
Monday, July 31, 2006

Ephesians 5:4 Our Talk

Good morning everyone!!!! I hope this is a great day in the Lord for you all. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good. As we travel through this life sometimes things happen or are interpreted differently than we intended. Sometimes in our conversation we may say things that we think are okay at that time but are not. I am guilty of this many times and afterwards a sick feeling hits us right in the gut. Look at Ehpesians 5:4 "NEITHER FILTHINESS, NOR FOOLISH TALKING, NOR JESTING, WHICH ARE NOT CONVENIENT: BUT RATHER GIVING OF THANKS." Now, what is being said here? Neighter filthiness means shameful speech, indecent talk, filthy stories, and obscenity as opposed to purity. This next one really hits home for me......I need to and will take heed. Nor foolish talking...senseless "fool-talk", silly speech, coarse vulgarity, idle gossip or talk. We should not be engaged in this...this will now be on my prayer list. Nor jesting-this refers to quick responses, just speaking to speak, making light of sin, making jokes that are inappropriate. Which are not convenient-meaning these things are not compatible or appropriate with Christianity. Totally out of sync with the Christian life. But rather giving of thanks-this is speaking in a positive way, which will replace the ugly or negative or vices listed before. We should praise God, thank Him for all we have, avoid the sinful side, be sure what comes out of your mouth is worthy. Would the words coming out of you mouth be ones you could share or tell Jesus? If so, that is good, if is time to re-evaluate and look at you position with God and where you are. This is a lecture to Johnny and I hope you received something from this. My heart is burdened at this time and I am praying and will continue to pray for forgiveness and to walk with Jesus, in His paths, rather than taking my own way. May God bless each and every one of you. Love you all. Have a great day in the Lord.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Friday, July 28, 2006

God did not condemn the world John 3:17-21

good morning everyone!!! May you have a wonderful Friday in the Lord!! today is the day the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad. Yesterday we talked about salvation. Is it true, once saved always saved? A lot of good comments came back from several people. And, Yes, I do believe once saved always is just our walk with the Lord that varies. John 3:16 covers salvation.....but what about John 3:17 "God did not send his SON into the world to condemn it, but to save it." God sent Jesus to fulfill the law, atone for our sins, so that we may have life everlasting. God does not want you, me, our neighbors, or anyone to perish. So, what is the problem? God allows us all free will, we make the call, our decision. Is this good? It is for all who turn to Jesus and call upon his name for salvation. Well, what about the others? All we have to do is trust and obey, for there is no other way. Hey, that could be a song!!!! Oh, yeah, it already is. lol John 3:18-21 tells us there is no eternal doom for those who do trust and obey. But, for those who have chosen not to trust and obey, they love the ways of the world, they like darkness more than light, then they are condemned themselves. God sent the Light of the World (Jesus) but these preferred the darkness. Why? Because, if we sin in darkness we feel no one knows, we can do what we want!!! The Light will expose their sins!! So, avoid the light at all costs. If you have some darkness in your life, you can take the time to appeal to the Light of the World (Jesus) and ask forgiveness. What a blessing we, as Christians have. We are not perfect, just forgiven. Take time today, right now, just Stop, be reverent, and say a quick prayer, asking God's forgiveness.....then go about your day knowing you are a child of the King, a beacon of Light, an example for the world. Thank you for reading today. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Salvation-Once saved always saved?

Good morning everyone!! I hope your day is going wonderful!!! Is it great to be a child of the risen saviour.....Jesus Christ??? Jesus reigns forever and we will be with him. YEA!!! Once saved-always saved!!! True or False????? How do you know you are saved? Did you join the church or go down front with a friend? HOW DO YOU KNOW?!?!?!? OH....What????? John 3:16 says what??????? By Faith?? Yes, all you have to do is ask jesus for salvation for you to be saved. So could I be saved if I live like the devil yet profess to be saved??? What do you think???? TELL ME!!! Where in the Bible doe it say you can be unsaved??? If I am reborn can I now be UN-REBORN???? Who is salvation for anyway???? EVERYONE!!! We can't be unreborn either. Christ shed His blood for us. But, wait, let's say Johnny goes out with women, drinks beer, dances, and Lord know what...... How can he be saved? I don't think he is saved because he lives wrong. Oh, so now we are judge?? Uh, well, uh.....not our place to judge, but we can evalutate the fruits of his (Johnnys) labor. Remember, before you worry about the speck in your neighbors eye you must take the LOG out of your own eye. No, if you are really serious about Johnny's salvation let's take these steps: 1) Pray for him (Stop, Drop, and Pray) 2) Approach Johnny with your concern 3) If you are not satisfied go to the pastor 4) If this is not satisfactory go to the church 5) At this time you should have prayed through the situation
Now, why do you approach Johnny about this? Well, because he has been a stumbling block to you. Okay, frankly, his salvation is not your main concern, his being a stumbling block to a fellow Christian is. Salvation is personal between Johnny and Jesus. It is "nunya's (none of your business). Yes, we should be concerned and pray about his salvation, but what he does is between him and Jesus. Sooooooo..... in your opinion is Johnny saved? well......well..... Right, exactly, it is not for you to judge, you cannot be unborn. Johnny and Jesus know. Johnny is a work in the process, Jesus is still working with him and has not finished yet. So, what do we do? We pray that the spirit will convict Johnny and help him to walk the walk with Jesus. Don't condemn him, judge him, but be in prayer. God loves it when we talk to Him about anything. If you are a parent, you probably have felt the pleasure of helping your child and when they talk to you about something. I know I do. Feedback please. Have a super day in Jesus. Love you all!!!!
In Christ's Love and Grace

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Rejection-Luke 17:22-25

Good morning everyone!!! I hope this is a great day in the Lord Jesus!! You know, many times we go through rejection by someone, it may be someone close to us, or simply an acquaintance. As we progress through life we experience many things, but when we are rejected sometimes our spirit and hope goes down. Well, why wouldn't they? I mean, look at what is going on!!! At work I don't get the recognition I deserve; at home I am taken for granted; at the store, at church, whereever I am just there; no one can call me by name. Weeeellllll, when we get here we begin looking down, to the ground, and forget to place our eyes upward, toward the heavens, where our FATHER lives. But rejection is so hard to take!! Oh, yeah, but if it had not been for rejection where would we be? Huh? Who is the greatest person in history who was rejected? JESUS!!!! Luke 17:25 "BUT FIRST I MUST SUFFER TERRIBLY AND BE REJECTED BY THIS WHOLE NATION." This is Jesus talking. People at work, church, the store, downtown, wherever may not know your name....BUT.....our FATHER KNOWS OUR NAME, our Father calls us by name. What more do you need? God, the Father, Jesus, can call us by name.... they do....and they tell us to come, be part of the flock. God NEVER fails us and always calls us by name. In the passage 22-25 Jesus tells his disciples the day will come when they will want Him to be with them, just for a day, He won't be there physically, many will come in His name, and when He returns there will be no doubt!!! It will be as obvious as the lightening in skies. Jesus was rejected, and because of His rejected we are made white as snow because we are dyed in the blood. Remember.....because He died, we are dyed. Thanks for reading today. Love you all. Have a super day in the Lord.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Monday, July 24, 2006

Choices - Joshua 24:15

good morning everyone!!! I hope this is a wonderful day for you!! You know, life if full of choices, and we SHOULD be accountable for our choices or decisions. Unfortunately, in today's society, too many people want to have and excuse or blame someone else for what did or did not happen. Joshua 24:15 "CHOOSE FOR YOURSELVES THIS DAY WHOM YOU WILL SERVE...AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD." Who are you serving? As a child ( maybe now, lol) we would do the eenie, meenie, minie, moe thing to choose or make a choice. Sometimes we can make a pro and con list and see how that works. The pro and con list is good and weighs out the options. Somethings we need to decide are: 1. Will my choice keep me in the center of God's will? 2. How will my desicion affect your life and the lives of others? We are all traveling down the highway of life. What we have asked for and are following the main highway to heaven we see many exits. Each exit has its own type of appeal. We have a choice......keep following the highway and the signs pointing to heaven.......OR........take an exit to VISIT one of the items along the way. If we change lanes or exit the will this affect you, how will this affect others, your family, will your changing lanes or exit cause a major pileup? When you change lanes or exit, how will this affect your relationship with God. Food for thought. What are your choices? Yes, you will make some wrong choices as you are human. I sin, have sinned, and will continue to sin.......but is it willingly and deliberate or just a slight error in judgment or in my choice? Stop, listen, and enjoy being a child of God. Let God be in control. Worldly things are tempting, very tempting, and we can resist them..... with the strength and power of God. Have a great day in the Lord. Please pray for yourself, me, your neighbor, friends, and church. Love ya'll!!In Christ's Love and Grace Johnny

Friday, July 21, 2006

I Thess 2:10 Integrity....Character

Hey guys, sorry, running way late. Had phone calls coming in this a.m. and then went to have lunch with my daughters. that is where we ate. haha a little humor, very little. Okay ...... "YOU ARE WITNESSES, AND GOD ALSO, HOW DEVOUTLY AND JUSTLY AND BLAMELESSLY WE BEHAVED OURSELVES AMONG YOU WHO BELIEVE. I Thess 2:10 We generally consider or define a person of integrity as one who has a high ethical standard and who generally chooses to do things in an hones way. This is Integrity involves much more than just having an ethical code or being honest in certain situations. Integrity means choosing to consistently do the right things in every situation and live each day according to the ethics Christ gives us. Character is doing the integrity thing, or right thing, when no one is watching. Do you stand on your principles.....does your integrity show, is your character CATCHING????? Last week, twice, I comprimised my integrity and character. Feel guilty......a BIG YES, YES, YES!!!!! However, God gives us a chance to redeem ourselves. I already told you about the 75 cents I returned. I did get 2 responses about the change from the Coke machine. Now, for the rest of the story......... My granddaughter and I went to get a coke, when the change came out it was too much. Kenzie noticed it, she is a smart kid, but said nothing, I noticed it, but said nothing. The next morning, after breakfast, Kenzie and I went to the front desk. I mentioned the coke machine gave me 20 cents too much and returned the money to them. The lady behind the desk did not know exactly what to do. As we walked off, Kenzie told me that was a nice thing to do since we don't know who it belongs to. Now, I am not patting myself on the back, but I tell my g'kids to be honest and tell the truth. What did I just teach?????? the best example is demonstrated....not taught for head knoweldge. thanks for listening, please pray for me....a few personal problems. thanks. Pray for yourself, family, friends, neighbors, church, pastor(s). God loves our prayers....oral or silent!!!In Christ's Love and GraceJohnny

