You grumbler, beware lest ye be judged!!
Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED1!!
Yesterday in James the discussion was submit, resist, and draw near. Here is a warning from James 4:9 that all of us need to heed.
"Do not grumble against one another, brothers, so that you may not be judged; behold, the Judge is standing at the door."
And just what do this mean to you? I can share with you what I understand it to be and you can reply with a rebuttal, think about it, and maybe examine your heart.
In the ministry that I, and others, am involved in we work with people who are in need, in desperation, some feel like they are at the end of their rope. They need help in various ways, an sometimes if helped either they don't take care of what was given them, or some in ministry don't feel as if they are deserving and grumble or complain about it. Why?
I sit and think about where I am, and then, I sit and make a decision about when and if to help them and when I take a step back I have to ask: "who am I to judge?" I just ask that you think about James 4:9 and take it to heart.
When writing this I think about the man who moved to a new city to live. Walking down the street he met a man and asked about the city - the man replied these people are mean, nasty, unfriendly and hateful people. As he continued to walk he met another man and when asked about the city - the man said the people here are friendly, helpful, and fun to be around.
The moral of this story is you will find exactly what you are looking for. Are you grumbling, complaining constantly or are you happy, working for God, and see others as Christ sees them? The choice is yours!! Where your heart lies is your choice! Make the right choice my friend! Stay spiritually hunger and thirst for the living water!!!
In Christ's Love and Grace
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