
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Is What you see, really WHAT YOU SEE????

Good morning everyone!!! I hope this is a great day in the Lord for each one of you. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. You know, I am reading a book from church, "The Man in the Mirror", and it is really good. If you have a chance to pick it up or read it take the time and effort.
When you look in the mirror what do you really see? Are you happy with what you see? Is what you see pleasing to you and others? Or when you walk away the image slowly vaporizes and you no longer remember what you saw?
Is the outward person reflective of the inward person? Are you true to yourself? You know, many times our Christian life is like the mirror. We look good on the outside, but inside is an awful, troubled story.
It is important to listen to God's word, but more important to obey it and do what it says. Does your Bible study time have an effect on your behavior and your attitude? Do you put into action what you have studied?
Thanks for reading. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

You don't have TROUBLES!!!!!

Good morning to one and all. What a wonderful day to be alive in the Lord Jesus Christ. CAN YOU SAY THAT??? THAT, YOU ARE PROUD TO BE ALIVE IN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST?!?!?!?! If not, you better hit the floor, on the knees, and start talking. We don't have troubles! We think we do, but you have not been accused of a crime that did not occur, you have not been taken to prison, you have not been stripped of your clothes, a crown of thorns placed on your head, and had to be flogged, then carry your own means of death to a certain place. And you have troubles?
God is ALWAYS VICTORIOUS. NOTHING is too difficult for HIM. HE can lead you to victory over any problem, issue, or situations in your life. So, now, what is your excuse??? If you believe, if you truly believe, you will let GOD have it all, you will be victorious, BUT, do not forget to give GOD the glory. You may say, well God knows he did it and HE knows I appreciate it. STOP! DON'T BE FOOLISH!! Moses was tired of the Israelites complaining about water, became angry, struck the rock, water flowed and he say here I give you water. Well, 1 question, did Moses enter the promised land after this deed?
In Christ's Love and Grace

Monday, January 29, 2007

Do you have a barometer for life????

Good morning everyone!!! I hope this is a great day for each one of you!! God is good all the time, and all the time God is good!!! You know, a lot of things come our way, and how we handle those things can be a barometer as to how our relationship is with our one and true living God!!
"Each new day is a gift from God. How you live it is your gift to him." Anonymous
"To accept the responsibility of being a child of God is to accept the best that life has to offer you." Stella Terrill Mann
Each day we are given 1440 precious moments called minutes. What we do with these minutes is our own choice. God is ALWAYS there for us, but do we keep each of these minutes for Him? Do we keep 3/4 or 1080 minutes for God; or 1/2-720 minutes for God; or less? Where are our priorities in today's life? Where are you priorities?
Do you believe God provided everything you have for you? Do you believe you are self made and made it all by yourself? Where do you stand today? right now? who or what is number 1 with you right now????
A good time for self evaluation at the beginning of a new week. My prayer is that God will be number 1 in your life, and that all your priorities will line up accordingly after that. thank you for reading today. Love each one of you. GOD IS GOOD!!!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

JOY????? Why aren't you singing and rejoicing????

Good morning everyone!! Well, I now have a computer and able to continue. I was lost without being able to do the devotionals, as this blesses me each time and keeps me in the Word of God. How exciting it is to be a child of the LIVING GOD!!! Aren't you glad, don't you take joy that YOUR FATHER is the KING of KINGS, the LIVING GOD, and not just some wooden idol somewhere that only collects dust??? We should cherish the sunshine, have joy in our salvation, shout HIS name to the mountaintops, sing to Zion. Get off it if you are not, Isaiah 12:2-3 "Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. (3) Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation." We need to shout, sing, God is our song. Isaiah 51:11 "Therefore the redeemed of the LORD shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and mourning shall flee away."
So, if you have sorrow and mourning, NOW IS THE TIME, HIT YOUR KNEES, GIVE IT ALL TO GOD!!! RIGHT NOW! TODAY! Oh, we have a wonderful living God who takes care of our every need. If you are not trusting completely in our living GOD, then jump back and give it all to the creator, the maker, the main inventor, the one of whom you are imaged after, GIVE IT TO YOUR FATHER!!!!
Okay, now, let's go out, shout with joy, sing songs of praise, and enjoy ...... yes, enjoy our life as a child of the KING, the LIVING GOD!!!
Thank you for reading. Love each one of you. May your day be filled with blessings.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Monday, January 22, 2007

Are you filled with Joy??

Good morning everyone!!! I hope this is a great day in the Lord Jesus Christ for you. It just seems that each day get better. Without Jesus our days would be empty. Do we have the joy we need to have??? Only a month ago people were smiling, walking around, saying things like Merry Christmas, Have a nice holiday, God Bless you, etc. When we have the joy of Jesus, why do we only CELEBRATE it once a year? Why is that the main time we play "Christmas Carols"? Why is that is only time almost everyone is happy and in a joyful mood consistently?? We should be joyful ALL THE TIME!!! Each time a person turns to Christ we should rejoice!!! Each time a person rededicates their life we should rejoice!!! It should give us great joy to see another person come to Jesus and then mature in that faith. Paul witnessed this many times, and joy filled his heart as he thanked God for their faith and their continued growth in the word. 1 Thessalonians 3:9-10 "HOW WE THANK GOD FOR YOU! BECAUSE OF YOU WE HAVE GREAT JOY AS WE ENTER GOD'S PRESENCE. NIGHT AND DAY WE PRAY EARNESTLY FOR YOU, ASKING GOD TO LET US SEE YOU AGAIN TO FILL THE GAPS IN YOUR FAITH."
Do new Christians bring you joy? Do you support them?? Do you see their growth or maturity?? Who has helped you grow as a Christian?? Can you give someone a word of encouragement in God?? Have you thanked someone for helping you grow in Christ?? We should have joy!!!! I am going to play Christmas Carols whenever I wish, and enjoy the love and blessings of Jesus!!! How about you????
Thank you for reading. Love you all!!! May God bless each of you and fill you with abundance of joy!!!!
In Christ's Love and Grace

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Are you talking to yourself???

good morning...a great day to be alive in Jesus Christ our Lord. Just a quick note. You know, if we had a problem whether it be legal, medical, mechanical, or in relationship we would go to a professional and listen closely to what they say, and the expense would not be a determining factor.
Well, we all have important matters we need to sort out and come to a resolution. Who in this world in an expert in everything. Noone in this world!!! But who is the absolute, the most knowing, and most caring of the universe. Yes, it is God! Don't carry the burden of troubles and sorrows on your shoulders, talk to God, give them to God, will he listen?
Yes, God listens, and God takes action. Give it all to God, HE is the expert. You may do all the talking, but you need to STOP, and listen to what God is saying to your heart. Ecclesiastes 5:1 "Guard your steps as you go to the house of God, and draw near to listen."
God wants to hear from us, but He also wants us to take time to listen. Ecclesiastes 5:2 "God is in heaven, and you on earth; therefore let your words be few." Take time to pray and thank God for listening and giving you counsel. Now, take 60 seconds, be still, and know that He is LORD.
Thank you for reading with me today. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and GraceJohnny

Friday, January 19, 2007

What's behind the pearly gates?

Good morning everyone!!! May this day be a wonderful day - enjoyable, delightful, and peaceful for you. If the day seems chaotic, stop, take a moment for the peace of the Lord to fill you ..... then continue on!! We can be caught up deeply in the everyday chaos and forget our Lord and saviour who makes everything well.
Say, if everything will be well, what do you think it is like behind the pearly gates. Are there really pearly gates? Revelation 21:21 "The twelve gates were made of perarls-each gate from a single pearl! And the main street was pure gold, as clear as glass." Okay, next question.
What is it like behind the pearly gates? Isaiah 60:19-20...Please read this and the rest of Isaiah. You will find joy and fulfillment. Now this is stated again in Revelation 21:22-24 "I SAW NO TEMPLE IN THE CITY, FOR THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY AND THE LAMB ARE ITS TEMPLE. AND THE CITY HAS NO NEED OF SUN OR MOON, FOR THE GLORY OF GOD ILLUMINATES THE CITY, AND THE LAMB IS ITS LIGHT. THE NATIONS WILL WALK IN ITS LIGHT, AND THE KINGS OF THE WORLD WILL ENTER THE CITY IN ALL THEIR GLORY."
Okay, so what is being said. The temple, the primary worship place of the people is no more. Why? One is not needed because God is present and His presence being everywhere will illuminate everything everywhere. God will be the light in the new Jerusalem. Light represents what is good, pure, true, holy, and reliable. Darkness represents sin and evil. God's glory lights the city and the city will be enveloped by HIM, GOD, who is perfectly holy and true.
Because darkness cannot exist where there is light we can also say sin and evil cannot exist where the presence of God is. We will be able to freely worship God, nothing to hinder or stop us from our worship. What a glorious day this will be. Are you ready? If you are not sure...then... read on...verses 26 and 27. If our name is not written in the Lamb's Book of Life.....OH NO!! take time now to right yourself with the Lord God, our Father in heaven. It's only takes a moment and God wants no one to perish. Thank you Jesus for giving you life for me, continue to help me walk in your will, your path of righteousness, and be Christlike.
Hey, thanks for reading, be still and listen to God. God is great and cannot receive enough glory. A brief Johnny note: God opened the door for me to change careers and I was not looking. I will be moving into a sales representative position for a textbook company. God opened the door, all went smooth, the interviews, meeting with my principal, God is in control. I have to give God the glory. Thanks for listening. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Strength through the never failing source

good morning everyone!! Well, the weather is supposed to be better today than it was the last few, but then a freeze is coming through again. You know, we can complain, but why? We needed moisture, we got it. Praise God! Ours prayers get answered,just not how we want it maybe, but they get answered.
You know, as we walk through this world in something called life, we experience different troubles. We become tired physically, emotionally, and spiritually. If we are tired physically we can sleep, heal, or get nourishment. Emotionally we may need to refresh our mind by gaining a new insight on things that are happening in our world. Spiritually we need renewing or refreshing, and, to me, this is the easiest yet hardest. (oxymoron) All we have to do is STOP, BE SILENT, LISTEN, and READ THE WORD!! We may be drifting from the successful course we had charted and doing so only because we are exhausted.
When you begin feeling exhausted, turn to the never-failing source that will keep you going......GOD!! God encourages us and strengthens us in many ways. Today, think about this.....when we are weak God can be strong in us. When weak, we depend more on God, and God is our never failing source that will lead us victory over our adversities.
Psalm 73:26 "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." 2 Samuel 22:33 "It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect."
Thank you for reading. Have a wonderful day, let God be your strength and source. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

What kind of fruit are you???

Good morning everyone!! BBrrrrrr! yes, it is cold outside and don't we all know this. Wow!!! But the rain has certainly helped Lake Palestine, we are almost back up to where we should be. yea!!! But, tooo cold to get out on the boat!! Wow!! Okay, what kind of fruit are you!!?? You may be a little fruity, but if it is the right type of fruit.....hey..home free!!
Okay, so what is being said here. The fruit of the spirit is the work of the Holy Spirit in us. The Spirit produces these character traits that are found in the nature of Christ. We cannot get these without the help of Jesus Christ. Our fruit may grow and flourish or it may wither and die. The choice is yours.
What do you mean, the choice is mine? Very simple, we must join our life to Christ's,we must know him, love him, rememer him, and imitate him. If we do, then we will fufill what Jesus said, to love God and our neighbors. To be accepted by Christ we must turn from our sins and rely only on HIM, JESUS CHRIST.
Verses 19-21 lists the sins we may fall in without Jesus and the Holy Spirit. By accepting Christ as Savior, we will turn from our sins and willingly nail our sinful nature to the cross. Soooooo........
Are you draggin that sinful nature? OR, are you letting the Holy Spirit produce the type of fruit Christ would want? You are a free agent, the choice is yours, the action is yours, may we all be flourishing, ripening fruit and not wither on the vine. Hey, thanks for reading, you are specially fruity to me. Love you all!! If Christ be with us who can be against us!?!?!
In Christ's Love and Grace

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

TV???? Sticom????

Good morning everyone!!! I hope this will be a wonderful and great day for each one of you. Here in Texas it is a bit chilly, 30 degrees, and we had some ice yesterday. Brrrrrrrr! Stay warm, stay dry, stay safe.
Monday evening I had TV on and was not really paying any attention to it, then I thought I would watch a sit com....2 and 1/2 men....which tends to be funny. After it was The I was eating and watching this when the I realized the whole focus of the show was 2 themes.
One theme was that the girl on the show had a date with this really 'hot' guy and was anxiously waiting for him to call her back. The other was this couple who were dating, had not slept together yet. This was a major focus, that they had not had sex. Now, this is prime time TV and our young people view this all the time.
This all tended to bother me a bit, as what happened to the Red Skelton, Jack Benny, Sanford and Son comedies that were actually funny? I Corinthians 10:8 "And we must not engage in sexual immorality as some of them did, causing 23,000 of them to die in one day." This relates back to Numbers 25:1-9 when the Israelites worshipped Baal and engaged in sexual immorality with the Moabite women. Are we letting ourselves be polluted as did the Israelites?
Food for thought, I welcome you comments!! Have a great day, keep God first, HE is the way, the truth, the light. Love you all. Keep reading your Bible.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Friday, January 12, 2007

C E L E B R A T E !!!!

Good morning....oh yes GOOD MORNING!!! Isn't God grand?!?! I talked with a special person yesterday who was having a rough day, then I saw a church sign that said it all: "If you want peace, give every anxious moment to God." Oh, how true this is, yet we, being human, tend to muddle through it ourselves, and think WE can solve it. WE need to stop and turn it over to the big HE, and HE will take care of it. Matthew 25:21 after the master trusted his servant with 5 bags of silver and showed the master the returns...."The master was full of praise. 'Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so nw I will give you many more responsibilities. Let's celebrate together!"
Hey, that is you and me!!! We can celebrate with the master. We know Jesus is coming we use our time, talents and treasures diligently in order to serve God completely in whatever we do. This may mean staying where you are, this may mean moving or changing careers, but the bottom line is.....It means doing our daily work our of love for God.
I challenge you today to go forth with your talents and continue each moment doing God's work. Right now is a time to celebrate. God gives us 1440 rich moments each day to celebrate and do his work. Those 1440 rich moments are called minutes of the day. Thanks for reading today. Pray for the people on the road, the people who are ill, ones who have needs and only see dispare. Pray, first, for yourself, to be cleansed and to go forth and celebrate.
God is good all the time, all the time God is good. Stop, Drop, and pray. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Practice run!!!

Good morning everyone!! I hope this is a great day in the Lord for you. God is good all the time and all the time God is good!!! What are you doing today, tomorrow? What did you do yesterday to prepare for the kingdom of God?
Psalm 39:4 "Lord, help me to realize how brief my time on earth will be. Help me to know that I am here for but a moment more."
1 Peter 2:11 "Friends, this world is not your home, so don't make yourselves cozy i it. Don't indulge your ego at the expense of your soul."
We are on the practice field of God. Each day, each hour, each minute, each second we are doing thngs that will prepare us for the kingdom of heaven. Oh, well, I don't....uh...I have to work! Exactly, and how do you portray yourself at work. Do others see God working in you? Are you filled with the love of Jesus? We learn to play a music instrument by practice; we learn sports by practice; well.......we learn to be Christians by practice. No, works do not get us to heaven, but the fruits of our labors, or our practice are definately seen.
Are your fruits nice and plumb or all dried up? Do you practice daily what you study or learn on Sunday. God gives us 1440 minutes per day to serve him. Did you use yours wisely? Thanks for reading and love you all.
Don't forget to pray for yourself, people on this list, family, friends, our nation, Israel, soldiers, everyone. Our Father will be back soon.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Flopping like a fish????

Good morning to everyone!!! Wow!! Another day to be active for the Lord Jesus Christ!!! Have you thought about the "head" action being more active than the "physical" action in Christ?? Have you thought that sometimes we are as the fish on the bank....flopping around....hoping to flop in the right direction and get back into the water???
We will be thinking about the Lord, what is right, and what we should be doing.....but....for some reason we don't seem to do it. Thoughts stream in and out of our head and we may take no action or the wrong action. As the fish who flops on the bank, this is a natural response to try to return to where it is comfortable, where it can survive, where life will continue.
When our head is going wild with many, sometimes confusing thoughts, we need to stop and find a nice quiet place, and talk to our Father in Heaven. He knows if we are discouraged, if we feel isolated, he is there. Matthew 6:6 "When you pray go into your private room.. and your Father who sees in secret will reward you."
Whatever you are facing talk it out with God. Psalm 17:6 "I call to you, God, and you answer me. Listen to me now, and hear what I say." Nothing is hid from God, share it now with Him and be free of the burden.
Thank you for reading. Have a super and blessed day. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Change???? Why??? When???

Good morning everyone!!! I trust you had an enjoyable evening of peace, quiet, and rested well. Florida won it's first National Championship in 11 years. For some this is good, some it is bad, when you look at it from the spectrum of the universe......what difference does it make?? One small speck on the time line of the world.
How do we handle change?? For some it is very stressful, we want things to be the same today, as they were yesterday, and as they will be tomorrow. Others welcome change with open arms and are ready. Not necessarily change for change sake, but change for goodness sake. Which side of the fence you stand on does not matter, we should be tolerant of each others views, ideas, and attitude.
However, one side of the fence you should always be on is the side where Jesus Christ is. We all need some security, some constant in our lives and who would give us that? Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." When we need that reassurance, that constant, we need to go to Jesus Christ, we KNEE to go in reverence and prayerful. When all is going well, when all is going to _ _ ll, look up to find that constant, that security, that wise and trustworthy advocate--- JESUS CHRIST.
Thank you for reading. Love you brothers and sisters in Christ. Stay the course, don't forget KNEE MAIL, and live as a child of the KING.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Monday, January 08, 2007

Filled with HOPE

Good morning everyone!!! I hope you are having a wonderful day and had a wonderful weekend in the LORD!!!! This has been a very nice weekend. God is so good and takes care of us even when we don't deserve it. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.
Have you ever thought about being filled with hope. You know we start the day out full of energy and ready to tackle what comes in front of us. You could say we are FILLED, at this time, with HOPE; but, by the end of the day we feel more DRAINED than FILLED. We are tired, patience level is low, creativity leavel is low, and specially our energy level.. it is nearing empty.
Too many times in our lives this is where we let God come in, we are TIRED, at our end, and GOD begins to fill us with HIS hope. Then once again we realize HE is enough, HE is sufficient, HE gives us what we are lacking, thereby satisfying our deepest needs. God wants to fill us with HIS hope, and we need to rest assured that we will have joy and peace when we trust HIM in each situation.
Romans 15:13 "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope."
Thank you for reading with me. I hope you have a wonderful day in the LORD. Continue to look up and enjoy God, HIS hope and HIS blessings. Keep praying, don't stop, be faithful to the word. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Friday, January 05, 2007

Are you a tower of BABBLE in prayer?

Good morning everyone!! I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy Friday!! Snowing in Denver and supposed to rain here in Texas. Thank you Lord!! We need to give thanks in all we receive.
Matthew 6:7 "When you pray; don't babble on and on as people of other religions do. They think their prayers are answered merely by repeating their words again and again."
This works for us as humans, telling our kids, don't grab the dog; don't grab the dog, don't grab the dog; and it may get through. But God understands all we say, THE FIRST TIME!! Does this mean we only pray once, and if we pray more about the same thing we are wrong. This is not true. But God wants us to be heart true......pray what is from the heart and let it go.
We can never pray too much, but first be sure of your heart and be certain you mean what you say. One time in Colorado, at a Baptist Church one of our older members was asked to pray before our meal. He did, he prayed from the heart, and his words were, 'to bless this grub to our bodies', but he was sincere.
God does not want repetitive phrases that have no meaning. Mean what you say and mean what you pray!! Hey, thanks for reading. Love you all!! Have a super Friday in the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus wants consistent prayer.......remember.....STOP, DROP, AND PRAY!!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Is GOD in your new year's resolution????

Good morning everyone!! Yes, what a great day to be alive in Jesus. What a great time to start fresh!! Morning, a new day; Jan. 4, 2007-a new year!!! It is within our power, through the Lord Jesus christ, to start anew. Are you ready to????
Hosea 14:9 "Let those who are wise understand these things. Let those with discernment listen carefully. The paths of the Lord are tru and right and righteous people live by walking in them. But in those paths sinners stumble and fall."
So, what is Hosea saying here? He is telling us to: 1) LISTEN 2) LEARN 3) BENEFIT from GOD'S WORD
We are given the choice, and with a new year now is the time to make a decision. My new year's resolution is only draw closer to the LORD!!
We can listen to God's word, follow HIS message, or we can refuse to listen. If we refuse to listen and follow our own path we travel in 'total darkness', OR on the "dark side", and will stumble.
By listening to God's word and following HIS message....HE forgives us our sins, shows mercy to us. Therefore, we should not be afraid to come to GOD for a clean slate and a renewed life. Take time today to pray for wisdom and knowledge. Study the word of God, and rejoice that He is your saviour. Thank you for reading. Have a very blessed day. Love you all!! Pray for yourself, ones on this list, family, friends, leaders, Israel, and be diligent in walking the Jesus walk.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Good morning everyone!! What a great day to be alive in the Lord. A friend Dee sent this address and it takes just a moment to watch, just copy and paste in your address line:
I hope this is a great day for you, a disciple of the Lord. Discipleship is the process of becoming like Christ--and always begins with a decision. Jesus spoke to Matthew; Matthew 9:9 "Come be my disciple," .....So Matthew got up and followed him." Matthew did not hesitate, how many times do we hestitate in following Jesus??
We have to go forth in faith. We need to take steps as does the blind person. A blind person is deliberate in each step of their lives and are VERY AWARE of their surroundings, all their senses are in tune.
Is your Christian sense "in tune?" Where are your thoughts? Proverbs 4:23 "Be careful how you think; you life is shaped by your thoughts." My question to me and to you is: Are you in tune? In tune with what??? Are you following Christ? What are your thoughts?
Thank you for reading today. God bless each of you. Please continue to remember Erin as she is doing well, Jo Ann is sore and stiff from an auto accident please hold her up, pray for yourself first, cleanse your soul and live like Christ!!!!! Love you all
In Christ's Love and Grace

Monday, January 01, 2007

A doubte....who???

Good morning everyone!!! I trust your New Year's Eve was successful and you are now living in the 21st Century in the year of DOUBLE OUGHT 7 (OO7)! Just like a James bond movie. Oh, speaking of James.....look at James 1:6
"But he must ask in faith without doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed around by the wind."
All you want for this new year, providing it is in God's will, you can have but you must ask for? How do we ask? IN FAITH WITHOUT DOUBTING!!!! Oh, simple enough, weeeeelllllll, not really! How many times have you asked for something and then the thought following was "ah, it probably won't happen"? In James is tells us one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed around by the wind.
Trust and obey, for there is no other way. How bout a new year's resolution.....1. be closer to God, and in all thoughts and actions God will be honored; well, okay, how do we do closer to God!!!
Through your Bible study...fellowship with other Christians...I am hungry and thrist for His word. I know so little and the end times are definately here. God, we just pray that you help us to become closer to you, trust totally in You and Your Word, and the the servant you would want us to be. Give us the faith without doubting, and let our eyes be opened to what is happening according to your devine scripture. Bless and care for each of us during this new year. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
A friend, Jo Ann, had a car accident in Conroe, please pray for her, also pray for your self, each person on this list, friends, family, leaders, president and staff. Thank you for reading. Love you all!!!
In Christ's Love and Grace