Blood on the doorposts and lintels????
Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!!
Thanksgiving is a recent memory of our past - it has passed through the annals of history and is now placed securely in the memory of man. Today is 'Black Friday' which is what? A capitalistic plot or scheme the help relieve many America's of their hard earned money for what advertisers deem as "necessary items saving you money", really?
Yes, I saw a 50 inch LED TV for $199 and it sounded like a real deal. The question that arises is - 'do I really need it? OR, just want it?' Yep, want was the underlying motive. When logic set in, did I get it? No, I did not. Do I still want it? Yep! But, reality is I don't need it. So how does this all weigh into Bible study?
In Exodus, chapters 11-14 we find the end of the plagues God cast upon Pharaoh via Moses. The children of Israel were slaves to Egypt, having nothing, just sustaining life and meeting their needs. They had no luxuries, no excess, yet they were content. They lived from day to day, just existing, and along came this man, Moses, who said they needed to be free and live as God wished them to live. Huh? Leave us alone, we are happy. Go away!
The Israelite s just existed and were happy to be left alone. Moses was the advertiser that was offering them the opportunity to come to the land of milk and honey. The difference between today's advertisers and Moses is..........God was on the side of Moses. Who is on the side of the advertisers? Hmm!
Okay, now for the meat! The last plague, the death of the first born of ALL, ALL that is except for the ones that..............
Okay, let us talk obedience for a moment. God told Moses to kill a lamb (sheep or goat)that was in its first year, to dip the hyssop in the blood and to place on the doorposts and lintels so the avenger of death will pass over this house. Ones that do not have this, the first born shall die. Now, why did they do this?
1. God knows who are his children, the Israelites are. 2. God can separate the Israelites from the gentiles (Egyptians). 3. God knows all. So why the passover with blood on the doorposts and lintels?
It is called obedience to God! O B E D I E N C E !!! Okay, I don't understand how the Black Friday relates to the Passover. Well, first, if you are a true believer you know God has blessed you and given you everything you have. Second, God has placed you as custodian of what he has given you. Third, you must be a good steward of what God has given you. We must be obedient!!
Is the 50 inch t.v. necessary? No! This money may be better used in other ways to work for the good of God's kingdom. Is the blood on the doorposts/lintels necessary? Yes, it is in obedience to what God tells us, commands us, and expects of us.
So, am I to not enjoy some of the luxuries that God has entrusted me with? No, God does want us to prosper and do well, but the underlying thought here is 'obedience.' If God has blessed you and you are in obedience to God's will for you, you walk the walk as well as talk the talk, then buy that 50 inch t.v. However, if you are doing everything for the big "I", and leave God out of the equation, uh, you may not be blessed. My thoughts today friend, is to stay in obedience with God. Yes, I did ramble a bit through the overgrown forest, however, I do hope you were able to follow and understand the meaning behind what I was given today ---- OBEDIENCE!!! Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace