Na - who? Nahum!! A minor prophet!!
Good morning all! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
I do hope you enjoyed Jonah. He went to Nineveh- finally- preached God's word to repent, they did, he pouted, God dealt with him, and Nineveh left paganism and turned back to God. Nice story, good ending and all lived happily ever after. Or did they? Let us go to the book of Nahum.
First, who is Nahum? Nahum is a minor prophet. The author of the Book of Nahum identifies himself as Nahum (in the Hebrew “Consoler” or “Comforter”) the Elkoshite (1:1).
Nahum was sent to Nineveh about 150 years after Jonah had ministered there. There are many theories as to where that city was though there is no conclusive evidence. One such theory is that it refers to the city later called Capernaum (which literally means “the village of Nahum”) at the Sea of Galilee.
This starts out with "the burden of Nineveh" called a burden (Hebrew masa' burden, load, thing lifted up) because of its preoccupation with the judgment against Nineveh. Just the name Nineveh brought terror into the hearts of Judah. Why?
Three hundred years it had been a great city; however, for the past 100 years it was a strong city, fortified city, and was a military giant at this time. Nahum was given a vision by God of the pending doom against Nineveh. The book of Nahum has 3 major themes: I. pronouncement of Nineveh's doom; II. the description of Nineveh's doom; III. and the vindication of Nineveh's doom.
I do hope you will enjoy this journey as I expect to. Nahum begins on Monday -- see you then!! Love you all!
In Christ's Love and Grace