Beware FALSE PROPHETS (tv evangelists or your preacher, huh?)
Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!
Good study today, and it may step on some peoples toes. First, I would like to say if you think your pastor is good, great, super; and you go to church for him, then, -- YOU ARE WRONG!
We should be going to church because Jesus lives inside of you and you are in fellowship, studying, and praying because YOU LOVE JESUS!!
Look at Matthew 24:11 (KJV) "And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many."
This is Jesus talking to the disciples and to you. The old testament frequently mentions false prophets. (2 King 3:13, Isaish 44:25, Jeremiah 23:16, Ezekiel 13:2,3, Micah 3:5, Zechariah 13:2).
False prophets claim to receive messages from God, but they tend to be more "health and wealth" messages. When you stay home, watch the tv evangelists, put his words to the test. Is he "health and wealth" or is he really preaching the only way to eternal life is through Jesus Christ?
These false prophets will preach what the people want to hear. When the nation is not following God, the preaching will be soft and comfortable. We should be hearing the truth. Many people put all their belief in tv mega church preachers; send their money to these millionaires, just to hear them say, "It will be okay, God wants you to prosper, be healthy, and do well." If you wish to send your money to someone who makes you feel better, let me know--I will gladly relieve you of this burden and tell you good news.(lol) My church (Church Under A Bridge) would be happy to have the money to assist the homeless and less fortunate.
Some preachers will tell you "God wants you to be rich" or Do whatever your desires tell you" or "There is no such thing as heaven or hell"--lies straight from satan himself.
Jesus said false teachers would come, and he warned his disciples, he warns us, that we should not listen to their dangerous words. Have you been taken in? Do you "idolize" some of these tv preachers? Or even your own preacher? You are called to be as Jesus. Jesus was a common man, walked the streets, and taught people the way to the kingdom of God. You are called to do this very thing!! Have you reached out to anyone in need lately? Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
Bible in a year to read
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