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Good morning everyone!!! How are you doing today??? A great day to be alive in our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Stop and think for a moment... areyou honest. or HHHHOOOOONNNNNEEEEESSSSSTTTTTTT!!!!! What I mean by this is, do you return items found that someone may have forgotten, or do you choose to ignore, pick it up and go on with OH WELL!?!?!? I thought about this yesterday when a man at the laundry room left 75 cents on the dryer. When I switched my clothes, saw it, grabbed it and chased him down the hall to give it back. His comment was: oh, just keep it, that's okay. Well, in this particular instance it was not okay as it would have gone against my conscience and I could not felt good about it nor felt this was what God wanted me to do. Okay, Mr. Goody Two Shoes!!!! So you think you are good, huh?!?!?! No, not really, because late last night when I went to the coke machine, put in a dollar for a 60 cent coke, my change was 60 cents instead of 40. Did this bother me?? Yes, it did. Who do I give the extra change to, do I keep it, what exactly do I do????? I need to be aligned with the is my next step. What do you think I should do. I will reveal what I did to you tomorrow. I would just like response about your views concerning this issue. Now, I am not trying to be a self-righteous individual here, I just sin enough on other items, I want to do what is right here. No one is perfect, but we can strive to live an honest life. Yes, we will have setbacks and disappointments, but we just have to ask for God's forgiveness whenever we fail and then go on. We need to shore up or make stronger our weak points before the Lord. Is that temptation standing before you? WHat are you going to do?? Be honest with your self, have a pure heart before the Lord. Last week I fell prey to one of my temptations, therefore, not being honest or true to my belief. I have to ask forgiveness of the Lord, forgive my self, and ask forgiveness from the person I sinned against. The last two are the toughest ones to do......but to be honest with self it is necessary. Acts 24:16 I ALWAYS TRY TO MAINTAIN A CLEAR CONSCIENCE BEFORE GOD AND EVERYONE ELSE. Proverbs 21:28 NO ONE BELIEVES A LIAR, BUT EVERYONE RESPECTS THE WORDS OF AN HONEST MAN. Proverbs 10:31 HONEST PEOPLE SPEAK SENSIBLY, BUT DECEITFUL LIARS WILL BE SILENCED. Proverbs 12:17 TRUTHFUL WITNESS BY A GOOD PERSON CLEARS THE AIR, BUT LIARS LAY DOWN A SMOKE SCREEN OF DECEIT. Proverbs 11:1 THE LORD HATES CHEATING AND DELIGHTS IN HONESTY.AND Proverbs 12:5 A GOOD MAN'S MIND IS FILLED WITH HONEST THOUGHTS; AN EVIL MAN'S MIND IS CRAMMED WITH LIES.
Thank you for reading with me today. May the Lord keep and bless you this very day. Remember, Stop, Drop, and is good for the soul!!!!Love you all.
In Christ's Love and GraceJohnny

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Encouragement 2 Corinthians 4:16

Good morning everyone!!!! I hope your day is going wonderful in the Lord! Yes, is good all the time, God and all the time, God is good. Yesterday we visited with about flattery, and what it does. Today, encouragement or we could say praise. 2 Corinthians 4:16 WE DO NOT LOSE HEART. EVEN THOUGH OUR OUTWARD MAN IS PERISHING, YET THE INWARD MAN IS BEING RENEWED DAY BY DAY. Now, stop and reread this verse. What is this saying to you? To you? To me, it says be encouraged, keep the faith, don't forget Jesus who lives in your heart. Okay.....sooooo? Well, we know, that once we are born we will spend every breathing moment of our life working toward death of the physical man. Our body grows from weak (infant) to strong (child hood) to strongest (our prime 20's-40's) then after our peak we begin the process going back (50's to 60 something) past our prime and sliding down hill again, until one day we just up and die. Our physical being is on a ride and all the pleasures of the world are tempting because that is where our physical body lives. But it says: 'yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.' What????? What do you mean??Very Simple! Each day when we study our Bible, read a Bible passage or devotional, tell someone about Jesus our inward man is being renewed. How wonderful is this!!!! Isaiah 40:31 "THOSE WHO WAIT ON THE LORD SHALL RENEW THEIR STRENGTH; THEY SHALL MOUNT UP WITH WINGS LIKE EAGLES, THEY SHALL RUN AND NOT BE WEARY; THEY SHALL WALK AND NOT FAINT." Psalm 73:"MY FLESH AND MY HEART FAIL; BUT GOD IS THE STRENGTH OF MY HEART AND MY PORTION FOREVER." John 16:33 "JESUS SAID, THESE THINGS I HAVE SPOKEN TO YOU, THAT IN ME YOU MAY HAVE PEACE. IN THE WORLD YOU WILL HAVE TRIBULATION; BUT BE OF GOOD CHEER, I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD." Hey.......this is the word, I cannot say it any better than Jesus. As we say down don't get no better than that!!!! Stop, Drop, and you allIn Christ's Love and GraceJohnny

