
Friday, February 28, 2014

Na - who? Nahum!! A minor prophet!!

Good morning all! God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
   I do hope you enjoyed Jonah.  He went to Nineveh- finally- preached God's word to repent, they did, he pouted, God dealt with him, and Nineveh left paganism and turned back to God.  Nice story, good ending and all lived happily ever after.  Or did they?  Let us go to the book of Nahum.
   First, who is Nahum?  Nahum is a minor prophet.  The author of the Book of Nahum identifies himself as Nahum (in the Hebrew “Consoler” or “Comforter”) the Elkoshite (1:1).
       Nahum was sent to Nineveh about 150 years after Jonah had ministered there.   There are many theories as to where that city was though there is no conclusive evidence. One such theory is that it refers to the city later called Capernaum (which literally means “the village of Nahum”) at the Sea of Galilee.  
  This starts out with "the burden of Nineveh" called a burden (Hebrew masa' burden, load, thing lifted up) because of its preoccupation with the judgment against Nineveh.  Just the name Nineveh brought terror into the hearts of Judah. Why?
  Three hundred years it had been a great city; however, for the past 100 years it was a strong city, fortified city, and was a military giant at this time.   Nahum was given a vision by God of the pending doom against Nineveh.  The book of Nahum has 3 major themes: I. pronouncement of Nineveh's doom; II. the  description of Nineveh's doom; III. and the vindication of Nineveh's doom.
   I do hope you will enjoy this journey as I expect to.  Nahum begins on Monday -- see you then!! Love you all! 

In Christ's Love and Grace


Thursday, February 27, 2014

Get right with God or get gone! Jonah 4:9-11

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
    Well, Jonah has had quite a week. Let us recap briefly: God told him to go to Nineveh, he went the other way, got on a ship, big storm, thrown overboard, fish ate him, vomited on dry land, 3 day walk to Nineveh, preached, Nineveh repented, Jonah is mad (he wanted Nineveh to be destroyed), pouts and sits on a hill to watch the city, a gourd (shade) grows, worm eats gourd, sun and wind dry him out.  Yep!  This has been quite a week, and why?  All because he choose not to obey God in the beginning. Stupid you say?!?!  Don't we do the same, just not to this extent?
    Well, the worm ate the gourd, it dried up and "God prepared a vehement east wind" to come.  This heat and wind were exhausting, Jonah fainted and wished to die.  God did this to intensify the physical distress of Jonah, the prophet.  There sits Jonah in self-pity - woe is me - cry baby attitude.  God then tells Jonah why should he be angry because the gourd grew, gave shade and died and Jonah did nothing to grow the gourd; yet Jonah cared not for the "sixscore thousand persons (120,000) that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand." (v10-11)
   The people of Nineveh benefited from Jonah's words, repented, and turned to God; God repented of the evil he was going to sent (repent here means God turned away or changed his mind) upon Nineveh and allowed them to prosper in their worship of Him. 120,000 people lived as well as all their livestock simply because they repented, turned back to Jehovah!!
    God does care for the animals, plants, all living things and we will all benefit if we are in a right relationship with God.  Nineveh was not, through Jonah they were given another chance, they repented (left their pagan ways) and were given another chance.
   Jonah, being human got all mad and angry and went off and pouted.  Sound like someone you see in a mirror daily?  Then, he had to get right with God again.  God will take care of us, He loves us, we just have to let go and let God.  Love you all. Hope you enjoyed Jonah as took away as much as I did.
  In Christ's Love and Grace

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Poor little ole Jonah, unhappy and wants to die! Jonah 4:5-8

Good morning all!  God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
   Well, have you been thinking about your life and how it may parallel to Jonah's?  God calls, we run. God corrects, we do.  God acts, we pout.  That is Jonah thus far.
   So, Jonah went up on the east side of the city to "see what happens".  Well, to his dismay the people repented, God sent no evil, and Jonah is unhappy.  Hmmm!  Why is Jonah not happy?
    Jonah hated Nineveh and wanted it destroyed; now he is sitting and watching.  Now Jonah is angry at God because God did not do what Jonah wanted - the destruction of Nineveh.  So he has a little shelter from which to watch; God prepared a gourd to grow up to provide shade for Jonah's head.  This plant grew rapidly, provided shade for Jonah who "was exceeding glad of the gourd."(c4,v6) He did not realize this gourd came from the hand of God.  
     The next day, in verse 7, a worm came and destroyed the plant just as fast as it had grown.  The plant was designed to serve God's purpose, not for Jonah's comfort.  Now Jonah has no shade.  Then God sent (v8) "a vehement east wind" which is very hot and carry dust with it.  Jonah fainted and wished to die.  The wind was not there for drying up the plant or to tear down the shelter, but simply for intensifying the physical distress of the prophet.  
    So Jonah is sitting on the side of a hill, he is not praying for Nineveh or for himself, but sitting/laying there in complete dejection and self-pity.
    Tomorrow we will finish Jonah; but I ask you these questions.  How many times have things not gone your way and you were angry about it?  Even though you may not have had good reason - you were angry.
    How often do you sit around in self pity, oh woe is me, poor little me sympathy party?  How often do you not see what God had done and is doing in your life because of your cloudy and tainted vision?
   How often do we act as Jonah?  Love you all.
   In Christ's Love and Grace

Monday, February 24, 2014

Come on God, this is not what I want!! Jonah 4: 1-5

Good morning all! God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
    So now, Jonah went to Nineveh, the largest city in the ancient world at that time, and preached repentance.  The people repented, the king ordered and put on sackcloth and ashes, and all turned from their evil ways.  Wow!  Great story, now Jonah is jumping and skipping down the road, happy as a lark, right?  WRONG!!
   Okay, so what's up with Jonah?  God did not punish Nineveh for their evil ways because they did repent and turned to Him.  Well, Jonah thought Nineveh should be destroyed, everyone eliminated, the city crushed because they were a Godless society.  They had gods, but not the living God.  Now Jonah is off pouting, angry, outwardly angry at God because He did not destroy Nineveh.
    Jonah did fuss at God, told God to take his life, he told God to just take his life; he knew God would do this because God is a gracious God, is merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness.  So just kill me.  Jonah said it would be better for him to die than to live (c4, v3) and how did God respond to this?
   God ask, (v4) "Doest thou well to be angry?"  Jonah's biggest problem - he hated Nineveh and wanted it destroyed.  His very human side took over.  So now, Jonah is outside the city, sitting on the east side of the city planning to watch the outcome of Nineveh.
   Jonah made a shelter and was hoping God would change His mind, reverse His decision to let Nineveh remain since they repented, and in hopes the city would be destroyed.  Wow!  What is the lesson here?  Hatred!  Human desires!  Jonah had so much hatred toward Nineveh that he wanted the results to be his way, the human way.  No second chances, even though he was given a second chance when he did not obey God's directive to go to Nineveh.
    When our human, sinful nature takes over our eyes are covered with haze and we do not see clearly.  Our dislike, disagreement, or hatred can taint our view and our decisions.  Where are you today my friend?  Are you tainted or in God will?  Love you all.
   In Christ's Love and Grace

Friday, February 21, 2014

Sackcloth and ashes - what does this mean? Chapter 3 of Jonah

Good morning all!  God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!! 
    Well, have you thought about Jonah.  Okay Jonah was disobedient, but through a chain of events is now on dry land preparing to do God's beckoning.  We are in chapter 3 - God told Jonah to get up and go to Nineveh, a 3 day journey.
   When Jonah got to Nineveh he cried out telling all that in 40 days the city would be overthrown.  Well, guess what?  They listened and believed!!  The king laid aside his robe and took on saccloth and ashes.  Sooo, what does this mean?
   Sackcloth is a coarse, black cloth made from goat’s hair that was worn together with the burnt ashes of wood as a sign of mourning for personal and national disaster, as a sign of repentance and at times of prayer for deliverance.
    The king declared a decree, a fast, not to feed or drink, to all wear sackcloth, and turn from their evil and violent ways.  All were to repent and turn away from their evil, turn back to God so they would be spared.   Because they repented and turned to God, God did not send the evil He had planned for this great city of Nineveh.  They repented and turned to God!!!  Yea!!  End of story right?  I mean, a happy ending for all.  Oops, but then there is Jonah - a hardheaded, stubborn man who is not happy!  Why? Tune in tomorrow so we can talk about Jonah and his attitude.   
   Repent, put on your sackcloth and ashes (not literally) and enjoy God. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Thursday, February 20, 2014

