
Monday, January 12, 2015

Wars, famines, earthquakes, OH MY!!

Good morning all!  God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!
    Well, at church yesterday it was rainy, 35 degrees, we are outside under a bridge and we had 102 people at church.  It is amazing what God will do.  Wow!
   Matthew 24:5 was about many coming that will deceive you.  Just a warning to be cautious, there are many anti-Christ's out there and it is important we allow God's discernment to come into play to show us who they are.  This is not necessarily to expose them, but to be aware of them and their message.
    Matthew 24:
And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
  Please understand, Jesus is still talking to his disciples at this time.  Wars---rumours of wars-----nation against nation------kingdom against kingdom-----famines-----pestilences-------earthquakes!
    You may look around and say, "well, these things are happening now!"   But, you know what^^^^? I would image the disciples said the same things we are saying.  They may have said Assryia or Babylon whereas we say the middle East, terrorist threats, ISIS, etc.
    Is Jesus saying 'arm yourself for war'; prepare for famines by gathering food; vaccinate for diseases; build an earthquake prove shelter?   No, he is not saying this.  He is telling us things are to come and we need to be prepared but not to go into panic mode.  When we hit panic mode it is either 'fight or flight' and this is not what Jesus wants.   Jesus wants us to stay calm, keep our wits about us, as the end is not yet.  Rumours- (akoĆ©) is the common Greek word for sense of hearing or reports.  So they are getting reports of wars.
     Nation against nation is talking ethnic battles, people against people; such as when Yugoslavia split Whereas kingdom against kingdom is talking political battles, country against country or state against state; such as in the Gulf Wars.  Jesus is telling us wars will happen, it appears to be normal.
   Going along with this people will be starving, there will be diseases, and earthquakes happening where we did not expect them to happen.  Wow!   A lot of information in these two verses.  But never fear and don't worry.  I have read the book and we win in the end.  Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace


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