
Thursday, August 31, 2006

Integrity Proverbs 10:9

good morning everyone!! I hope this is a great day in the Lord for each one of you!! God is good all the time, all the time God is good!!! Yesterday the topic was work and doing what is right when no one is looking, well, today, integrity, goes right along with that. People will usually tell you a person of integrity is one who has a high ethical standard and who generally chooses to do things in an honest way. But, doesn't integrity involve more than just having an ethical code or being honest in certain situations. As Adrian Rogers stated the ones who speak highly of you should be the ones who know you best. They know you, are with you, and see all the tough times as well as the best times. We have integrity to avoid humility. College football coaches have resigned because they compromised their "principles" or violated the rules; there was a lady who had to give up a literary award because she made up people and quotes in her column. Do you walk the honest path, or do you just manuever the truth a little bit? The thing about honesty is the story never changes. Integrity maintains a high level and avoids walking in the gutter. Proverbs 10:9 "HE WHO WALKS WITH INTEGRITY WALKS SECURELY, BUT HE WHO PERVERTS HIS WAYS WILL BECOME KNOWN." PROVERBS 20:7 "THE RIGHTEOUS MAN WALKS IN HIS INTEGRITY; HIS CHILDRENARE BLESSED AFTER HIM." PROVERBS 14:3 " THE INTEGRITY OF GOOD PEOPLE CREATES A SAFE PLACE FOR LIVING." Trust God in all things, let God be the leading force in your life and your integrity will be without question. Thank you for reading. Have a great day in the Lord. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Work Colossians 3:23

Good morning!!! Hope all is going well with you and you are remaining in God's word. Well, Ernesto is now just bringing moisture and is not here to wreck and destroy. Yea!!! We must keep on working and going forth. Oh, speaking of working, yes, let's look at this. Colossians 3:23 "WHATEVER YOU DO, DO IT ENTHUSIASTICALLY, AS SOMETHING DONE FOR THE LORD AND NOT FOR MEN." The Bible, in several places tells us the results of not working. We should do it enthusiastically. How many times do you hear someone say how is work going? Then the response is it is going. What does that mean? If we go forth enthusiastically we will have put forth the effort to enjoy, not just tolerate.
The second letter to the Thessalonians, Paul warns, "...if any would not work, neither should he eat." Also in Proverbs "One who is slack in his work is brother to one who destroys: 18:9 God did not create us to "just do a job", He wants us to do our very best. Establish a reputation as Christians. We all have known families that were known for not being hard workers; also, we have all known people who people will refer to as they are "hard workers." The latter is a compliment. Ecclesiastes 9:10 "Whatever you hands find to do, do with all you strength." Ephesians 6:6-7 "Don't work only while being watched, in order to please men, but as slaves of Christ, do God's will from your heart. Render service with a good attitude, as to the Lord and not to men."
All we do should be for the Lord---not for men. Go forth, be a witness for our Lord and Saviour---Jesus Christ. Thank you for reading. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Perservance 2 Timothy 4:7

Good morning everyone!!!! What a day to be alive in the Lord!!!! Does it get better than this? God will provide, can you endure? Sure you can!!! God will not give us more than we can handle. 2 Timothy 4:7 "I HAVE FOUGHT THE GOOD FIGHT, I HAVE FINISHED THE RACE, I HAVE KEPT THE FAITH." We live in a world where many, many stumbling blocks are cast before us. Many things can divert our attention and cause us to stray. We ned to remain focused on the task at hand. What is the task at hand? Our first task should be our fellowship and worship with our Lord. Do we do what we think we need to do to appease our conscience? Well, I will read and pray for just a moment, but I have soooooo much to do. How would our life be if Jesus had done this when He came to give His life for you and for me? Jesus fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith. Jesus was tortured, shamed, called names, and went through a lot, but He did persevere. We need to persevere, wait patiently, and finish the race. Yes, we may have hardships and things may not look great right now, here, this very instant, but God has His timetable and all will be taken care of. No matter what our problem is, how big it is, God is bigger and can handle it. Hebrews 12:1-2 "Let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us, and run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith." Thank you for reading today. Have a super day in the Lord. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Monday, August 28, 2006

1 Corinthians 15:57 Victory in Jesus

Good morning everyone, what a great day to be alive in our Lord and Saviour JesusChrist. We can be victorious, we only have to remember to let God be in control. It is so human nature to try to take control and do it ourselves. 1 Corinthians 15:57 "THANKS BE TO GOD, WHO GIVE US THE VICTORY THROUGH OUR LORDJESUS CHRIST." Wow!!! This pretty much says it all. Thank you God!! For what? Forgiving us the victory!!! How??? Through Jesus Christ!! God is always victorious, nothing is too difficult for Him. We can be victorioustoo, with God's help. He will lead us through to victory over any problem, issue,or struggle we have in our life. This goes along with what Josh preached aboutSunday, what if the armour doesn't fit? When David went out to meet Goliath, who wore 125 pounds of armour, and carried a15 pound javelin. Can Goliath beat David....any day of the week with one arm tiedbehind his back. Why? David was just a little bitty shepherd boy, not big, butlittle. Ah, we know the story you say!! Yes, but do we apply the main principle here???Do you know the main idea??? Well??? David refused the armour of Saul, and wentforth onto the battlefield armed with the tools God had given him.....which was 4round stones and a sling shot. Now, could I do what David did? Yes, I could and you can too, IF, we leave Godin control of the situation, then that little pebble will hit the problem righton the mark and knock it flat. Our tiny weapons are mighty in God's hands. LetGod have control today, do it and see what a wonderful day you will have. Thankyou for reading. Love you all. Pray today for yourself, me, friends, family,everyone. Just take a moment whether sitting at the computer, driving to work,showing, whatever, and do a little knee-mail to our heavenly father.
In Christ's Love and Grace