In HELL, the belly of a great fish - Jonah 2

Good morning all!  God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!
    Okay, ladies you will appreciate this, men you probably won't but here goes.  Jonah was stubborn, hardheaded and determined to do his own thing and not consult God.  Did he get a surprise?  You bet!! lol
   Let us recap -- Jonah was told to go to Nineveh, he did not want to go to this wicked place and preach repent, he jumped on a ship going the opposite direction, a storm came (God created), cast lots, threw him over board.  Many you take about a rough couple of days.  What else could go wrong?
    Well, Jonah gets cast into the water and low and behold a "great fish" comes and swallows him whole.  Okay, one moment he is a cork bobbing in the water, the next minute he is fish food in the stomach of a great fish.   Jonah cries of his affliction to God.  Jonah says the LORD heard his cry from the belly of HELL.  Did Jonah know he has messed up?  You bet he did.  He tried to escape the presence of the Lord, the Temple, but God was right there with him.  Read chapter 2 and see what Jonah says about the situation he was in.  
    Jonah repented, cried out unto the Lord, the Lord heard him, heard his cries and praise of being brought up out of corruption and unto salvation, which is of the LORD.  
   Notice, this is important:  Jonah was made aware of his iniquities; asked forgiveness, repented, and praised God for his salvation.  Is this not a story and requirement for us all?  Upon doing this what played out next?  
   God heard him!  God always hears!  God spoke to the fish. God is the greatest Dr. Doolittle, and the fish vomited Jonah where?   ON DRY LAND!   After all this, Jonah is on dry land and God spoke to him again saying, "Arise, go unto Nineveh, that great city, and preach unto it the preaching that I bid thee."
   Basically, Jonah, get your sorry tail up and go do what I told you in the first place.  Quit trying to run away.  With God it is like the movie, "I know who you are, I saw what you did."  
    Are you doing what God is telling you, or do you need to go to the depths of hell in a great fishes belly?  Where are you today my friend?  Love you all.
   In Christ's Love and Grace

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What does it take for you to fear God? Jonah 1:8-16

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
   Okay, so let's recap.  God told Jonah to go to Ninevah; God knew these people were evil and Jonah did not think they deserved grace; Jonah jumped a ship going to Tarshish (the exact opposite way); then God created a big storm; lots were cast and it fell on Jonah.  OH, WHAT IS A FELLOW TO DO???
  The men on the ship asked Jonah many questions, among them "what evil have you done?"  "What is thine occupation? What country do you come from? Who are your people?"  Obviously, the men were concerned - Jonah almost got their ship torn apart by the raging storm.  Wouldn't you be concerned?
   Jonah told them he was a Hebrew, he feared God, and God had made the sea and the land.  At this point the men were even more terrified because they knew Jonah was running from the presence of the Lord.  They asked Jonah why he had done this?  What are they to do? How can they make the sea calm once again?
   Jonah said cast me over board because it was his fault the storm rose; the men did not want to do this as they tried to row toward land, but to no avail.  These pagan men now called out to the Living God not to take innocent men to their death, the Lord had done as He pleased.  At this point they took Jonah and cast him into the sea.  Well, guess what?  The sea "ceased from raging"; it stopped, all was calm.
    At this point the men in the boat gave thanks unto the Living God, feared the Lord, offered a sacrifice, and made vows to God.
   So, at this point what has happened.  Jonah was not obedient, the storm raged, Jonah was cast into the sea, the sea calmed, Jonah is in the water, and the men now fear God, offered sacrifices and made vows to God.  
    God will take our disobedience, turn it into good, however, you/I will suffer the consequences of our actions.  The men on the ship now fear God, Jonah is in the water, and what does God have in storm next for Jonah?  
   Friend, don't let your disobedience affect others-you paying the consequences; but, let your obedience offer you smooth sailing for others to see God in you --affecting them as well.  Today, may your waters be calm, your sails full, and your course steady. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Jonah - no bridge over troubled waters - Jonah 1:4-7

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
   Well, Jonah has paid his fare and is on the ship.  So, all is well, so thinks Jonah.  The ship sets sail, God knows where Jonah is, God knows what Jonah is trying to do, so what is God going to do.  Now let me ask this: Is Jonah in fellowship or out of fellowship with GOD?
   Jonah is doing as we often do, hide and think it will all blow over and all will be well.  Well, speaking of blowing over, that is what happened after the ship set sail.  Jonah Chapter 1 verse 4 "But the LORD sent out a great wind into the sea, and there was a mighty tempest in the sea, so that the ship was like to be broken."   God called upon another servant, the wind, to bring the servant Jonah back into fellowship. 
   Now it did not just happen and Jonah said okay Lord, here I go.  No! The great wind was tossing them about such that they thought the ship may break apart.  The mariners were afraid and each man cried out to his god.  They threw some of their cargo overboard to lighten the ship, but nothing was helping.  So where was Jonah?  He was in asleep down below.  The multi-cultural crew was scared as they had not experienced such a violent storm in their travels.  The ships captain went to get Jonah.
    Now this is interesting.  The ships crew called upon "their" gods in fear.  When the captain found Jonah he told him to "call upon thy God, if so be that God will think upon us, that we perish not."    The other gods they called upon did nothing, so the captain wanted Jonah's God to do something.  So, in verse 7 they cast lots so they "may know for whose cause this evil is upon us.  So they cast lots, and the lot fell upon Jonah."   Casting lots is mentioned 70 times in the Bible. Casting lots was used in Biblical times but what a "lot" is, is not actually known.  It is like us today drawing straws or flipping a coin.
    The lot fell to Jonah.  Now before we continue this saga let me ask you a few questions.  Have you ever known the direction God wanted you to travel, yet you turned away?   Did you experience the "storm" as you walked out of fellowship with God?  Were the experiences a lesson you learned and keep in your heart?  Where are you walking today?  In the troubled waters as Jonah, on in a calm sea with God? Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Monday, February 17, 2014

