
Monday, June 22, 2009

Listen, overcome!

Good morning everyone!! Another great day to be in the service of JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD!! Write down 1, just 1 thing you WILL do for JESUS today. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.

Revelation 2:11 "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death."

He that hath an ear - that is you, me and others who have heard, are hearing, and will hear the word of God. Who is speaking to you? the SPIRIT!!

He that overcometh - this is talking about every Christian.

The second death - the first death is only physical, the second is spiritual and eternal. Eternal - this means forever, FOREVER!!!

Eternal life with God, wow, how great and wonderful that will be. But, do not sit back for the unbelievers will be resurrected to be punished with a second death, ETERNAL SEPARATION FROM GOD!!

Not only will these unbelievers be sent to hell, where it is hot, where they burn, BUT now they will burn forever. The worse part of this, according to Pastor Sharp, is not the burning, but the eternal separation - knowing they could have accepted God.

Just like the song, No turning back. Which way are you headed? What will you do for Christ today? Think of some friends or acquaintences, do they know the LORD? Have YOU shared with them? With anyone? Are you working for God or just sitting back?

Thank you for reading with me today! Love you all.

In Christ's Love and Grace


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