here on out for Jeremiah.
So, why did he continue and where did he gain the courage? Jeremiah was in constant contact with God and received his words from God; received his courage and faithfulness from God. God used Jeremiah, son of a high priest and a timid man to spread his word. An unlikely candidate.
That is you, that is me, unlikely candidates God will use for His purpose. Jeremiah was obedient! Are you obedient? Jeremiah was faithful! Are you faithful? Jeremiah listened to God! Do you listen to God? Jeremiah in contact with God! Are you in contact with God? Good questions that only you and God can sort out. More tomorrow. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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