Jonah - Tarshish here I come Jonah 1:1-2

Good morning all!!  God is good all the time, all the time God is good.   TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
    Ever wonder what you are doing, what your purpose is, then when you find out where you should be headed and what you should be doing --- you don't like it?  I do believe it happens to us all.  How often do we know what God wants us to do, but, we just don't want to do it?!?
   A few years ago, around 852 B.C., there was a man named Jonah, the son of Amittai who God told to "Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me."
    Now Jonah means "dove" and Amittai means "truth."  So Jonah was to go to Nineveh and deliver the truth that they may turn away from their wickedness.  Instead, Jonah went the exact opposite way, to Tarnish.  I know you all know the story, but stay with me here.
   Nineveh was the ancient capital of the Assyrian Empire, located on the eastern bank of the Tigris River.  It was the largest city in the world in that day and was a definite threat to the existence of Israel.  Jonah would not have minded going to declare God's judgment, but not God's grace.  Jonah, himself, had judged these people to be unworthy of grace.  The resources say this incident is unusual in the fact that this is the only time a prophet was sent into a heathen nation and it is the only time when a prophet refuses to carry out his commission.
   Nineveh was east of Palestine whereas Tarshish was at the extreme western end of the known world. So, Jonah jumped on a ship, paid his fare, and was planning to escape the presence of the LORD.  In this instance, "presence of the LORD" means away from the land of Israel, the Temple where God dwelt. Jonah is not necessarily thinking he can "escape the omni presence of God," just where God dwells.
   Today I wish to stop here and ask you this question.  Take time to think about it seriously. When was the last time you felt God was telling you to do something?  And, did you do it or flee?  He may have said, in that small still voice, share ME with that person; or stop and render aid; or possibly go buy that person something to eat.  Did you listen and obey that small still inner voice?  Or, as Jonah, flee, thinking it will go away?  Love you all.
   In Christ's Love and Grace

Friday, February 14, 2014

Being true to God -- Hosea 2 & 3

God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
   Gomer prostituted herself to the world until she was of no use, her beauty faded, and someone better came along.  Gomer was cast aside, then sold into slavery.
    Today is valentines day, a day to remember relationships and true love.  This may be a good day to end Gomer's plight of desiring worldly things and for Hosea to get his beloved wife back.  Hosea loved Gomer, a true love;  God loved Israel, a true love.  Hosea wanted his wife back. God wanted his (wife) people back.  Both had turned away to the prosperous life of the world; Gomer hit the bottom - being sold as a slave. Israel turned to Baal.
    God's people were prospering, but things were drying up.  Why were they drying up? Chapter 2:9-13 God will take away all HE has given her; as did Gomer's lovers.  In these verses God talks about the Israelites lovers, meaning the things of the world and worshiping Baal.
   Then God helps Israel through a restoration and she returns to Him.  This shows the Lord still loves Israel, even though the people turned to other gods.  God tells Hosea to go and love his wife again, even though she is an adulteress.  Now, please note the similarity here: Hosea bought his wife back, out of slavery for FIFTEEN (15) PIECES OF SILVER, a homer of barley and half a home of barley (homer is 5 bushels).
      Note:  15 pieces of silver bought back his lover;  Jesus Christ was sold (betrayed) for what? 30 pieces of silver.  We have to be cautious of the grip the world does have on us.  Is Jesus; Is God; Is your salvation the most important thing to you?  If not--are your priorities  in proper perspective? God, family, career.  Are you selling out? 
   An undying love God has for you!!  God wants none to perish, but all to prosper.  Happy Valentines day!
In Christ's Love and Grace

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Adulterous Israel - Hosea

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!!
   Still, I remain in Hosea.  This book has definitely made an impact on me, my thinking, my relationship with God and opened my eyes to clearer viewing.  Jehovah was guiding Hosea in all he did.  God was telling the people, through Hosea, that they forget who provides the water, the vines, the wine, corn, silver and gold.  It is HE, GOD, who provides all.
    Just as Gomer forgets that Hosea provided for her.  Hosea did not provide the fancy lures of the world, but he did provide food, shelter, and an undying love for Gomer.  Gomer's love was with the "fine" things of the world and her alliance  was with the person who could provide that at the time.
   Just as Israel, when Gomer became arrogant and failed to heed the men who provided for her she was cast aside as a used item of the world.  This is what God is telling Hosea to share with the people. HE brought them up out of bondage in Egypt; but now they have forgotten, they prosper and think it all because of them, what they do, and their gods - Baalim - before them.  Was God angry?  Of course He was. He is a jealous God. God is the bridegroom and Israel the bride - yet the bride strayeth!
    God remained true, but Israel had to go through the lean times. Hosea 2:10-13 God says he sees her lewdness and non shall deliver; all her mirth (joyfulness, laughter, happiness) will cease.  The vines and fig trees will be destroyed and she (Israel) will burn incense to Baal, wearing jewelry from her lovers (meaning worldly items).  Yet, she has forgotten the Lord, still pursuing her lovers.  She has not hit rock bottom yet but it is coming; just as it is with Gomer.
   Stay tuned for further events in this tragic, yet wonderful love affair.  Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Not loved & not my people - Hosea

