Will you be a Nehemiah?
Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
Well, did you consider what the Israelites did? 6 hours of worship - 3 in the Word and 3 in meditation aka prayer!! Can you do it? Have you tried?
If you continue on in Chapter 9 of Nehemiah you will find the great things God did for the Israelites is listed, also, the turning their backs on God, and how God accepted them back again, and again, and again, and........
God loves us, just as your earthly parent loves you, when you did or do something bad they are heart broken, yet they do not lose their love for you. When you return to do right they are happy, excited, overjoyed. This is the way God is with us.
Verse 16 says "our ancestors were proud and stubborn"! Wow! Unfortunately, today, many people take pride in "standing on THEIR principles" whether right or wrong, and refuse to submit to authorities. God is our supreme authority and we should be striving, through the Holy Spirit, to submit to HIS authority.
God keeps His covenant (promise) with us, it is us, you and I, who break the covenant with God. We become rebellious and disobedient, yet He takes us back. How patient is our God? Nineveh was bad, repented, and then turned its back on God and it took God over 300 years in our time to punish them. Man!! Is that slow to anger or what?
Well, to help us on through Nehemiah with a cliffnote type of summary. The people agree to obey, they gave a vow, return to and occupy Jerusalem, then a history of the Priests and Levites, dedicated the Wall of Jerusalem, Nehemiah had to come and straighten out Eliashib the priest, who was not following God's rule and were being dishonest, they were not honoring the Sabbath, Nehemiah purged everything foreign and assign tasks to the priest and Levites, making certain that each knew his work. They cleaned the temple to rid themselves of all unclean things that had gone on.
Please read Nehemiah which has several main themes: Have a clear purpose and keep evaluating it in light of God's will; be straightforward and honest; live above reproach; and be a person of constant prayer. Give GOD THE GLORY!!! Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace