Are you poor in the world, yet rich in faith?

Good morning everyone!! Yea! Another great day to be alive in the LORD! Yesterday it was raining hard, flash flood warnings, yet I gave it to the LORD and had some good appointments. Neither rain, nor hail, nor sleet, nor snow can stop God's will.
So far James is telling us not to judge by what they wear, how they look.
James 2:5 "Listen to me, dear brothers and sisters. Hasn't God chosen the poor in this world to be rich in faith? Aren't they the ones who will inherit the Kingdom he promised to those who love him?" When James speaks about the poor, he is talking about those who have no money AND also about those whose simple values are despised by much of our affluent society. Perhaps the 'poor' people prefer serving to managing, human relationships to financial security, peace to power. This does not mean that the poor will automatically go to heaven and the rich to hell.
Poor people, however,are usually more aware of their powerlessness. Thus, it is often easier for them to acknowledge their need for salvation. One of the greatest barriers to salvation for the rich is pride. For the poor, bitterness can often bar the way to acceptance of salvation.
Are you sitting in conflict today? If so, why? Are you "RICH" on earth? OR, "RICH" in heaven? Lord, let us come humbly and poor to you, so we will be acceptable in your sight. Let our rich and arrogant ways go by the wayside, let our eyes focus clearly on YOU! Thanks for reading. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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