1 Corinthians 15:57 Victory in Jesus

Good morning everyone, what a great day to be alive in our Lord and Saviour JesusChrist. We can be victorious, we only have to remember to let God be in control. It is so human nature to try to take control and do it ourselves. 1 Corinthians 15:57 "THANKS BE TO GOD, WHO GIVE US THE VICTORY THROUGH OUR LORDJESUS CHRIST." Wow!!! This pretty much says it all. Thank you God!! For what? Forgiving us the victory!!! How??? Through Jesus Christ!! God is always victorious, nothing is too difficult for Him. We can be victorioustoo, with God's help. He will lead us through to victory over any problem, issue,or struggle we have in our life. This goes along with what Josh preached aboutSunday, what if the armour doesn't fit? When David went out to meet Goliath, who wore 125 pounds of armour, and carried a15 pound javelin. Can Goliath beat David....any day of the week with one arm tiedbehind his back. Why? David was just a little bitty shepherd boy, not big, butlittle. Ah, we know the story you say!! Yes, but do we apply the main principle here???Do you know the main idea??? Well??? David refused the armour of Saul, and wentforth onto the battlefield armed with the tools God had given him.....which was 4round stones and a sling shot. Now, could I do what David did? Yes, I could and you can too, IF, we leave Godin control of the situation, then that little pebble will hit the problem righton the mark and knock it flat. Our tiny weapons are mighty in God's hands. LetGod have control today, do it and see what a wonderful day you will have. Thankyou for reading. Love you all. Pray today for yourself, me, friends, family,everyone. Just take a moment whether sitting at the computer, driving to work,showing, whatever, and do a little knee-mail to our heavenly father.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Friday, August 25, 2006

Restraining Anger Proverbs 19:11

Good morning everyone!!! What a great day to be alive in the Lord Jesus Christ. Yesterday the topic was anger, today, why should we restrain our anger? If I ammad, I want to get it off my chest and by golly I am going to let you know how Ifeel. Well..........Proverbs 19:11 "PEOPLE WITH GOOD SENSE RESTRAIN THEIR ANGER;THEY EARN ESTEEM BY OVERLOOKING WRONGS." So, you are saying we must 'look the other way'; pretend like it never happened. No, not at all, just saying we show restraint......we don't have to jump up inanger at things that don't go right. Proverbs 29:11 "A fool gives full vent toanger, but a wise person quietly holds it back." There is a time to correct. Many times after the anger cools then the fires ofconflict can be more easily resolved. Very seldom will you regret holding yourtemper and your character will be stronger and will be noticed moreso by doingso. Proverbs 29:11 is paraphrased by Abe Lincoln; it is better to be thought afool than open your mouth and remove all doubt. How true is that? Proverbs 15:1 "A GENTLE ANSWER TURNS AWAY WRATH BUT HARSH WORDS STIR UP ANGER." Psalm 103:8 "The Lord is merciful and gracious; he is slow to get angry and fullof unfailing love." May your day be filled with love, mercy, and grace. Stop in trying areas,breathe, and try not to be provoked to anger. Thank you for reading. Love youall. Have a super day in Jesus Christ our Lord!!!!In Christ's Love and GraceJohnny

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Anger - Ecclesiastes 7:9

Good morning everyone!!!! What a wonderful day to be alive in the Lord!! We did receive some moisture and that helped. Keep praying for rain!! You know, sometimes we are prompted to action by anger. Sometimes this is appropriate, Jesus became angry with the moneychangers in the temple. Some times when we confront evil we should be angry, but a lot of times things will happen, we will be prompted to anger, and this may be an overreaction. When this does, we will in turn make the wrong or poor decisions. Eccleslastes 7:9 "DON'T LET YOUR SPIRIT RUSH TO BE ANGRY, FOR ANGER ABIDES IN THE HEART OF FOOLS." When we are tempted to lose our tempers over the little, small, minor inconveniences of life.....DON'T!!! Do not follow anger, turn away from the anger, bitterness and turn to God instead!! "Anger breeds remorese in the heart, discord in the home, bitterness in the community, and confusion in the state." Billy Graham "A fool's displeasure is known at once, but whoever ignores an insult is sensible." Proverbs 12:16 "A gentle answer turns away anger, but a harsh word stirs up wrath." Proverbs 15:1 "My dearly loved brothers, understand this: everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger, for man's anger does not accomplish God's righteousness." James 1:19-20 Thank you for reading. Have a wonderful, calm day in the Lord. Love all of you. Pray for yourself, family, and others. Prayer is the cure!
In Christ's Love and Grace

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Family - Joshua 24:15

Good morning everyone!!!! WOW! We got some rain yesterday and it was great!!!! It poured down, came hard, fast, and for a while. Thank you Jesus for our moisture. Let's keep prayer for rain as a main stay on our prayer requests to God. Family, who do we bite at first? Who do we take for granted? Who do we many times treat bad? Then we are kind to strangers; to acquaintants; or others outside our family. Joshua 24:15 "CHOOSE FOR YOURSELVES TODAY THE ONE YOU WILL WORSHIP.... AS FOR ME AND MY FAMILY, WE WILL WORSHIP THE LORD." Mark 3:24,25 "IF A KINGDOM IS DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF, THAT KINGDOM CANNOT STAND. IF A HOUSE IS DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF, THAT HOUSE CANNOT STAND." I TIMOTHY 5:8 "NOW IF ANYONE DOES NOT PROVIDE FOR HIS OWN RELATIVES, AND ESPECIALLY FOR HIS HOUSEHOLD, HE HAS DENIED THE FAITH AND IS WORSE THAN AN UNBELIEVER." "A man ought to live so that everybody knows he is a Christian, and most of all his family ought to know." D. L. Moody May you have a great day in the Lord, pray for yourself, forgive yourself, pray for your family and don't be afraid to tell them you love them. Thank you for reading. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Monday, August 21, 2006

Communication Psalm 50:7

Well, good morning everyone!!! I hope you have a great day in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You know, different things happen in our society that is filled with hustle and bustle to go here, then there, then over there (ov’r yonder). Not thinking about anyone around, what they are doing, not caring to communicate with anyone close.
In Sunday School class we mentioned two young ladies drove up in a car TOGETHER, got out of the car, each with a cell phone to their ears. They did not communicate with EACH OTHER but with someone else. Is personal friendship and communication no longer a facet of our society?
Psalm 50:7 “Hear, O my people, and I will speak.” We are too busy with computers, cell phone, satellite t.v. or satellite radio, PDA, MP3’s, or whatever to carry on communication with others. We can’t hear the Lord talking to us!! Do you talk your cell phone with you everywhere, even to a restaurant or when doing a sporting event? Why? Aren’t the people there important enough to visit with?
We may have to be brought to our knees by our Lord and Savior, the Almighty God. Then, when he has our attention we will listen. Psalm 40:6 “Now that you have made me listen, I finally understand.” Are you listening????? Are you communicating??? We communicate with God through prayer…prayer…prayer!!!!!
Isaiah 30:21 “Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it,’ whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.”
Are you in tune now? If so, great, if not, why not? Take time to talk to your father who provideth you with everlasting life. He takes time for you and delights in your talking and asking of him. Remember, STOP, DROP & PRAY!!!

In Christ’s Love and Grace

Friday, August 18, 2006

Hebrews 13: 8,9

Good morning everyone!!!! I hope you have a really good day. What a great day to be alive in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. WOW!! Isn't he wonderful? Okay, we have been talking about love, and being kind, honoring our marriage vows, don't love money (greed), following good teaching, and God will NEVER forsake us. Now let's look at verses 8, 9. 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. 13:9 Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For [it is] a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein. Christ is the same over time, it does not matter if it was 1000 years ago or today.....He is constant. HE is faithful. HE is everlasting. Really, what more can be said about Jesus? Jesus Christ is the most consistent element we have in our life, and HE NEVER CHANGES!!!!!! vs 9 Tells us not to follow others ideas or doctrines. As when Paul had to publically chastise Peter because he allow some Judaism to creep back in to the church, when faith or savlation included circumcision. This is not what we do, do not add our own doctrine to what the gospel of salvation says. Our heart are filled with grace, that is how we became saved, so don't pollute grace with other items. This is very simple, Christ is the same always, don't be diverted, stick to the gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord. When in doubt, STOP, DROP & PRAY!!!! Thank you for reading today. I hope this touched you in some way. Please pray for yourself first, cleanse the temple of Christ, then pray for others and have a spirit filled day. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Hebrews 13:6,7 Faith in Lord

Good morning everyone!! May this day be better than yesterday and continue to grow and become wonderful!!!! What a great day to be alive in the Lord. God WILL take care of us, we just have to let him. Let's look at Hebrews 13:6 & 7. (6) "SO WE CAN SAY WITH CONFIDENCE, 'THE LORD IS MY HELPER, SO I WILL HAVE NO FEAR. WHAT CAN MERE PEOPLE DO TO ME?'" (7) "REMEMBER YOUR LEADERS WHO TAUGHT YOU THE WORD OF GOD. THINK OF ALL THE GOOD THAT HAS COME FROM THEIR LIVES, AND FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE OF THEIR FAITH." We become satisfied when we realize God's sufficiency for our needs. If we become materialistic we are trying to take over and are telling God we can do it, tend to our own needs. Insecurity can lead to the love of money, our only solution is to rely totally on God. Look around you at what you have, you received this through God's love. Aw, naw, I earned this myself.....whoooaaaa.....look at Job, had everything and what happened. We are who are are, what we are, because of God. We are blessed simply because God saw fit for us to be blessed. A quick thank you Jesus is always appropriate. In verse 7 we owe much to others who have taught us and modeled what we needed to know and needed to be concerning the gospel. We should look up to our leaders and role models, however, they should never replace the Lord in our persoanly heirarchy. The good leaders in our Christian walk are important, and we can continually learn. A caution for us is not to put them on a pedestal above the Lord our God. Faith in man, you will be disappointed; Faith in God, you will be elated. Thank you for listening....uh....reading today. May God bless and keep you safe. Stop, please say a quick prayer for family, friends, but first for yourself, asking forgiveness and forgiving yourself. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Hebrews 13:3-5

Good morning everyone!!!! Yes, what a great day to be alive in the Lord!!! God is good all the time, and all the time God is good!!!!!! Once again, aren't you glad you are a child of the King? Live everlasting, what more canbe than that? Let's look at what Hebrews tells us. Hebrews 13:3,4,5 "REMEMBER THOSE IN PRISON, AS IF YOU WERE THERE YOURSELF. REMEMBER ALSO THOSE BEING MISTREATED, AS IF YOU FELT THEIR PAIN IN YOUR OWN BODIES. (4) gIVE HONOR TO MARRIAGE, AND REMAIN FAITHFUL TO ONE ANOTHER IN MARRIAGE. GOD WILL SURELY JUDGE PEOPLE WHO ARE IMMORAL AND THOSE WHO COMMIT ADULTERY. (5) DON'T LOVE MONEY; BE SATISFIED WITH WHAT YOU HAVE. FOR GOD HAS SAID, 'I WILL NEVER FAIL YOU. I WILL NEVER ABANDON YOU.'" VS 3 We are to have empathy for those in prison, especially for Christians imprisoned for their faith. Jesus said that his true followers would represent hikm as they visit those in prison (Matthew 25:36) Prisons are a mission field-we can send in evanglists and Bible teachers. VS 4 Giving honor to marriage will require the utmost in Christian conviction and sensitivity. Modern society redefines the role of marriages, however, we must stay with the role as defined in the Bible. Stay true to God and let your marriage be happy and strong; stay faithful in mind and in body. Pray for your spouse, pray with you spouse, pray as a family. VS 5 How can we learn to be satisified with what we have? Strive to live with less rather than desiring more; give away out of our abundance rather than accumulating more; relish what you have rather than resent what you are missing. God tells us he will never fail us nor abandon us. WOW!! What a promise!! If God is for you who can be against you? What are we saying today? Simply this, remember those less fortunate than you, search, spiritual search and see where your mission field is. Then take care of the wonderful thing God created, marriage. We should not compromise our beliefs on marriage, but above all, God will never fail us, nor abandon us. What more can we say? Thank you for reading, have a great day in the Lord. Love you all. Pray for yourself and others.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Monday, August 14, 2006

Contentment Hebrews 13:5

Good morning everyone!! I hope you have a great day in the Lord. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good!!! You know, we should be content or satisfied where we are. When I woke this morning these were some of my first thoughts. So, here goes....I hope you are blessed by these words and pray that the Holy Spirit will be working in your life. The little squirrel, you know, the one who runs around gathering nuts for his winter storehouse. You can be driving down the road and all of a sudden this squirrel comes running from the side. Now he is determined to get to the other side of the road and get there before you run over him. Now, I know this little guys brain does not process as we do, BUT, WHY does he decide to cross the road just as we get there? Is he a suicidal squirrel? Is he just discontent? What is on the other side that is worth his life? Hebrews 13:5 "STAY AWAY FROM THE LOVE OF MONEY; BE SATISFIED WITH WHAT YOU HAVE. FOR GOD HAS SAID, 'I WILL NEVER FAIL YOU, I WILL NEVER FORSAKE YOU.'" Be satisfied with what you have. The squirrel wanted just one more nut for the storehouse, and sometimes that 'just 1 more' can lead to our downfall or 'kill us.' So, how can we learn to be satisfied with what we have. We have to strive to live with less rather than desiring more, give away out of our abundance rather than accumulating more; enjoy what you have rather than resent what you are missing. We become satisfied when we realize God's sufficiency for our needs. Christians who become materialistic are saying God can't take care of them-or at least that he won't take care of them the way they want, insecurity can lead to the love of money. So, what is the antidote? The answer? Trust God to meet all our needs! See God's love expressed in what he has provided and remember that money and possessions will all pass away. Just remember 1 John 2:17 "AND THIS WORLD IS FADING AWAY ALONG WITH EVERYTHING THAT PEOPLE CRAVE. BUT ANYONE WHO DOES WHAT PLEASES GOD WILL LIVE FOREVER." May you live forever!!! Thank you for reading, take time now to STOP, DROP & PRAY!! God loves you....I love you.....You are loved!!!!! See you tomorrow. Please pray for the teachers and students as they are returning to school.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Friday, August 11, 2006

Temptations Proverbs 1:10

Good morning everyone!!! I hope you have a super day in the Lord Jesus Christ, our saviour. What a man to have on your team!!!! Let our prayer be that we fulfill what He wants us to be, that others will see Jesus in us. It is so easy to fall into step with the world. Just a little restraint, prayer, and remaining faithful to the Lord will take us through situations!!!! We know this, but do we do it? NOOOOO! Yesterday we read about spiritual warfare, and this can also be....or run right along with temptations. Proverbs 1:10 "IF SINNERS ENTICE YOU, TURN YOUR BACK ON THEM." Sounds easy doesn't it? Sometimes what they want to do would be physically enjoyable and we are definately tempted. How strong is your faith? How strong are you in Jesus? Matthew 6:13 "AND DON'T LET US YIELD TO TEMPTATION." Let prayer be a constant focus, specially when we get into compromising situations. Stay focused on Jesus!!!! We are instructed to continually grow in the Lord. Do not become stagnant, ritualistic, just going through the motions. If I get up daily and really want to be with the Lord and stay in communication with him, my day will end up victorious for Jesus. Now, this is not to say it will be a day without trials and temptations, but it will be a day of growth for the Lord. Isn't that what we are all trying to do, grow in our faith? Our growth as a Christian brings constant growth, awareness and sensitivity to the temptations in your life. Titus 2:12 "AND WE ARE INSTRUCTED TO TURN FROM GODLESS LIVING AND SINFUL PLEASURES." When we do turn away, then Psalms 1:1 "OH, THE JOYS OF THOSE WHO DO NOT FOLLOW THE ADVICE OF THE WICKED." Hey, get out, go kick some major temptations tail, and claim the victory in Jesus. You can't do it alone, but you can do it with the help of Jesus. Just call on Him and He will not let you down. Thank you for reading today, take time to pray for yourself first, get rid of your burdens, turn them all over to Jesus, give them to God. When you give them, really give them, turn and walk away knowing your Father will take care of everything. Please pray for our educators as school has or will soon be starting. Pray for everything. STOP, DROP, AND PRAY. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Spiritual Warefare Matthew 4:1

Good morning, how are you doing this fine day? Yes, temp in Texas is expected to reach, hot, hot!!! Oh, well, if you think this is hot, what about the eventual residence of satan? Do we walk daily in a spiritual warfare? I do think so.....why? Satan does not wish anyone to come to God, to believe in Jesus. From the beginning of time, from Jesus' ministry, temptation orchestrated by satan has been here. First he asked Eve "Did God really say you must not eat any fruit of the garden?" Genesis 3:1 Then, when Jesus came he was tempted by satan. Matthew 4:1 "THEN JESUS WAS LED OUT INTO THE WILDERNESS BY THE HOLY SPIRIT TO BE TEMPTED THERE BY THE DEVIL." Jesus was involved in spiritual warfare and had to resist temptation. Soooo, do you really believe we would be exempt? I think not. Our faith in Jesus puts us right in the middle of this spiritual fight, and our church leaders need to be aware of this and help arm us with tools to fight. How do we do this? Remember when Bro Lou taught us about the armour of God, and to put on this armous? (members of LCUMC) Satan's first trick is to distort God's word. How does he do this? Easily, by letting us think....well, I don't do ????? often and once in a while is not bad. We must know God's word, and know if it is right or wrong. It is that simple. Example, you may meet someone of the opposite gender you really like. Then, the mind begins to think of thoughts that are not of good integrity. What? Well, like, yeah, we could go out to eat, have a few drinks, dance a little, and maybe go back to my house. Now, where is the mind wandering, what may be the ultimate goal, do we want more than just friendship??? We need to be able to step up, show character or integrity, resist. You say, oh, I wouldn't do that. Okay, maybe not, but possibly in you job you start working for personal gain and benefit or pride. In your dealings with others in your industry are you upright and honest in all you do. OR, do you take a little "kick-back", which is okay because "everybody does it"? People, we are in a constant,non-stop battle with our spiritual life. If we could see the battle going on around us for our spirit or soul, it would probably, literally, scare the hell right out of you. So what can we do???? Be strong in the scriptures, when satan tempted Jesus, Matthew 4:4 "But Jesus told him no! The scriptures say ......." Psalm 119:11 "I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you." Be strong in God's word, know how to fight and you are in a fight.....also, do not forget PRAYER!! When you pray, don't just pray, but pray and CLAIM THE VICTORY!!!!!! If you pray and believe, your needs WILL be met. Don't pray and be mealy mouthed....Uh, and God, please if you see fit, I would really appreciate it if you would....... Come on, God....heal ?????? of cancer, I claim this victory in the name of Jesus, and ask only that it be done in your will. Thank you for reading....go forth...arm yourself with the word of God. Today is a day of victory in Jesus. (hey, that could be a song) Love you all. Have a super day....God bless......stay true to the course.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Revelations 7:16 Hunger & Thirst

Good morning everyone!!! How are you doing on this beautiful Lords day? Well, I do hope and pray. Yes, God is good all the time, and all the time God is good. Okay, here we go...... Have you ever been hungry, wanted something, but didn't really know what you were craving? You may be at home and you snack on this, then that, then something else, and no matter what, nothing solves that hunger? Then.......... after foraging on many non-satisfying items who are thirsty!! Yep, then water, coffee, tea, soda, nothing satisfies that thirst. Each item you try just does not do the trick. So, what happens? We either give up or continue searching. We may finally find that elusive item to eat and drink.......but by the time we found it we were FULL of everything else and then could not fully enjoy the wonderful food and drink we finally located. This is like our life today. Why do so many people seek alcohol, drugs, outside pleasures (4 wheelers, jet ski's, boat, golf, racing, etc.) pornography, cursing, off color jokes, negative talk, etc. They are hungry for something, they are thirsting for something, but they don't know what. Could they be looking for something to make their life complete? Searching for that elusive morsel or beverage. Where is it, where could it be? Matthew 25:35 "FOR I WAS HUNGRY, AND YOU FED ME. I WAS THIRSTY, AND YOU GAVE ME DRINK........" Here Jesus is saying we offered food and drink but man says when did we do this? These are acts of mercy. But let's look at Revelation. Revelation 7:16 "THEY WILL NEVER AGAIN BE HUNGRY OR THIRSTY; THEY WILL NEVER BE SCORCHED BY THE HEAT OF THE SUN." God will take care of his children, and will no longer thirst eternally. This reminds me of the country western song....lookin' for love in all the wrong places....which is true. Many look for an everlasting love and it becomes material instead of spiritual. We also have a song from the 60's.... I can't get no....satisfaction!! We know where true love and satisfaction is. This is through our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. So many distractions that will detour us from our daily walk with the Lord. Can't get total love or satisfaction until we STOP, DROP & PRAY!!! Let Jesus lead us in all we do! Tough road to hoe, many many distractions, diversions, items that cause our head to turn and our walk strays. Be merciful to others, seek ye the Lord, and you will have life everlasting. Thank you for reading today. Have a super and blessed day in the Lord. Pray for family, friends, yourself, ones on this list, and enjoy being a child of God.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Material Possessions-Matthew 19:16-22

Good morning everyone!!!! I hope you are having a wonderful day in the Lord!!! We have begun school for teachers and athletes are back to work. You know, we should enjoy one another and be proud to be alive in Christ. If yone is interested in doing a study in prophesy please let me know. I have had a couple of inquiries and we would need advice on where and how to start and if someone is interested in leading. Thank you. Say, you know what......????????????? Sometimes we get rapped up in what we do and don't have. I have a...... and we have talked about this before. What happens when we are young, middle aged, and old.?.?.? We want a nice house, car, boat, RV, golf cart, 4 wheeler, jet ski, etc............... Okay, nothing wrong with this if you are in accordance with God's will. However, it is easy to step outside God's will....still claiming to be in His will......and our possessions become the most important. What does Jesus say about this? Matthew 19:16-22 "SOMEONE CAME TO jESUS WITH THIS QUESTION, 'TEACHER, WHAT GOOD THINGS MUST I DO TO HAVE ETERNAL LIFE?'....JESUS TOLD HIM, 'IF YOU WANT TO BE PERFECT, GO AND SELL ALL YOU HAVE AND GIVE THE MONEY TO THE POOR, AND YOU WILL HAVE TREASURE IN HEAVEN. THEN COME, FOLLOW ME.' BUT WHEN THE YOUNG MAN HEARD THIS, HE WENT SADLY AWAY BECAUSE HE HAD MANY POSSESSIONS." WOW!! WOW!!! All Jesus is saying is sell all you have, give it to the poor, and you will have TREASURE in HEAVEN. Sounds so simple doesn't it? Could you do it? We may compromise our standards, be captive to other's opinions, or we may give in to the loudest, most insistent demands, or a fearful plea. We become co-dependent!!! Oh, no, I am not co-dependent, not at all. Oh, yeah, how well would you do if you had to sell all, give to the poor, and know you have riches in heaven. Could you really do it?? A good question!!! In my mind, and with the head knowledge I know this is what I would do......but......when we get right down to it ......could I???? could you????? We must stand our ground as a Christian......fear not....have faith in the Lord and go forth in faith. You already have lots of faith, that is how you came to Jesus....through faith. Exercise that faith, faith is like a muscle. If you don't use it and work to build it up it will grow no more. We all know we are babes in Christ when we first come to the Lord, we must grow. What is God's promise? Romans 6:21 "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord." Thank you for reading with me today. I enjoy your feedback. Share Jesus with someone today!! Be proud of your Father!!! Share the good news!!! Remember, take a moment and Stop, Drop, and Pray....just a moment with the Lord, you need it, He appreciates it, and the day will be wonderful. Many unspoken prayer requests please pray for God's will. Love you all!!
In Christ's Love and Grace

Monday, August 07, 2006

Do you love your FATHER? Matthew 22:37-38

Good Morning everyone!! WOW!!!! A great day to be a child of God!! Do you act like you are a child of the King? Do you show love and favor to your Father? Our Father in Heaven loves us so much??? Would you send 1, just 1 of your children into a land, to be ridiculed, cursed, spat upon, falsely accused, persecuted, tortured, and killed so that everyone else may live? So that all could have everlasting life??? WOW!!!! A tough decision.....very tough decision.....HOWEVER, our FATHER did this for us. Okay, well, why are we here then? Our first purpose is to know and to love God because that give God pleasure. The most important thing you can know in life is that GOD LOVES YOU!!!! Jeremiah 31:3 "I HAVE LOVED YOU WITH AN EVERLASTING LOVE; I HAVE DRAWN YOU WITH LOVING KINDNESS," says the LORD." The most important thing we can do in life is the first and greatest commandment.......LOVE GOD BACK (FIRST)!!! Matthew 22:37-38 "LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND. THIS IS THE FIRST AND GREATEST COMMANDMENT." God knows e v e r y t h i n g about you AND he still love you. His deepest desire is for you to know him and love him in return. We don't need to try to do and say all the right things to make God love us, we need to realize that he already love you and we just need to love him back. Here is a prayer given by Rick Warren that you may pray now if you wish. God, if I don't get anything else done today, help me to know you a little bit better and love you a little bit more, If, at the end of the day, I know you a little bit better and I love you a little bit more, I will have not wasted this day. On the other hand, it won't matter what else I've done or left undone, if I missed the first purpose of my life. So help me, Father, to know and love you more today. I ask this in Christ's name.....Amen. Thank you for reading, hey, if you read this, take time to STOP, DROP, and PRAY. No, it doesn't have to be long. You are sitting at the computer, bow your head, and just say a quick prayer for all the people who receive this. Can you spare 45 seconds? Then click on compose, address, and tell someone you love them. Love you all, each of you are special, you are my brother or sister in Christ. Thank you Jesus.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Divisiveness Titus 3:10

Well, good morning to all!!!! I hope you have a great day in the Lord and enjoy just being alive!!!! Hey, today is the last of the three reasons someone can be asked to leave the church...ex-communicated---- disfellowshiped.......or what ever you want to call it. Titus 3:10 "IF ANYONE IS CAUSING DIVISIONS AMONG YOU, HE SHOULD BE GIVEN A FIRST AND SECOND WARNING. AFTER THAT HAVE NOTHING MORE TO DO WITH HIM, (11) FOR SUCH A PERSON HAS A WRONG SENSE OF VALUES. hE IS SINNING, AND HE KNOWS IT." The King James says "A MAN THAT IS AN HERETICK AFTER THE FIRST AND SECOND ADMONITION REJECT; (11) KNOWING THAT HE THAT IS SUCH IS SUBVERTED, AND SINNETH, BEING CONDEMNED OF HIMSELF." Okay, heretick (Greek hairetikos) means to choose, prefer, or take for oneself. It has the idea of choosing to believe what one wants, in spite of what God says. The Word of God must be the final authority for what we believe. Those who accept so-called 'further revelations" which are contrary to the Word of God are HERETICS and SHOULD BE REJEECTED. So, Paul is saying that someone can be dismissed or thrown out of the church for doctrinal defection.....meaning the feel good preacher. Don't preach the word, but make everyone feel gooooooood about themselves no matter what they are doing. Second, moral defection, Paul tells them they are worse than the pagans as they are allowing immorality to exist in the church with no consequences and this then becomes an acceptable value. In the case of Corinth a man sleeping with his father's wife (his stepmother). The third is heretick, choosing to believe what I WANT TOO, it matters not what is in the Bible, I will do it my way. We must stay in the Bible. But now, remember, Paul does not say having someone removed from the church is forever and ever. In 2 Corinthians 2:7-11 Paul states that the discipline of this person is enough, as the purpose of discipline is not to destroy but to edify and restore. Paul wanted to make sure the Corinthian church was mature enough and had enough character to deal with sin in their congregation. They are to give forgiveness the same as the receive God's forgiveness, they must love this fallen brother, and bring him back into the congregation....AFTER....he was disciplined, asked forgiveness, and repented or turned from his ways. If they did not forgive and love him, then Paul tells us that satan will use this incident to distract and diminish the work of God in the Corinthian church. Satan like to attack the gospel and bring disunity to a church, then work to bring dishonor to the gospel. The church which God can best use is the church that keeps to His word and forms a barrier against satan. Well, I hope you received a blessing or some information from todays devotional. May you have a great day in the Lord Jesus Christ.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Friday, August 04, 2006

Immorality-1 Corinthians 5

Good morning everyone!! Yea!!! What a great day to be alive in Jesus!!! TGIF---Thank God It's Friday-----that is why God made Friday, so we could rejoice. lol ha ha. Anyway, it is a wonderful day, we woke and are able to see and be around family and friends. However, on the other hand, had we not awaken, we would be having a Glorious day in paradise, either way it would be a blessing. Okay, yesterday, the question about the preacher.....would you have one who has been in jail, murdered, etc.? A few I visited with figured it out, but probably we would hire him.....his name is Paul....and we read about him all the time. Sometimes things are not as they seem....huh? Okay, today, moral defection which is in 1 Corinthians I am not going to print the whole chapter, just paraphrase parts. You will need to read it on your own. Now, fornication (Greek porneia) refers to sexual sins, and is going on in the church. Paul condemns the immorality in the church.....a man is sleeping with his father's wife (stepmother) and Paul says even the heathen don't do this. This crime is worse than adultery as it is incest. Paul asks why they don't remove this man from the membership. Paul tells the people to call a meeting of the church, listen to the evidence, and make a judgment. Paul tells them he is there in spirit. paul is saying give the man over to satan, meaning his physical body, that his spirit may be saved. The main thrust here is to send the man out of the church so his sould will return to Jesus and be saved. This sin had to be purged from the congregation because if they allowed this, soon all would be affected. vs 7 "Remove this evil cancer-this wicked person-from among you, so that you can stay pur. Christ, God's Lamb, has been slain for us." vs 8 "So let us feast upon him and grow strong in the Christian life, leaving entirely behind us the cancerous old life with all its hatreds and wickedness. let us feast instead upon the pure bread of honor and sincerity and truth." Paul continues telling the people of Corinth not to mix with evil people; and he is not talking about unbelievers living in sexual sin, who are greedy cheats and thieves and idol worshipers. We have to live in the world with people like this. But, what Paul is saying is this: vs 11 "What I meant was that you are not to keep company with anyone who claims to be a brother Christians but indulges in sexual sins, or is greedy, or is a swindeler, or worships idols, or is a drunkard, or abusive. Don't even eat lunch with such a person." Paul continues in vs 12 saying it is not our job to judge outsiders, but is is our job to judge and deal strongly with those who are members o the church and who are sinning in these ways. God alone is the Judge of those on the outside, but we must deal with this man and put him out of the church. Pretty much what Paul is saying here is that one bad apple can spoil the whole barrel, get rid of them (him or her). Now, this is in 1 Corinthians it and give me feedback. Is the man condemned to hell his physical or sinful man......there is hope his spirit will be saved by Christ. Don't hold back.....tell me what you are thinking, but back it up with the Bible. This is a very interesting topic and dealt with sternly by Paul. Thank you for you all.....have a great day.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Ex-communication Romans 16:17,18