Good morning everyone! God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
    We, too, as Gomer has that sin nature hidden in us.  It is important we be ever on the alert for the "virus" that may pop out of us.  Just as many viruses lie dormant until something triggers their activity, like chicken pox, we never know when they will rise and create problems for us.
   Gomer's "virus" was a longing for the fine things of life, pursuing her lovers for bread, water, wool, flax, mine oil and drink, corn, wine & oil, silver, and gold.  All the while loving "Baal" rather than being faithful.  This broke Hosea's heart, to see his wife openly pursue these men, the material objects of the world.  Hosea was seeing what God was experiencing with His (God's) people -- Israel.
   Gomer conceived and bore another child of which God told Hosea to name Lo-ruha-mah.  The name Lo-ruha-mah means "not loved."  This was the people toward God, He loved them but they loved Baal, the material things of the world.
   Hosea heralded the warning to the people.  Once again, the people turned away as did Gomer. She conceived once again and this child, a son, Hosea was told by God to name Lo-ammi, meaning "not my people."  Hosea is now really understanding the position God is in.  Gomer runs to other men; Israel runs to other gods.  Understand, there was Judah in the south and Israel in the north.  Israel was made up of 10 tribes, and Judah was made up of only 2 tribes.  It was Israel in the north who lost their appreciation for the special relationship they had with God, and they did pursue their dreams and goals that did not include God.
   The area was prosperous when Hosea was preaching of doom and gloom about to come upon the land.  The people laughed, made fun of, and chided Hosea saying they worship Baal and they are prospering; so just leave them alone.  They compromised their relationship with God and adopted the life-style and ways of the world.  Sound like America and the world today?  God is patient and wants all to turn to Him such that none would perish.  Remember God is all your glory and all your troubles.  HE will remedy all!
   Again this morning I woke with these lyrics: "Bless the Lord, O my soul
            O my soul
           Worship His holy name
           Sing like never before
           O my soul
           I'll worship Your holy name" 

If you can interpret why I wake singing this verse with the song repeating over and over please let me know.  To God be the glory. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Hosea and Gomer, the Saga continues Hosea

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
   Hosea, married Gomer, a woman committed to whoredom-- for what?  The things of the world....fine jewelry, linen, wine, clothing, etc.  She was selling her soul for the "good things" of life.  Yet, her husband sold his soul to the LORD.  Was this troubling for Hosea; you bet, his heart ached, he would cry out to God, why?  Oh, why would his wife betray him with other men this way.
    God was showing Hosea how Israel was treating Him, God.  He had delivered them out of bondage, into a land of their own, a land of milk and honey; yet, they were not satisfied and wanted more.  Worshiping Baal and other gods.  Why is it so easy to believe in other "gods" than to believe in the one, true, living God?
    It is made easy due to us being human.  We tend to want, desire the things of the world and forget what the basis of our life is --- G O D !!  We know what is true, we know what is right, we know what God wants for us, yet we seek the here and now tangible satisfying things.  We have a misconception of our needs compared to our desires.
    Yes, the "good" things of the world do, many times, make life easier or more exciting; BUT, are they NEEDS????  We know in our heart what is right and what is wrong; yet which road will we take?  Gomer, Hosea's wife knew the difference in the two roads, yet chose the road of whoredom to gain possessions of the world.  They had a son,  God told Hosea to name his son Jezreel.  Jezreel comes from two Hebrew root words meaning "God will sow".  The valley of Jezreel has a varied history - click this link to know more.  
   Many things happened in this valley, some evil and sad; some victorious for God.  Gomer now had a son named Jezreel, yet she was not satisfied.  This is many of us today.  We know in our heart what is right and what is wrong; yet we give in to the temptations to go to the "dark side" or wrong side.  So what did Gomer do.  She continued to sell her soul for the sole purpose of worldly goods.
   Hosea was faithful to his wife; she continued to be unfaithful to him.  This is what God is sharing with Hosea. How Gomer treats Hosea is how Israel treats God!  How do you treat God?  Food for thought. My mind is reeling today with so much from Hosea; I will continue to share on the morrow.   I woke this morning, knowing God and talking to God.  These song lyrics were resonating through  my mind: "Bless the Lord, O my soul
            O my soul
           Worship His holy name
           Sing like never before
           O my soul
           I'll worship Your holy name"    

 Love you all.
   In Christ's Love and Grace

Monday, February 10, 2014

Can yo love as Hosea did? Hosea 1

Good morning all!  God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!
   Last week I talked about Titus 3 - when someone is divisive warn them twice, then turn away and deal with them no more.  I do not believe the word "divisive" was made clear.  This means if a person is dividing the church, causes chaos within the church family, this person needs to be warned and if not turning away from their divisive nature then deal with them no more.  This may be telling them they are no longer welcome at your Christian gatherings.
   You say, but the Lord says to love everyone.  Yes!!  I do!!  The Bible does!  Jesus commandments are 1) love the LORD your GOD with all your heart, mind, and soul; and 2) to love your neighbor as thyself.  Jesus wants us to love all as he did.  We must have that loving spirit, however, Jesus would not tolerate things that are wrong against God, our Father.  Jesus was angry with the money mongers in the temple, turned their tables over and ran them out of the House of God. 
   Jesus corrected a wrong against God.  This does not mean we hate the people; no, we still love the people but hate their sinful, evil ways.  God's love for us is ongoing, never ending.  In the book of Hosea, God told Hosea to marry a woman, Gomer, of whoredom.  Why?  Why would God tell you to marry someone not of the faith, who is not equally yoked?  Simple answer.
    God chose Hosea to tell the people of their whoredom toward God.  The statues and wood carvings of Baal, and how the people of Israel had turned away from God.  Hosea experienced this secular deviation through his wife, whom he loved dearly.  God wanted him to understand the word given to the people from God's stand point.  Yes, Hosea was sadden, heart broken, and struggled, but he maintained his love for Gomer.  
  This is the love God wants us to have for each other, and the love God has for us.  Tomorrow I will talk more about Hosea and Gomer.  It truly is a love story with sadness and gladness. One where a heart aches, but then rejoices.  If I only had the love for all my fellow man as God has for us, as Hosea had for Gomer.  Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Friday, February 07, 2014

Whom Shalt Thou Follow? Mark 1 - 2 - 8

Good morning all! God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!

Mark 1:17
Then Jesus said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”
       Would you have left your nets and followed Jesus?
Mark 1:18
They immediately left their nets and followed Him.
Mark 2:14
As He passed by, He saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax office. And He said to him, “Follow Me.” So he arose and followed Him.
       As Jesus walked by and simply said follow me--would you?
Mark 2:15
Now it happened, as He was dining in Levi’s house, that many tax collectors and sinners also sat together with Jesus and His disciples; for there were many, and they followed Him.
      Do you associate with sinners as Jesus did; OR, stay protected in your comfortable surroundings?
Where do you stand today?  Who are you following? Take Up the Cross and Follow Him
Mark 8:34
  When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also, He said to them, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.
    Final question:   Will YOU Take Up the Cross and Follow Him?    Love you all
In Christ's Love and Grace

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Is today special? Know a lost sheep? Matthew 18:11-13

Good morning all!  God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!
   WOW!  Feb. 6 -- what a day!  The winter Olympics begin in Sochi; Babe Herman Ruth, Ronald Regan, Natalie Cole and Zsa Zsa Gabor were all born on this day.  Lots of things happened today that were and are exciting.  But you know what?  The angels in heaven are not rejoicing the above events.
  Well, just what are they rejoicing?  They are rejoicing over that poor homeless guy who experienced the love of Jesus when a caring loving Christian helped him and he accepted Jesus Christ as savior.
    They are rejoicing over that rich business man whose heart was soften by a Christian friend and he accepted Jesus Christ as savior.
    They are rejoicing over that Christian, you, that went out, shared the word, and made a difference in a lost souls life.
    Are you rejoicing over the lost souls that come to Jesus?  Or, are you so wrapped up in the everyday events in your life that you forget God?  Forget Jesus?  Forget your purpose in life?
   Jesus tells us the parable of the lost sheep.  Here it is in Matthew 18:
11 For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.
12 How think ye? if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray?
13 And if so be that he find it, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more of that sheep, than of the ninety and nine which went not astray.
    Think about what Jesus is saying.  The ninety-nine are important, but they are about God's work and there is no need to worry.  However, the ONE is lost,  we must find this ONE and bring him back to the flock.  Why?  Because, God's does not want anyone to be lost, destroyed, but he created us with freewill to choose God or to choose satan.  Lost will not say they choose satan, but they will poo-poo Christianity and give excuses.  This is following satan.
    Who do you know needs the LORD?  Who do you know that claims to be Christian but his/her walk says otherwise?  What will you do?  First, you have found the LOST and now just talk to God.  Yes, we call this PRAYER!  Just continue to pray for that person.  You hear of people who pray 10, 20, 30 years - sometimes a lifetime for someone before they accept Christ.  PRAY CONTINUALLY! Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Speak privately or gossip - Matthew 18:15-17

