
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Judges 16:4-14 Samson falls for Delilah

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!
   Yesterday Samson visited a lady of the night, tore the gates off, and placed them on a hill near Hebron. 
Judges16:4-14 -- Well, as time passed Samson fell in love with a woman named Delilah, who lived in the valley of Sorek.  Now the rulers of the Philistines said they would give her 1100 pieces of silver to find out Samson's secret to his strength.
   At this time the Philistines were ruled by 5 rulers.  Each ruled a different city, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Ekron, Gath, or Gaza.  Each city was important to the trade and commerce.  These rich and powerful men "seduced" Delilah with pieces of silver.
   If you have noticed, Samson is a man of God, yet still sins, and his two biggest faults as I see it are women and anger.  A pretty woman turns his head quickly, and when betrayed or angered he killed Philistines for revenge.  Now God is using Samson to set up their fall, but it is just not seen at this time; we know because we have read the book.
   Delilah used her beauty and charm to find out Samson's secret.  3 times she asked, 3 times he played with her and did not tell the secret.  Now, think about this, is the lure of having a beautiful woman with you making your logic and brain functions diminish?  She has Philistines, not once, not twice, but three times hidden and wakes Samson saying they are coming to get him.  As the country western song goes and apply it to Samson: "What was I thinking?"
    Samson wanted to believe Delilah's lies and his burning lust for her clouded his vision of who she really was.  This applies to us in our lives today as well.  We must see the person for who they are, not from clouded vision or tinsel shaded glasses.  We can apply this to our spouses, friends, family, and associates.  We must be patient as time and observation often reveals what is beneath the pleasant appearance and attentive nature.  So, what happens next?  You know the story, but we will start here tomorrow. Love you all.
  In Christ's Love and Grace


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