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Proverbs 29 & 7 Flattery

Man, I hate to go back to work, but it will keep me on my schedule and doing my Bible studies at the same early morning when I enjoy it most. Hey, how about a quick visit about pride or flattery. This will be short and hope you get something from it. I am really talking, visiting, no scre-aming at myself. Proverbs 29:5 TO FLATTER PEOPLE IS TO LAY A TRAP OF THEIR FEET. You can be vulnerable to flattery because you are likely to be the object of attention. Don't we all enjoy attention or being acknowledged? Flattery is a dangerous trap because it is manipulative. Flattery may disguise anger, ambition, or any number of not so good motives.....ulterior motives? Proverbs 7:21-23 SHE SEDUCED HIM WITH HER PRETTY SPEECH. WITH HER FLATERY SHE ENTICED HIM. HE FOLLOWED HER AT ONCE.....HE WAS LIKE A BIRD FLYING INTO A SNARE, LITTLE KNOWING IT WOULD COST HIM HIS LIFE. WOW!!!! Are these words strong!!!! In its most dishonest and deceptive form, flattery is a lie that leads into sin. Leaders, male and female, must beware of the flattery that can lead to sexual compromise. It could cost him his life. This is not refering to just earthly life, but possibly life everlasting. Pretty scarry. Feedback please. Love you all... have a super day in the Lord...Jesus loves you bunches.In Christ's Love and GraceJohnny

Monday, July 17, 2006

James 1:12

Good morning everyone!!!! Thank you Jesus for another day, another day to right ourselves with you and spread the gospel. James 1:12 "BLESSED IS A MAN WHO ENDURES TRIALS, BECAUSE WHEN HE PASSES THE TEST HE WILL RECEIVE THE CROWN OF LIFE THAT HE HAS PROMISED TO THOSE WHO LOVE HIM." As believing Christians, we have all been blessed beyond what we can measure. Thanksgiving should become a habitual part of our life, thanking God for all He does for us. We have many blessings, and we should revel in those things. Sometimes we look at the "other" side, or fall prey to the "other" side; when we do, we need to ask for forgiveness, forgive ourselves, and pray one for another. God has given me so many blessings and I am truly thankful for those. I do also stumble and fall; when I do I find I have a hard time forgiving myself. Such is the case at this time and I ask for your prayers. Jesus is the rock on which our house is built, however, sometimes we may choose an inferior brick and then we need to cast it out. Numbers 6:24-25 "THE LORD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU; THE LORD MAKE HIS FACE SHINE UPON YOU. AND BE GRACIOUS TO YOU." Thank you for reading. Love ya'll.In Christ's Love and GraceJohnny

Saturday, July 15, 2006

JohnnyBdaily--Have you observed?

good morning all!!! yes, I am certainly gald to be alive in Jesus!! Howse 'bout you? Is your faith built on Christ the Solid Rock? If so, how do this affect "crisis situations"? The way we deal with crisis situations all vary. Some go to pieces, some cry hysterically, some become introvert, some explode...scream and yell. But it seems that the people I know who have Christ are able to handle most crisis situations in a more calm and logic type of way. People who do not know Christ, who are of the world, who seem to be used to getting things worked out their way tend to be more vocal, demanding, or they all hoover around one and together blame 'something else' for their problems. We all have crisis in our life, how we deal with them is the key. Do, you, as a Christian, give ALL your TROUBLES to JESUS? Or do you keep a share to work out yourself? Jesus will take them all, give them to him, and then be like the song: "DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY!" Hey, thanks for reading, have a great day in Jesus!!! Love you all!!!In Christ's Love and Grace Johnny

Friday, July 14, 2006

Do you have a cheerful heart? Proverbs 15:13

Good morning everyone!!! What a great day to be thankful to be one of God's children!!!! You know, as a child of God we should be cheerful. If we are truly Christians, WHY do we walk around complaining and are not cheerful. Why should we be sad, unhappy, grumpy, mad, bitter? Proverbs 15:13 "A MERRY HEART MAKETH A CHEERFUL COUNTENANCE: BUY BY SORROW OR THE HEART THE SPIRIT IS BROKEN." The Life Application Bible "a glad heart makes a happy face; a broken heart crushes the spirit." Now what is this saying? Oh, did the verse mention HEART? Well, of course it did!!! If you heart has been given to Jesus, we should be happy as we know Jesus promises us lives of abundance and joy, Christ does not force His joy upon us, we must claim his joy for ourselves. When we do, Jesus fills our spirits with His power and His love. Is Jesus, the Saviour of mankind, at the center of your life? If not, and you claim to be a Christian....then....WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? As one of God's children we can share Christ's joy and His message with a world that needs both. We should do our Christian life just as we do our prayer life....pray boldly and confindently and then claim the victory. As a Christian we should go forth boldly and confidently and claim our victory in Christ. Yeah, okay, what victory? We have conquered death!!! Proverbs 15:15 (Holman CSB) A cheerful heart has a continual feast. James 5:13 (Holman CSB) Is anyone cheerful? He should sing praises Proverbs 15:30 (Holman CSB) Bright eyes cheer the heart; good news strengthens the bones. Where is your heart. Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart does good, like medicine. Stop, Drop, Pray......and be sure you have given God total control of your heart. Thanks for dropping in. Love you all. Once again, if you do not wish to receive these daily devotionals please let me know. I am trying to shorten them so they will only take 1 to 2 minutes of your time. However, remember, Christ needs ALL your time, whether it be in devotion, example, or spreading the gospel. Bye now!! :-)In Christ's Love and Grace Johnny

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Blessings Zec 8:9-15

Good Morning!!! I hope your evening and day has been wonderful!!! Mine has as I have my grandkids today and we all slept in until after 8;30....yea!!! This explains my tardiness.....Yesterday we talked about why do the unjust and worldly people keep being rewarded when we are not? Well, when we do what God wishes us to do we are always blessed. Oh, yeah, sometimes we justify and say we were doing God's will....BUT.....were we? I am not going to print all the verses, but please take time to ready. Zec 8:13 "Among the other nations, Judah and Israel became symbols of a cursed nation. But no longer! Now I will rescue you and make you both a symbol and a source of blessing. So don't be afraid. Be strong, and get on with rebuilding the Temple!" How is your temple of God!! Is it rebuilt? Or is it in a sea of chaos? Verses 9-12 god had to give the Temple workers a little push to get them moving. they had heard the prophets' words of encouragement. At this time they needed to stop just listening and get to work.....Sound familiar? We need to listen to God.....then......make sure our plan of action is carried through.....we need to be strong. Verses 13-15 God and his prophets had been urging the people to finish building the temple for 15 years. The people of God were encouraged with visions from God, BUT, the people did not respond as they should. Why? because sometimes we feel that what we are doing is too difficult, or not worth the effort, or not glamarous. God's promises about the future should encourage us. God knows the fruits of our labor and what will come. If we listen to God all will be put in perspective in our labors for him. God promises us rich rewards, He will not change His mind, BUT, we also have a job to do. God tells us we: will be faithful, we have responsibilities to tell the truth, exercise justice and live peacefully. If we want God to do His part and be part of our lives, we must do ours. Thank you for reading today. love you all (ya'll in Texas). Have you have a blessed day and week.In Christ's Love and GraceJohnny

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Why do wicked prosper--Jeremiah 12:1-4

Good morning!!! Yes, what a lovely day to be God's child. You know, life is what we look for. A man moved to a different town miles from where he grew up. As he walked down the street he met a man and asked him what kind of people lived in this town. He man said the people there were mean, ugly, self-centered, and just plain nasty. Then he asked the young man about the people where he came from he said they were the same. As he walked on he met another man and poised the same question. This man said the people there were wonderful, caring, good and kind people; and in returned queried him about his town. The young man replied that the people were the same as in this new town. Sooooooooo....... well, people many times are what we are looking for. Where are we looking from? Our eyes, down trodden eyes, OR heavenly eyes, uplifted eyes. So? What does this have to do with Jeremiah or Job? Okay.... Jeremiah is looking at what is going on and is seeing the "bad" people are prospering. Why? Let's look!! Jer 12:1-4 "LORD, you always give me justice when I bring a case before you. so let me bring you this complaint. Why are the wicked so prosperous? Why are evil people so happy? You have planted them, and they have taken root and prospered. Your name is on their lips, but you are far from their hearts. But as for me, LORD, you know my heart. You see me and test my thoughts. Drag these people away like sheep to be butchered!!! Set them aside to be slaughtered! How long must this land mourn? Even the grass in the fields has withered. The wild animals and birds have disappeared because of the evil in the land. For the people have said. 'The LORD doesn't see what's ahead for us!'" Nothing seems fair. I work hard, do what is right, worship God, go to church, and I have troubles with money, spouse, life, career. Yet the crooked, mean, dishonest, ungodly, are propsering!!! They have nice cars, nice houses, 4 wheelers, jet ski's, boats, RV's, etc. Why does God let them prosper? Look at me.......I am doing what is right and get crushed!!! Well, you know, we have to remember in due time the wicked would receive their just deserts.Judgment will fall upon them. Well....why isn't it fair now? If God was just and fair and gave us all our punishment we would be in big trouble as well as the ungodly. The only reason that you, me, Christians are clean, white and pure is because of Jesus. Jesus shed him blood so that we are cleansed. We must decide if we want to compare ourselves to the world and worldly or be content to be a child of God and know that we will live forever, and ever, and ever. Eternal life. A little long, but not long enough. don't judge and look at the world, look inside, at yourself. You are beautiful through Jesus. Revel in the fact you are a child of God, of the King, of the universes. Love you all. Thank you for reading. I hope this makes sense......please let me know. I did this is short version and did not do justice.In Christ's Love and GraceJohnny