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
    In Titus, Paul said to give a divisive person two chances and then do not deal with him/her. Flee from this sinful person.  Here is how Jesus says to deal with another Christian who is creating problems.
   Matthew 18:15-17 "If another believer sins against you, go privately and point out the offense.  If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back. But if you are unsuccessful, take one or two others with you and go back again, so that everything you say may be confirmed by two or three witnesses.  If the person still refuses to listen, take you case to the church.  Then if he or she won't accept the church's decision, treat that person as a pagan or a corrupt tax collector."
   These are Jesus' guidelines for dealing with those who sin against us and meant for Christians. This is not to be taken to the community at large, or be part of the gossip pit spreading from here to there. 
   So many times when someone wrongs us we let resentment or maybe hatred come in and then we seek revenge; I want to get even type of attitude.  Here Jesus tells us to go to that person, in love and with understanding - not ambush or attack - and simply talk to this person.
   Going to a person in love has a much better chance of restoring the relationship than accusations or gossip.  Take time to pray about this, think about this, and see if it will help your attitude. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Divisive people - warn them twice- Titus 3:10-11

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
     Yesterday in Titus 3:9 was about avoiding foolish arguments.  Today let us go on; look at verse10 Warn a divisive person once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them.
    Someone who is divisive warn them once - tell them with the love of Christ their error.  Make sure you are scriptural when doing so.  If they don't change then warn them a second time.  So, this is two chances.  I know of a  lady who had a house guest that chose to drink in front of her children.  Now, this she said she could tolerate, but then the house guest would drink to the point of drunkenness. She had a conversation with the guest about it.  Then, the actions repeated once again, well, what she did was not easy, but she again warned the guest.
    Oh, yes, and then look at the end of this verse: "After that, have nothing to do with them."  Well, you guessed it, it happened once again, the house guest drank to the point of drunkenness a third time.  She informed her guest that if this was the action that seemed to be habitual the guest could no longer stay under her roof.  This was a tough decision, but the guest had been warned twice.  Was she scriptural?  Yes!  Was this an easy decision?  No!  
    God promises us a life of salvation and eternity with Him; however, God does not promise a smooth and easy road.  Many of our bumps are created by the decisions we make.  If we choose not to turn from our sinful ways, do we really love God?  Look at verse 11 You may be sure that such people are warped and sinful; they are self-condemned.
   Please take note of these words, and if you ever have to make a decision as the lady above remember this verse.  Some people are warped and sinful.  They will not turn from their destructive ways, therefore they are condemning themselves to a life of eternal damnation.  We do need to plant the seeds, but we don't save; it is God who does the nurturing, the watering, the growth of the seeds we plant.  God is in the business of saving.  May God give you the strength to carry out his work.  Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Monday, February 03, 2014

Avoid what? Titus 3:9

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!
  Titus 3:9 "But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain."
   Today, take time to think about this verse.  I will be doing Titus 3: 9 through 15 this week.  A message that really touched me yesterday when I visited a church in San Antonio.
     Avoid foolish questions - here we are talking about the Bible, the spiritual realm of our lives.  False teachers will question many things in the Bible and twist the facts.  Many of these people are IN THE CHURCH, yet, as Christ would say: "I never knew you."
     The second word in KJV of this verse is AVOID.  What does avoid mean? Avoid means to keep away from; keep clear of; shun: to avoid a person; to avoid taxes; to avoid danger. 2. to prevent from happening: to avoid falling.
     Genealogies? Back in this day they tried to build their case on the background of angels, their position and what their meanings were.
  Contentions means:

noun: contention; plural noun: contentions 1. heated disagreement. 2. as assertion, esp. one maintained in argument.  Synonyms for contention: disagreement, dispute, disputation, argument, discord, conflict, friction, strife, dissension, disharmony.  These are just a few.

     Strivings about the law.  Since this is Paul, could he be telling the people don't listen to them that say the law must be kept for salvation?  Is the law a requirement for salvation?  NO!  Jesus Christ is required for salvation, accepting Him as our personal Lord and Savior.  We are not saved by works, but by ????? You got it-----FAITH!

    The very last phrase tells us: "they (all the listed) are unprofitable and vain (useless).  Stay away from false teachers, don't even get involved in their foolish discussions.  Overreaction sometimes creates more attention that is deserved.  Just stop and reflect on the different books that have been written that create unrest and talk, mostly among Christians.  We need to just follow the word of God, remember to let go and let God, because, after all, HE IS IN CONTROL!!

   Tomorrow let us look at verse 10 and go forth.  Love you all.

