
Friday, June 30, 2006

Dishonest, deceitful or discernment

Good morning everyone!!! I hope you have a wonderful day today. By the way, for the ones who don't know, I put this on a blog if you want to visit and comment openly for others to view. The address is: , then go to JohnnyBdaily and you will find my blog. May this day be a wonderful day in the Lord for you. Please pray for yourself, the people on this list, for our fellow neighbors and Americans as people will be traveling, BBQing, and some getting a little crazy this upcoming July 4th. You know, have you ever thought about being totally honest? Or are we deceitful and dishonest. Your first response is I AM NOT DECEITFUL OR DISHONEST.....well, I ask....whether with your spouse, a friend, family, have you NEVER given or manipulated information in such a way to manuver to get what you want? Yep, I have......but then later, how did you feel? A lot of how we feels depends where we are in our walk with Jesus. Maybe it depends on are looking for, but not strong in our faith of Jesus. Discernment means sound judgment; do I, do you always use sound judgment? What do you mean sound judgment, yeah, I do, see I have a......... No, no, no, that is not sound judgment in your spiritual life. You may be a good stewart of you house, money, affairs, family....but not love the Lord our God. If we don't love Jesus and have full faith in our Father, how do we expect to be wise and show discernment? In 2 Timothy 3...this tells us about the end times. This is when it will be difficult to be a Christian. Okay, back up, when are the end times? When do they begin? That is an easy question....the end times began after Jesus' resurrection when the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost. In end times people will care about: themselves, money. they will be boastful and proud, scoff at God, parents, and be ungrateful; nothing wll be sacred. WOW!!! Ya think we are there? Sure sounds like it, huh? Okay, 2 Timothy 3:4-8 "THEY WILL BETRAY THEIR FRIENDS, BE RECKLESS, BE PUFFED UP WITH PRIDE, AND LOVE PLEASURE RATHER THAN GOD. (5) THEY WILL ACT RELIGIOUS, BUT THEY WILL REJECT THE POWER THAT COULD MAKE THEM GODLY STAY AWAY FROM PEOPLE LIKE THAT! (6) THEY ARE THE KIND WHO WORK THEIR WAY INTO PEOPLE'S HOMES AND WIN THE CONFIDENCE OF VULNERABLE WOMEN WHO ARE BURDENED WITH THE GUILT OF SIN AND OCNTROLLED BY VARIOUS DESIRES. (7) SUCH WOMEN ARE FOREVER FOLLOWING NEW TEACHINGS, BUT THEY ARE NEVER ABLE TO UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH. (8) THESE TEACHERS OPPOSE THE TRUTH JUST AS jANNES AND jAMBRES OPPOSED MOSES. THEY HAVE DEPRAVED MINDS AND A COUNTERFEIT FAITH. (9) BUT THEY WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS FOR LONG. sOMEDAY EVERYONE WILL RECOGNIZE WHAT FOOLS THEY ARE, JUST AS WITH JANNES AND JAMBRES." Enough said, where are you? Are you following Christ? If not, why not? If not pray now for yourself. If you are following Christ, are you strong in you walk? Don't deceive yourself, don't be dishonest to yourself, but discern or show good judgment in all you do, bringing glory to Jesus. Love you all....thanks for reading.In Christ's Love and GraceJohnny

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Matthew 15-do you wash your hands?

Good morning everyone!!! A very nice and pleasant day to be one of God's children. I burned some midnight oil doing some work for the church last night, and you know, time flew by while doing work for the Lord. It was funny, when I finished I went to check my email and suddenly was tired. Isn't it amazing how we can do something we really enjoy and not get tired? Doing work for the Lord is not just a pleasure, but a privilege. If going to read your Bible is a chore, drudgery, stopping to pray is a pain, reading a devotional whether it be internet, email, or a book, takes too long.......then.......HOUSTON----WE HAVE A PROBLEM!!!! In Matthew 15, I won't quote it all, YOU take the TIME to read it; Jesus rebukes the scribes and Pharisees. They are giving Jesus a hard time, or tying to anyway, because Jesus disciples violated the "tradition of the elders" by not washing their hand when they eat bread. Well, do you know what Jesus said to them? Read you Bible!!!! Goodbye...just kidding. Jesus told them God cammanded honour they father and mother, whoever curseth his father or mother shall die the death. Whoever honours his father and mother shall be free. Jesus continues, telling the scribes and Pharisees that their tradition has basically nulified this commandment. Jesus quote Isaiah's prophesy; 'these people say they honor me, but their hearts are far away. Their worship is worthless, for they teach their man made laws instead of those from God. Jesus tells the crowd you are not unholy by eating non-kosher food. It is what you say and think that make you unclean. The disciples came and told Jesus he offended the scribes and Pharisees...duh.... Jesus responded....every plant not planted by my Father shall be rooted up, leave them alone if the blind leads the blind both shall fall in the ditch. So, here comes Peter, what do you mean Jesus? what are you saying? Sometimes Jesus has to get REAL SIMPLE for his disciples ya know. Jesus responds to Peter (in Holcombism) Dawg, don't cha get it? Anything you eat zips on through, the digestive tract man, then it is out, gone, good bye. Bad, evil words come from an evil heart and the dude that says them is defiled. Evil, bad, nasty thoughts come from this type of man, but there is no spiritual defilement from eating without going through a 'ritual of ceremonial handwashing.' So, to end (aren't you glad), are you ceremonial washing hands, following tradition, loaded with an evil heart? Or, are you eating the bread without washing your hands, but your body is nourished? Take in the bread of life, the word, the good book, move from the milk to the meat. I have rambled on, please respond, tell me where I have errored, tell me I am wrong and to search further. Let's grow together. Love you all.In Christ's Love and GraceJohnny

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Happiness and/or Freedom

good morning everyone!!!! What a wonderful day to be alive!! Why? Because God made this day special for you!!!! Claim the victory!!! It is yours!!! So, how do we claim the victory? First, we have to get ourselves right with God. Okay, I talk to God, I say a quick prayer. No, no, no, I mean we must first confess our sins, or our grudge against a brother, we must lay it before the Lord. Job 18:4 "You are only hurting yourself with your anger." Don't be mad at anyone, be happy in the Lord, letting the Lord lead. Proberbs 19:11 "A man's wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense." Are you sitting with wisdom or impatience? Ephesians 4:29 "Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those you hear you." WOW!!! Does this scream to you? All of us!!! Matthew 7:5 "Jesus said, 'First get rid of the log from your own eye; then perhaps you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye.'" Oh yeah!!!! Clean up your vision so that you may clearly see. Kinda makes me think of the expression you can't see the forest because of all the trees. How do you view things? Maybe you need to go to the great eye doc......God. Psalm 73:21-22 "When my thoughts were bitter and my feelings were hurt, I was as stupid as an animal." Proverbs 15:1 "A gentle response defuses anger, but a sharp tongue kindles a temper fire." You say, okay, how does this deal with happiness and freedom. If you are angry at someone this will eat at you, go from a small sore and fester to a boil. Clear up your vision so you can clearly see what God has in store for you. Kind words.......flies are caught with honey..not vinegar water. Animals respond to stimuli, and this is not always the wise way to respond. Maintain your patience, pray, pray, as a good word, kind word, helps defuse or take the guard down of the aggressive person. Is all this hard to do? Durn right, but it is easier with God, and keeping in God's shadow. the closer we walk with Jesus, the easier it is to walk and talk as did Jesus. Patience, wisdom, kind words, clearing up our vision will set us free, help us to experience God's happiness. Thank you for reading. Love you all.In Christ's Love and GraceJohnnyp.s. I put this on a blog which is JohnnyBdaily. God to and type in the title.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Are you on your timing or on God's timing? This is a test for my first day to blog.