Well hello everyone!!! WOW!!! How good is GOD??? God take is all!! Takes it all off of us!!! He is super---awesome---magnificant!!!! Okay, here is a question for you...heard this yesterday. How would you view or feel about someone who applied for a job as poastor or your church if he: 1) preaches the word extremely well; 2) has been in jail; 3) was involved in murder; 4) caused riots in streets; 5)has been run out of towns; 6) fought against good or right; and 7) did however, repent and converted to be a preacher of the gospel. Would you want someone like this on your staff? Answer, please, a quick yes or no is sufficient, commentary is welcome. We'll talk about this tomorrow. Okay, then another question...... should we ever band or disfellowship someone in our congregation? Let's talk about this for the next 3 days (today, Friday, and Sat.) First, let's look at doctrinal defection. What is doctrinal defection? Just what it says. If we defect we turn away. Doctrinal we are talking about the doctrin or the gospel. Now, what do you mean turn away? No one would do that!!! You'r crazy!!! Everyone teaches the gospel!! Oh, OH>>>>.what about the "feel good pastors" who only preach so you'll feel good, keep giving, and support his ministry (the feel good ministry) and the church? Look at Roman's 16:17-18. Paul is talking to the Corinth church, who obviously is having problems. vs 17 "AND NOW I MAKE ONE MORE APPEAL, MYDEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS. WATCHOUT FOR PEOPLE WHO CAUSE DIVISION AND UPSET PEOPLE'S FAITH BY TEACHING THINGS CONTRARY TO WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN TAUGHT. STAY AWAY FROM THEM. (18) SUCH PEOPLE ARE NOT SERVING CHRIST OUR LORD; THEY ARE SERVING THEIR OWN PERSONAL INTERESTS. BY SMOOTH TALK AND GLOWING WORDS, THEY DECEIVE INNOCENT PEOPLE." Christians who study God's word, asking him to reveal the truth will not be fooled. We should check the content of what we read or hear so we swon't be fooled. Check out Acts 17:10-12. Okay, now jump over to 1 Tim 6:3,4; here Paul tells Timothy to stay away from those who just wanted to make money from preachings and those who strayed from the sound teachings of the good news into quarrels that caused strife in the church.vs 5 says to stay away from people who just want to argue. Okay, go to Titus 1:10-16 and read this. 1 Titus 10:15 "EVERYTHING IS PURE TO THOSE WHOSE HEARTS ARE PURE...." Where are you??? Are you tolerant of feel good messages???? If so, WHY?????? Reread these scriptures, we are not to allow or entertain any conversation or teaching which is not scripture based. What is your "Christian life" based on???? The BIBLE.....Amen!!! or The feel good words.......OH ME!!! Let's Amen.....NOT oh me....!!! Love you all. Thanks for reading. Let God, His word be your pilot. Tomorrow, step two about excommunication or disfellowship.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Ephsians 4:22 & 2 Corinthians 3:18

Good morning everyone!!! What a great day to be alive in the Lord!!! Yes, we make mistakes, do dumb things, but have you ever thought that you were working outside of God's will when this happens. God does not want us to be gods, but He does want us to be godly. It is the Holy Spirit's job to produce Christlike character in you. 2 Corinthians 3:18 "AS THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD WORKS WITHIN US, WE BECOME MORE AND MORE LIKE HIM AND REFLECT HIS GLORY EVEN MORE." Ephesians 4:22 "TAKE ON AN ENTIRELY NEW WAY OF LIFE-A GOD FASHIONED LIFE, A LIFE RENEWED FROM THE INSIDE AND WORKING ITSELF INTO YOUR CONDUCT AS GOD ACCURATELY REPORDUCES HIS CAHRACTER IN YOU." The Holy Spirit oftennudges us with a gentle whisper. Many times we fail to "be still and know that I am". Being Christlike in not produced by imitation, buy by the Holy Spirit inhabiting our very being. Are you in tune to God's work? I want to say yes, but I also know that in the last few weeks I have let diversions invade my being. No, it was not family, but selfish desires, personal desires, unhealthy desires. It took a good "whack" from God this past weekend to make me realize I was spending more time working against God than for God. Oh, yeah, I went through the motions, but knew inside I was wrong. thank you Jesus for correcting me before I had traveled too far. Philippians 2:13 "GOD IS WORKING IN YOU, GIVING YOU THE DESIRE TO OBEY HIM AND THE POWER TO DO WHAT PLEASES HIM." Our God is a jealous God, and we should have no other god's before Him. It may be money, car, house, t.v., computer, music, or whatever. This does not mean we cannot partake of these items, but if they consume us, then they become our god. Just remember "CHRIST LIVES IN YOU" Colossians 1:27Have a blessed day in the Lord. Love you all, may God grant us a most holy and enjoyable day. Wed. and Thurs, morning I may not have access to the net, if not, then I will catch up on Friday. Thanks for reading, STOP, DROP, AND PRAY.
In Christ's Love and Grace,