In Christ's Love and Grace


Sunday, February 02, 2014

What battles are you facing? As Bob the builder would say: "Can Jesus Help" YES HE CAN!!!!

Good morning all!  God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
  On Netflix there are movies to watch if you will just browse faith and spiritual.  I could not sleep last night and watched 2 movies.  The first, Encounter, and the story really touched me as how we, humans, react to anything that may be "Jesus freak" or "God involved" and tend to want to run from it or simply just reject the call.
    The story is about 5 people traveling in a storm and had to detour to a small diner until the storm let up and they could pass.  This diner has 1 man in there, Jesus, who visited with all 5, told them of their past, and encouraged them to follow Him, Jesus.
    1 young girl had been hitchhiking, was picked up, and was a troubled youth. 1 lady was driving 400 miles to visit with her boyfriend who was going to ask her to marry him and they would be unequally yoked.  A couple were having marital problems and she thought it was all him, after all, she was a Sunday School teacher and never missed church on Sundays. He was spiritual, heartbroken, and did not want to lose his wife.  And the 5th, a man who had a series of food franchises and was wealthy and considered himself to be a self made man, doing it all himself.
   Yep, as you guessed, the young girl finally listened to Jesus, gave her heart to him, and was beginning a new life.  Jesus told her it would not be easy, but she could always talk to him.
   The young lady listened, heeded His word, and really knew in her heart this was only a marriage of convenience for the man, unequally yoked, and she would not be able to change him.  Jesus told her if she did marry him the division line between them would be her spirituality.
   The couple, the lady was hostile but did hear what Jesus said. Her heart was hardened until he simply said, as Jesus would, I love you.  She realized in her heart she had not accepted Jesus as her savior. At this point she retreated to the bathroom, cried, talked to the other woman, returned and then did accept Jesus.
   The man of the couple had told Jesus he did not want to lose his wife, when his wife went to the bathroom Jesus told him to simply ask for restoration. He did, it did come, but after some time at the diner.
   The rich man pointed out many facts and faced Jesus, calling him down.  The rich man refused to accept Jesus, left the diner, went down the road, over come by fog wrecked and died without Jesus.
    Is this not reflective of our lives.  We all battle a storm, and when we focus on the bad--it is bad-- yet when we focus on God, on Jesus, the bad does not just leave, but it lessens where we can handle it.
   Where are you in your battle today?  Do you feel like these people did, life just goes on, nothing will help?  Once Jesus comes in -- He is a light unto our feet along the path of darkness, lest we not stumble.
   Thank you God for sending Jesus. Thank you Jesus for your blood in which I am made righteous.  Praise God. Amen!!!
Love you all. 
In Christ's Love and Grace
 p.s. the officer who stopped them and made them detour was Officer De-vill (aka devil) 

Saturday, February 01, 2014

II Samuel 22 You strength comes from........????

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
    Today, please read, re-read and meditate on these verses. II Samuel 22 is David's song upon being delivered from the hand of Saul.  David was a skilled musician who played the harp for Saul, he wrote a number of songs and this is one of his songs of thanksgiving.  Click on the link to read the whole chapter.
    I am looking at II Samuel 22: 33 God is my strength and power,  And He makes my way perfect.
Notice what is God to David?   His STRENGTH and POWER!  Now what does this tell you?  Does this speak to you?  Where do you get your strength and power?
   And then what?  He makes my way perfect.  God provides a perfect path for us; we only need to follow.  Be obedient and follow.  Being human, this is exceedingly difficult.  How can we do this?  By staying in prayer, meditate, listen, then follow.  Do I do this?  Nope, unfortunately, I tend to let my human, secular desires override sometimes.  My problem is not my actions as much as my tongue.  How about you?  Yet God takes me back, even if I am not perfect.
    Look at these verses: 36 “You have also given me the shield of Your salvation;Your gentleness has made  me great.     
        37 You enlarged my path under me;   So my feet did not slip.
God gives us the shield of salvation!  How awesome is this.  God's gentleness - this is the attitude we need to take on - God's gentleness and what does this do?  Makes us great.  No, not in the sense of a celebrity, having all, but having God as our guiding light. When following God, He will care for us.  The greatness comes from working with others, sharing the word so others will come to Christ.
   Verse 37 shows that God will care for us, enlarge our path so our feet do not slip.  And, what does this mean to you.  To me, it means I am not on a slippery slope in danger of falling into the depths of the valley; but a good solid path where I can continually tread, carrying and sharing God's good news of Jesus Christ.
    My concentration is on Jesus now, not of being sure footed to keep from falling.  Where are you today my friend. Where does your strength come from?  Do you know you have the shield of salvation?  Do you know God has broaden you path, made it perfect, so you can travel easier and share the good news of salvation?  I just pray these verses spoke to you as they did me.  Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace