Good morning everyone! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!
Today is Good Friday, although it was a bad day in ancient times, it was a good day for all mankind. Jesus Christ died for your sins; to make you whole; to give you life everlasting. Praise God for His mercy.
Please remember easter this weekend. To some it is just another weekend; to others it is a 3 day holiday; and to Christians it should be a weekend of rejoicing, when satan's evil and satan's hold were beaten- He arose!
He is risen hallelujah
Strips of linen empty tomb
But Peter you will see Him soon because
He is risen hallelujah
He is risen hallelujah
Two brothers walking the Emmaus Road
Talking to the crucified Jesus
When He broke bread they knew
All Jesus said was true because
He is risen hallelujah
He is risen hallelujah
Brothers sisters raise your voice
In praise of the glorified Jesus
He crucified our sin
And we will rise like Him
He is risen hallelujah
He is risen hallelujah