
Monday, June 22, 2009

Miracle, today?

Good morning everyone! God is good all the time, all the time God is good! Do you see miracles each day as you set forth on your journeys? If yes, Praise God! If not, WHY NOT?

In Daniel, chapter 6, King Darius was tricked and had to throw Daniel to the lions. It would up that Daniel was the guest of honor at the Lions' Club and was treated as such.

When Darius came to check on Daniel the next day, Daniel did not have a scratch mark on him. Daniel was cast in the den as he did not deny his God or religious conviction. Have you?

May you openly show your love and conviction to JESUS CHRIST through every step you take, every thought you have, every action you take. If you have doubts, Stop, Drop, and Pray! Thank you for reading. Look for miracles - they are all around! Love you all.

In Christ's Love and Grace


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