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Be Happy....don't worry I Peter 4:14

Good day everyone!!! sorry for the tardiness, I took a friend in for an operation and had to get up at 4:30 and did not have time to study. Please say a prayer for Dee as she had foot surgery. Many times we cruise around, in our own little fog and don't realize what is going on around us, next to us, the people we come in contact with are just blurs. Also, many times we look like we are mad at the world. Today in the grocery store I turned down one aisle and coming the other way was a nice looking young lady who looked mad at the world. When I read her t-shirt I understood why.......she had been at Premier Fitness... working out. haha just kidding, I don't think she was mad about working out but she was just ZONED and all around her just weren't in her world at that time. Well, of course, I smiled and said know what? She has a nice smile, spoke, and continued on. Well, what is the point here Johnny? Well, I have been thinking, I Peter 4:14 says: "BE HAPPY IF YOUR ARE CURSED AND INSULTED FOR BEING A CHRISTIANS,FOR WHEN THAT HAPPENS THE SPIRIT OF GOD WILL COME UPON YOU WITH GREAT GLORY." Okay, the point, after I smiled and spoke to her, I continued to do so during my 45 excursion of shopping. Amazing how many people, young, old, male, female, would smile and be pleasant in return. Go out and share your Christ like attitude today, tomorrow, in the future. See what a difference it will make in people. Hey, thanks for listening, tomorrow let's jump to Jeremiah 12 beginning with verse 1. Take a look at it and give me feedback. If you go to and then go to advanced search (beside the search) and type in JohnnyBdaily, this is my blog and you can comment till your heart is content. Love you all.In Christ's Love and GraceJohnny

Monday, July 10, 2006

Anger....Proverbs 15:18

Good morning everyone!!! How are you doing this fine Lord's day? You know everyday is the Lord's we act like it? Chances are NOT!! I do spend a lot of time on the road, driving, and this is a great time to meditate, pray, and just think things through. Yesterday, coming home from a family reunion in Amarillo I decided to take an alternate route and see if it was faster. Well, while cruising South on U.S. Highway 287 I was flowing with traffic at about 75 mph. Then when I turned onto Hwy 114 I was cruising and trying to catch up with the traffic, speed limit 60, and I was running 70. Well, wouldn't you know, a white pickup pulled out from a stop sign and slowly merged, meaning I had to slow down. My thoughts were...fool, what are you thinking, speed up or let me over. Well, I couldn't get around, I was not angry, just frustrated. Proverbs 15:18 "A QUICK-TEMPERED MAN STARTS FIGHTS; A COOL-TEMPERED MAN TRIES TO STOP THEM." This verse is telling us that the even tempered man is the one who carefully controls his emotions and is not prone to quarreling. A wrathful man stirs up strife wherever he goes. The man who is slow to anger is able to spread the oil of peace on strife laden situations. A year ago, I would have been flat out mad at this pickup.....why? To what good does this do? Nothing, nada, not, I have been working on the anger issue. Well, to finish, because I was behind this guy in the slow pickup, we drive about a mile and guess what we see? You got it.....a DPS officer who just finished giving a ticket to a motorist. Had I got around him I probably would have been next. Thank you Jesus for riding with me and taking care of me. Yes, I drove within the speed limit the rest of the way home. Don't anger....enjoy your day in Jesus. Love you all. Stop, Drop, and Pray.In Christ's Love and GraceJohnny

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Good morning everyone!! What a beautiful day in the Lord. The temperature here in Amarillo is low 70's and feels great. I pray that God gives you the wonderful blessed day you deserve. Remember God first, and look up and forward with great expectations. I Corinthians 10:14 "SO, MY DEAR FRIENDS, FLEE FROM THE WORSHIP OF IDOLS." What do you mean? I don't worship idols!!!!! Oh, yeah, well, tell me, how many big boy or big girl toys do you have? Right, but God doesn't want us to be destitue and have nothing!!! No, God's redeeming GRACE makes us rich beyond what more do we need. As said before, death with the most toys is DEATH; death with Jesus as saviour is LIFE EVERLASTING!!! What do you put first? My golf game, my 4 wheeler, my RV, my house, my............? Ya get my drift? What is first in your life should come out quickly and have only five letters...J E S U S !!!! We need not pagan temples, or pagan idols, we should flee from these. Today, in modern times, our idols tend to be symbols of power, pleasure and/or prestige. Let's put JESUS first!! Thank you for reading. Say a pray for you, me, address book, family, friends, community, everyone!! Remember, when in doubt, STOP, DROP, & PRAY. Love you all. Be blessed.In Christ's Love and GraceJohnny

Friday, July 07, 2006

Just Remember

The next time you feel like GOD can't use you, just remember...>>Noah was a drunk>>Abraham was too old>>Isaac was a daydreamer>>Jacob was a liar>>Leah was ugly>>Joseph was abused>>Moses had a stuttering problem>>Gideon was afraid>>Samson had long hair and was a womanizer>>Rahab was a prostitute>>Jeremiah and Timothy were too young>>David had an affair and was a murderer>>Elijah was suicidal>>Isaiah preached naked>>Jonah ran from God>>Naomi was a widow>>Job went bankrupt>>Peter denied Christ>>The Disciples fell asleep while praying>>Martha worried about everything>>The Samaritan woman was divorced, more than once>>Zaccheus was too small>>Paul was too religious>>Timothy had an ulcer..AND>> Lazarus was dead!>>>>Now! No more excuses!>>God can use you to your full potential.>>Besides you aren't the message, you are just the messenger.>>And one more thing...Share this with a friend or two...>>In the Circle of God's love, God's waiting to use your full potential.>>>>1. God wants spiritual fruit, not religious nuts.>>2. Dear God, I have a problem, it's Me.>>3. Growing old is inevitable .. growing UP is optional.>>>>4. There is no key to happiness. The door is always open.>>>>5. Silence is often misinterpreted but never misquoted.>>>>6. Do the math .. count your blessings.>>>>7. Faith is the ability to not panic.>>>>8. Laugh every day, it's like inner jogging.>>>>9. If you worry, you didn't pray . If you pray, don't worry.>>>>10. As a child of God, prayer is kind of like calling home everyday.>>>>11. Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.>>>>12. The most important things in your house are the people.>>>>13 When we get tangled up in our problems, be still. God wants us to be >>still so He can untangle the knot.>>>>14. A grudge is a heavy thing to carry.>>>>15 He who dies with the most toys is still dead.>>>>>>Have a great day!!! The SON is shining and he can certainly use you!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Are you Christ like? Gal 5:22-23

Good morning everyone!!!! Well, we got some moisture here in Texas that was well needed. No enough, but we are thankful for what we received. I hope this is a great day in the Lord for you!!! Remember, you are special, and God wants all of us to be like Jesus. How can we be like Jesus? We are not perfect.....we have sin in our lives!!!! There is no way we can be like Jesus! Oh, but there is.... remember.....Jesus died for us, our sins, and when we ask forgiveness we become white as the pure driven snow. Our Christian character is produced by the Holy Spirit, not by self effort. If we could do things for ourselves, we would not need God. Galatians 5:22-23 "BUT THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT IS LOVE, JOY, PEACE, LONGSUFFERING, GENTLENESS, GOODNESS, FAITH, MEEKENSS, TEMPERANCE; AGAINST SUCH THERE IS NO LAW." These nine qualities portray a beautiful description of Jesus Christ, if we contain these fruits of the Spirit, we are Christ like. Do these just come when we accept Jesus? No, through our study and devotion, and our experiences we learn what these qualities mean and are. Sometimes circumstances cross our path that tempt us to use the opposite quality. It is easy to love lovely people, but God may teach you real love by putting you around some not so lovely people. It takes more character to love people who are not lovely and loving to you. I John 3:18 "DEAR CHILDREN, LET US STOP JUST SAYING WE LOVE EACH OTHER; LET US REALLY SHOW IT BY OUR ACTIONS." The action may be so slight, but so effective. Here is a challenge today......when you are out shopping, having lunch, running errands, or whatever, when you meet people simply smile the big smile, nod you head, and say hello, hi, have a nice day, or something pleasant and see what your reaction will be. When you go out just pray that God will help you touch someones life. If you do this and they react negatively, I'll buy you a tall glass of ice tea (or coffee for coffee drinkers). Have a wonderful day, pass on the love, joy, peac, longsuffering, gentlenesss, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance to someone else. Let them see Jesus in you!!! Love you all. Have a super day and keep being like Jesus!!!!!In Christ's Love and GraceJohnny

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Psalm 119:105

Good morning everyone!!! I trust you had a great and safe 4th of July. Does England have a 4th of July? Why, of course they do, they just don't celebrate it. lol Sorry, an old, old joke. Do you get up, think about what you have and need to do, and go forth? I do many times, but what do I forget????? Yes, putting all my faith in the word and totally trusting in the word of God. Psalm 119:105 "YOUR WORD IS A LAMP UNTO MY FEET, AND A LIGHT TO MY PATH." Now, just think about this for an instant. The Bible was written hundreds of years ago, yet it is as applicable today and it was for David, Solomon, Paul, Timothy, Peter,...... There are not a lot of complicated rules and regs to follow; and stories and examples are given to help us understand. Are you allowing the word of God to be your light? Or..... are you leaning on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5 "TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND LEAN NOT TO YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING." Okay, so......what does this mean? Peter saw Jesus after he calmed the waters and what was Jesus doing? Yes, he was walking on the water!!! Peter stepped out and did what? Peter walked on water also, but how did he do this? He trusted in the Lord, he had no doubt, he just walked on water. Then what happened? Well, Peter, after stepping out in faith and walked, began to lean or listen to his own understanding, he took his eyes off JESUS!!! When his understanding hit, it was aught oh, I am walking on water and we are supposed to swim or sink.....we can't walk on water. Well, he was fine when he had his eyes on Jesus and Peter was indeed walking on water. When he sank.....guess who had to pull him to safety? Yes......JESUS!! Read your Bible, study your Bible, for this is your roadmap to eternal life. Once we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour we are not to go to the recliner, click on the tv and do no more. Stay in the word and grow, grow in Jesus!! Will you sin? yes, but you are forgiven and you continue to grow. God loves you. I love you. You love you. So, let's all grow together and enjoy eternal life together. Thanks for reading.In Christ's Love and GraceJohnny

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

You are chosen by God

Good morning all!! Most of you will probably be busy and do July 4th activites. I just pray that you all be safe, enjoy, and don't forget to praise God for what you have and are going to do. Love ya all!! Revelation 4:11 "You, God, created everything, and it is for your pleasure that they exist and were created." This is talking about YOU....God takes pleasure in YOU!!!! Psalm 149:4 "The Lord takes pleasure in his people." Go out and make your Father in Heaven proud of you today. Don't ever forget, you are a child of the King, Father of the universe, you are royalty.......carry forth as such. Stop right now and pray for all the people on the list, your family, friends, neighbors, country and world. Have a safe 4th. Love you all....Thank you Jesus for your saving grace. In Christ's Love and GraceJohnny

Monday, July 03, 2006

Good Morning all! Happy July 3rd to everyone!!! Please be safe on the 4th, make good choices, don't do anything that is questionable. You know, but do we always remember, the power we have in being a child of God?? What happens in the world today? Can we be name droppers? Certainly, if you know the right people, many times you can drop the name and that alone will gain you entrance somewhere. Well............why is it we don't become name droppers since we are children of the King of the Universe, the Father of All?????? What you mean Willis? Well, simple, who came and died for your sins? Who was persecuted by His own people, the Jews? Who wore a crown of thorns? Who was humilitated by the Romans? Only one name comes to mind, huh? J E S U S ! ! ! Okay, Okay, I understand, I know Jesus is my Lord and saviour, but be a name dropper? Okay, let's put this on an everyday level......if you find a new product......laundry soap, restuarant, clothing store, or whatever, you would definately tell others. Hey, have you tried.......? Then you would explain all about it. Well, listen to this. Jesus was on a boat across the lake from Galilee in Gerasene country and begins in verse 27 of Luke 8. "AS HE WAS CLIMBING OUT OF THE BOAT A MAN FROM THE CITY OF GADARA CAME TO MEET HIM, A MAN WHO HAD BEEN DEMON-POSSESSED FOR A LONG TIME. HOMELESS AND NAKED, HE LIVED IN A CEMETERY AMONG THE TOMBS. AS SOON AS HE SAW aJESUS HE SHRIEKED AND FELL TO THE GROUND BEFORE HIM, SCREAMING, 'WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME, JESUS, SON OF GOD MOST HIGH? PLEASE, I BEG YOU, OH, DON'T TORMENT ME!' FOR JESUS WAS ALREADY COMMANDING THE DEMON TO LEAVE HIM. THIS DEMON HAD OFTEN TAKEN CONTROL OF THE MAN SO THAT EVEN WHEN SHACKLED WITH CHANS HE SIMPLY BROKE THEM AND RUSHED OUT INTO THE DESERT, COMPLETELY UNDER THE DEMON'S POWER. 'WHAT IS YOUR NAME?' JESUS ASKED THE DEMON, 'LEGION,' THEY REPLIED- FOR THE MAN WAS FILLED WITH THOUSANDS OF THEM! THEY KEPT BEGGIN JESUS NOT TO ORDER THEM INTO THE BOTTOMLESS PIT." Okay, so what is the point. The point is, satan's angels or demons are must more powerful than we are, but what did they do at the name of Jesus? They trembled, they trembled, THEY, THE DEMONS, TREMBLED. Just at the name of Jesus....they trembled. WOW! BIG WOW!! We are brothers in Christ!!! Can we be name droppers? You bet!!! So, are you a name caller, or just a convenient name caller, meaning when there are other Christians around. Talk about Jesus, tell others about Jesus. Oh, I couldn't because I may offend someone. SO!!!! If you don't PLANT the SEED, then it can't germinate and create another beautiful child of God. Is there power in the name of JESUS? You bet there is, so spread the word, plant the seed, be a name dropper. JESUS is THE WORD!!! Thank you for you all, be careful and see you tomorrow. I will put this on my blog site if you want to comment. Go to and go to JohnnyBdaily.In Christ's Love and GraceJohnny