Are you merciful? Or is it all about you?
Good morning everyone!! God is good all the time, all the time God is good!!! You know, when things look frustrating just take time, talk to your Father in Heaven, and watch events turn around. God has blessed me and continues to bless me. Praise God!
Matthew 5:7 "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy."
Have you been merciful to others lately. It may be a small act, such as slowing in traffic so the car in the lane beside you may change lanes. Or, did you speed up so they can't get over. If you want to change lanes you appreciate someone letting you over....well......why not do it for others? Slow up, let them in.
In Matthew 18:23-35 Jesus talks about the man who was indebted to the king when the king called in all debts. The king was going to sell the man, his wife and children and everything he owned to pay the debt. The man fell to his knees and cried for pity. The king show him mercy. Then , after receiving mercy this man went out and confronted a man who owed him. Since he could not pay the man had him put in prison until the debt was paid in full. When this was reported to the king, he had the man brought forward, called him an evil servant, and put him in prison to be tortured until the debt was paid in full.
Are you the merciful king? Or, are you the ungrateful servant who wants mercy for yourself but not grant it to others? How deep is your faith, really? Do you "trust" God, or do you really have a RELATIONSHIP with God. Be merciful, slow down, smile, greet others pleasantly, help others, let your RELATIONSHIP with God shine through. Thank you for reading. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace,