
Friday, November 30, 2007


Good morning everyone!! God is good all the time, all the time God is
good! What is happening with you? Did you tell someone about Jesus
yesterday? More importantly, did you speak to God, our redeemer, when you
woke this morning?

Have you thought about miracles? From ancient days to present people
expect miracles. Exodus 7:9 "Pharaoh will demand, 'Show me a
miracle.'" Pharaoh told Moses he wanted a miracle.

Job 9:10 "He does great things too marvelous to understand. He performs
countless miracles." Job claimed to be good and faithful and did not
reject God. He did not understand, be expected something, a miracel to

Psalm 106:7 "Our ancestors in Egypt were not impressed by the LORD's
miraculous deeds. They soon forgot His many acts of kindness to them.
Instead, they rebelled against him at the Red Sea." These people were
alive and actually witnessed miracles, and........forgot?????

Matthew 3:9 "Don't just say to each other, 'We're safe, for we are
descendants of Abraham.' That means nothing, for I tell you, God can
create children of Abraham from these very stones." Just as a fruit tree
is expected to bear fruit, God's people should produce a crop of good

Where is your miracle? What is your miracle? If you forget and don't
think God is still in the business of miracles - STOP!! First, go look
in the mirror - what a magnificent mixture of complex systems that all
work together - involuntarily work together - to continue life. Is
this not a miracle?? Wow!!

Oh, no big deal, then go outside and just look around. STOP, and see
how all things interconnect with each other. Stars, clouds, water,
land, greenery, animals, insects, everything. Once again...Wow!!!

Is God still in the business of miracles? If you are reading this...
then a resounding YES!! Go look in the mirror!! Thank you for
reading. Praise God for your life, just being alive is a miracle. Love
you all!!

In Christ's Love and Grace


Thursday, November 29, 2007

Christ is in you!!

Good morning everyone!! I hope you are well and having a great day. God is good, all the time, all the time-God is good!! What a wonderful day to be alive in Jesus. Did you tell anyone about Jesus yesterday? Will you today?

Colossians 1:27 "Christ is in you which means that you will share in the glory of God."

Life Application Study Bible- Colossians 1:27 "For God wanted them to know that the riches and glory of Christ are for you, Gentiles, too. And this is the secret, Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory."

Let Christ shine through you. Have a wonderful day walking with Jesus Christ today. Thank you for reading with me today. God bless. Love you all!!

In Christ's Love and Grace


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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Good morning all!! Did you think about the "soap box" I threw out yesterday? Who are you supporting? Your own desires? The desires of this world? Or are you standing up boldly for Christ?
There is the opposite view, that Jesus is okay with all that is going on at Christmas time, that this time of year was really a pagan festival that we turned Christian. I am not arguing that, I simply believe that when we let one thing be watered down, then more will be watered down. Then we move away from the right to the wrong, from the moral to the immoral, all which is taught to us through the Bible.
Philippians 1:20-21 "For I fully expect and hope that I will never be ashamed, but that I will continue to be bold for Christ, as I have been in the past. And I trust that my life will bring honor to Christ, whether I live or die. (21) For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better."
To those who don't believe in God, life on earth is all there is, and so it is natural for them to strive for this world's valuses, money, popularity, power, pleasure, and prestige.
For Paul, to live meant to develop eternal values and to tell others about Christ, who alone could help them see life from an eternal perspective. Paul's whole purpose in life was to speak out boldly for Christ and to become more like him. Paul could confidently say that dying would be even better than living, because in death he would be removed from worldly troubles, and he would see Christ face to face (1 John 3:2,3)
Are you going boldly forward for Christ? Does living mean living for Christ? Will you tell someone about Jesus today? Thank you for reading with me today. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Christmas or Xmas??? That is the question!!

Good morning everyone!! Yes, a lovely day to be alive in Jesus Christ,
our LORD and savior. God is good, all the time, all the time, God is

Okay, today, a little bit of soapbox and concern. Isaiah 53:7 "He was
oppressed and treated harshly, yet he never said a word. He was led
like a lamb to the slaughter. And as a sheep is silent before the
shearers, he did not open his mouth.
In the old testament people offered animals as sacrifices for their
sins. Here, the sinless servant of the LORD offers himself for our sins.
He is the Lamb offered for the sins of all people. The Messiah suffered
for our sake, bearing our sins to make us acceptable to God.

What can we say to such love? How will we respond to him?

In Acts 8:32 The eunuch is reading scripture and not understanding,
Phillip explains and leads him to Christ.
Acts 8:32 "He was led like a
sheep to the slaughter. And as a lamb is silent before the shearers, he
did not open his mouth." The same as Isaiah. Now, I do apologize for
this being a little long, please bear with me.

We are in the "holiday season" which in the past, and Christians refer to as the Christmas season. There are stores who WILL NOT USE
CHRISTMAS, they skirt the issue and use generic terms like "holiday"
"season" "family tree"(Lowes) and on and on. Some do not allow bell
ringers at their stores. SOoooooo, what's the big deal?

Well, nothing if Christmas is simply Xmas to you. But if you keep
Christ in Christmas then it is a big deal! We, Christians, are
supporting the pulling away from Christ in Christmas when we remain
silent and do not speak up for Christ our Saviour. Just like the Bible
talks about Christ going to the cross.....who stood up for Jesus? Jesus
did!! Did Peter? Did any of the disciples?

Well, we are crucifying Christmas if we don't speak up. To not speak up is to support what is going on in the retail world. The retail world is very interested in $$$$$$$, not you and your saviour. We are crucifying Christ again by not speaking up. When we do not speak up against, then, by our silence we are standing for!! Think about that!

If a retailer polls 1000 people and 250 Christians speak up and oppose the generic and commercialism of Christmas, and 250 Christians are silent what does this tell the retailer?
It simply says 250 against -750 for!
They don't break it down to Christian and non-Christian.
The let the numbers speak: 1000 - 250 against = 750 for!

I have attached retailers from Dr. Dobson's Focus of the Family that will give you an idea of who are in the Xmas spirit and who are in the Christmas spirit

You can go to and click on the center
area about Christmas. Also, you can go to this address:

Well thank you for listening to me today. Spread the joy of Jesus, don'twatch Christmas be slaughtered and become Xmas! Love you all.

In Christ's Love and Grace

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Monday, November 26, 2007

I AM SORRY - 3 words

Good morning everyone!! What a wonderful day to be alive in Jesus!!! God is good, all the time, all the time, God is good!! Let's talk briefly about something all of us fight daily - pride!
Proverbs 13:10 "Pride leads to conflict, those who take advice are wise."
"I was wrong" or "I need advice" are difficult phrases to say because they require humility. Pride is an ingredient in every quarrel. It stirs up conflict and divides people. Humility, by contrast, heals. Guard against pride. If you find yourself constantly arguing, examine your life for pride. Be open to the advice of others, ask for help when you need it, and be willing to admist your mistakes.
Wow!! A tall order, however, remaining solid on Jesus as our foundation it will become a reality. How many times do friendships, relationships, or work relations go askew simply because the people involved will not say, "I am sorry" or as they generation today says, "My bad."
Have a great, humble day with Jesus! Tell someone about Jesus today! Thank you for reading. Love you all!
In Christ's Love and Grace


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I praise God by................

Good morning everyone!!! Yes, another great day in the LORD, Jesus Christ, our saviour. God is good all the time, all the time God is good!! When things look bad all we have to do is look up! Keep focused on God. Here is another tidbit from John MacArthur.

By the way, we should remind ourselves that thanksgiving is the essence of Christian living and attitude. And being unthankful is the very essence of the unregenerate heart. The Apostle Paul in Romans chapter 1 identifies the ungodly with some very direct words.
In verse 21 he says, "They knew God," that is through conscience and creation God was visibly manifest to them, and experientially manifest to them, but even though they knew God through creation and conscience, he says,
"They did not honor Him as God or give thanks." There is the indictment on unregenerate man. There is the indictment on the non‑Christian. He refuses to do what is basic and that is to thank God for everything.

Back to Johnny - Psalm 150:4, 6 "Praise him with castanets and dance, praise him with banjo and flute. . . . Let every living, breathing creature praise God! Hallelujah!"

Giving or expressing praise to God can take many forms. Scripture teaches that David danced before him. Yet David also wrote worshipful psalms to express his appreciation. How do you praise God? Do you lift your hands in exaltation? Do you drop to your knees? Do you write poems? Do you just stand in humble adoration? Whatever it is - make sure you give your wonderful God all of the glory!

Thank you for reading with me this morning! God bless and be careful during this holiday season. Love you all!!

In Christ's Love and Grace


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Monday, November 19, 2007

In Everything Give Thanks

Good morning everyone!! What a wonderful weekend it was, and now for the upcoming week leading to thanksgiving. God is good all the time, all the time God is good. I was thinking about what God wanted me to study and HE layed thanksgiving on my heart. Thanksgiving has several meanings, and one is about turkey, dressing, family, etc. Paul tells us to give thanks in all we have.
As I studied this morning I came across this from John MacArthur and thought it was very appropriate, thus, I credit him for the following thoughts. 1 Thessalonians 5:18. Paul writes, "In everything give thanks for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
Paul simply says very directly, "In everything give thanks." No exceptions, no excuses, nothing is outside those parameters, in everything give thanks. That little phrase "enpante" in the Greek means in connection with everything that connection with everything in life give thanks no matter what it might be, with obvious exceptions of personal sin.
He is saying no matter what happens to you in life, be thankful. No matter lot, no matter what circumstance, no matter what struggle, vicissitude, trial, testing, be thankful, give thanks. No matter what the situation we are to find reason to thank God. This is not some nebulous thanks fired off into space, it is a thanks given directly to God.
Okay, be sincere then when you thank God, not just a passing "oh, by the way-uh, thank you. Be conscience and sincere. Thank you for reading with me today. Tell someone about Jesus. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

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Friday, November 16, 2007

Your dreams, the commands

Good morning! What a great way to start the day, being in the word of God!! If you need me to post this earlier, please let me know. Sometimes I just putter around and don't get right into it. Have you ever thought about all that goes on around us and why? Some things happen and we just scratch our head and look.
If you don't know what or how to study the Bible, go to Proverbs. Proverbs deals with wisdom, relationships, speech, work, and success. There are 30 chapters, read one each day. Read the chapter for that day of the month, i.e. today is the 16th so read the 16th chapter in Proverbs.
Proverbs 13:12-13 "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life. People who despise advice are asking for trouble; those who respect a command will succeed."
God created us, knows us, and loves us. It only makes sense, then, to listen to his instructions and do what he says. The Bible is his unfailing word to us. It is like an owner's manual for a car. If you obey Bod's instructions, you will 'run right' and find his kind of power to live. If you ignore them, you will have breakdowns, accidents, and failures.
Proverbs is so strong. Take time to read chapter 16 today. Thank you for reading with me. May your hopes be fulfilled and may the commands lead you. Love you all.
Trivia: The Hershey's chocolate kiss was created in 1907, and the street lights in Hershey are in the shape of a kiss.
In Christ's Love and Grace

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Good morning everyone!!! Yes, a wonderful day to be alive in the LORD Jesus Christ!! Jesus or Judas?? Did you do one or the other yesterday? So many "Judas'" in our world. I would imagine sometimes we are a "Judas."
Now, what do you mean by that? I am not a Judas!!! What I am saying is this, if we don't stand up for God, we stand there or sit there and say being silent we are endorsing what they are doing. What???

Okay, if you are with a group of colleagues and someone is using unacceptable language while denouncing Christianity, what do you do? If we don't do anything and just no action we are, in our silence, agreeing with this person.
Are we betraying our belief? OR, are we denying our belief and being as Peter? What is the difference between Judas and Peter? Peter denied Christ out of fear - Judas betrayed Christ for pieces of silver. Take time to read John 18 and you will find Judas' betrayal and Peters' denial.
Yes, as Peter, if we deny we can be forgiven. If we betray and continually endorse the things of the world we become as Judas and our reward is the "silver." We have to remember our destination, where we are headed ultimately.
John 18:36 "Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.""
Is your final destination Jesus' kingdom? Praise God!! Thank you for reading with me today. May God continue to bless you daily, hourly, and each minute of the day. We are given $1440 per day called minutes. May your "money" (minutes) be spent wisely for the kingdom of God. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Jesus or Judas? Unity or division?

Good morning everyone!!! Yes, another day to spread the good news of our LORD and Savior - Jesus Christ!! YEA!
Yesterday we talked about unity. What came after this, what else did Jesus say? Jesus, in his last prayer, prayed for Himself (17:1-5), then for His disciples (6-19), and for His entire church (20-26)
In verse 24 Christ's final request is that all who believe on Him would see His glory. And in verses 25-26, righteous Father, because the Father is righteous, He will fulfill all that the Son has requested for His followers. To declare God's name is to declare God's love, for God is love.
Jesus was calling for unity among the believers. All this happens just before He goes to a garden (Gethsemane). What happens at the garden? Remember a fellow named Judas? Oh....OH!!!
Today take a stand, be a Jesus for the Father, NOT a Judas for Jesus! When you have a chance stand up humbly, yet proud for our LORD and Saviour, Jesus!!
Thank you for reading. May your day be blessed and wonderful! Love you all!
In Christ's Love and Grace

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Pray for unity!!

Good morning to all!!! Yes, another wonderful day in the LORD Jesus Christ! Who can be against if God be for us!! Do you have a time daily to go into God's word? What is more important? Arise 10 minutes earlier, take time during lunch, a few minutes right at quitting time, there is a time and you have to make the effort to us it.

John 17:20 "I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message."

Jesus prayed for all who would follow him, including you and me, and others you know. He prayed for unity (17:11), protection from the evil one (17:15), and holiness (17:17). Knowing that Jesus prayed for us should give us confidence as we work for his kingdom.

John 17:21-23 "Pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one-as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me. I have given them the glory you gave me, so they may be one as we are one. I am in them and you are in me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me."

Jesus' great desire for his disciples was that they would become one. He wanted them unified as a powerful witness to the reality of God's love. Are you helping to unify the body of Christ, the church? You can pray for other Christians, avoid gossip, build others up, work together in humility, give your time and money, exalt Christ, and refuse to get sidetracked arguing over divisive matters.

Take time, walk in unity, and glorify God. Thank you for reading with me today. Love you all!!

In Christ's Love and Grace


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Monday, November 12, 2007

What does your character reveal??

Top o' the morning to you! I hope this is a wonderful day in our LORD and saviour - Jesus Christ!!! Wow! Did you have a good or great experience over the weekend?? Many things happen and we wonder why. Stay in unity with the body of Christ - look for the good things!!

Okay, here are a couple of things to think about. John 17:10 "All who are mine belong to you, and you have given them to me, so they bring me glory." What is Jesus saying here? Have you thought about "they bring me glory."

God's glory is the revelation of his character and presence. The lives of Jesus' disciples reveal his character, and he is present to the world through them. Does your life reveal Jesus' character and presence??

Just stop and think before you get angry, before you shoot off your mouth without having your brain loaded, am I revealing Jesus' character and presence? When someone cuts you off in traffic, you cut someone off in traffic, is what you become angry about revealing Jesus?

It may be time to stop and reflect. Jesus prayed and still prays for us. We have much to be thankful for. My 13 year old nephew is in the hospital with a freak accident and has flash burns. Please pray for him - Houston is his name. Also, if anyone else has pray requests please send them and your request will be passed on to our prayer warriors.

Tomorrow, the second thought about Jesus prayer and desire for us. Thanks for reading. Have a wonderful, spirit filled day. Love you all.

In Christ's Love and Grace


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Friday, November 09, 2007

Whose your God?(aka whose your daddy or Father)

Good morning all!! Yes, once again, God allowed us to exist another night and begin another day. Good morning God!! I issued a challenge yesterday and no one took me up on it, so, I ask you, did you tell someone about Jesus yesterday?

1 Kings 18:21 "Then Elijah stood in front of them and said, "how much longer will you waver, hobbling between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him! But if Baal is God, then follow him!" But the people were completely silent."

Elijah challenged the people to take a stand - to follow whoever was the true God. Why did so many people waver between the two choices? Perhaps some were not sure. Many however, knew that the LORD was God, but they enjoyed the sinful pleasures and other benefits that came with following Ahab in his idolatrous worship. It is important to take a stand for the LORD. If we just drift along with whatever is pleasant and easy, we will someday discover that we have been worshiping a false god- ourselves.

Jesus said in Matthew 6:24 "No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other, you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."

Strong words from Jesus!! Where do you stand? Thank you for reading with me today. Love you all!!

In Christ's Love and Grace


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Thursday, November 08, 2007

Stand up, Stand up for Jesus!!!

Good morning everyone!!! What a wonderful day to be alive in the LORD Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour!!! How are you today?? Do you take your salvation seriously?? Really?? Will you stand up for Jesus or be as Peter before the cock crows???
Take time, think about how committed you are!!! I am proclaiming this to you, with everyone else as my witness, that I will, under God's leadership, tell someone about Jesus everyday. When you see me or email me ask, press for details. Johnny, did you tell someone about Jesus today?? Are you committed??
I worry about our elections, our state, our nation!!! Who are you going to vote for. As a preacher on KBJS (Keep Believing Jesus Saves) radio station said, "if you vote for the lesser of two evils, you are still voting for evil." Think about that statement.
When will we, Christians, become as committed to our LORD as the "other religions" are? Jehovah witness go out all the time, Muslims are very public, our politicians walk a fine line so as not to "offend" anyone yet not standing up for Christianity.
What???? If you are following God's word YOU ARE GOING TO OFFEND SOMEONE, MANY, FACE IT, YOU WILL!!! Why?? Because we are living in the world - where the prince of the world roams - satan!! He is very active and well, roaming the earth with his angels or demons. He makes things attractive and very appealing, and we cannot tread on others toes because they might get their feelings hurt.
I can't pray in a public school! Who did this?? We can't pray before a sporting event in public schools!!! Who did this??? But, more important, who stood up against this?!?!?!? Are you vocal and stand up for God anywhere besides the safe confines of the church or your home???
Our strength comes from God. We need to be filled with the Holy Spirit daily. Why?? Once filled don't we have it? Yes, but never stop going back to the well for fresh water - -guidance!!
1 Chronicles 16:11-12 "Study God and His strength, seek his presence day and night; remember all the wonders he performed."
Psalm 68:19 "Praise the Lord, God our savior, who helps us every day."
Thank you for reading with me today. Just watch the news and see how fast we are running straight to hell. You can make a difference. Today, MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!! Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Are you caught up in the traffic of the world??

Good morning everyone!!! Yes, a wonderful day to be alive in Jesus Christ!! A wonderful God who is in control of everything. A cool day, fall type weather, and so comfortable to be working in. Have you thought about the path you travel? The direction you are headed??

Yesterday, when going to my hotel in rush hour traffic it was very interesting how people respond. Suddenly a police car went by on the emergency lane. Yep, the obvious, an accident happened up ahead, about 6 miles ahead; on the freeway; in the left two lanes; and the cars had to be towed.

Okay, this 6 miles took me 40 minutes to travel. So, yes, we averaged about 8 miles an hour. As I looked around I thought about the traffic moving to get to the open area so they could continue on at the speed limit. I related this to our spiritual life. There were Ford's, Chevy's, BMW's, Mercedes, Toyota's, Honda's, Jaguar's, and on and on. Just like people in God's, poor, middle, happy,sad, mad, content, discontent, etc.

Some people just stayed in one lane, content in knowing what is going on and steadily working toward their goal. Some darted from lane to lane trying to get ahead and beat everyone else, and the only thing important was them. How often do we get caught up in this in our daily spiritual life?? Are you darting from lane to lane, never content at where you are, striving to beat everyone else, that YOU are the only one of real importance?

Psalm 37:23-24 "The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand."

God delights in the ones who follows God, trusts him, and tries to do his will. God watches over and makes firm every step that person takes. If you would like to have God direct your way, then seek his advice before you step out.

Don't be caught up in the traffic of the world today! Follow Jesus, tell someone about Jesus today. God is good all the time, all the time God is good! Thanks for reading. Have a wonderful day. Love you all!!

In Christ's Love and Grace


Tuesday, November 06, 2007

From start to finish - beginning to end

Good morning all!! Yes, a wonderful day to be alive in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. What better thing than to know God is on our side!?!?!?

Ecclesiastes 3:11 "He has made everything beautiful in its time."

The promise that God make a thing beautiful in his time indicateds that there are unpleasant moments. Beginnings are generally tinged with some adventurous excitement and discovery. But, they are also full of unknowns and uncomfortable adjustments.
During the middle times, the same ole work and events can overwhelm and disheaten us. So what do we do? Keep God as our focus, then great sustaining graces such as patience and endurance develop.

It is in the end..looking back...that you can see the true beauty of the journey. Whever you are on the path right now, look for the beauty in it. God makes it lovely from beginning to end. Remember God is good all the time, all the time God is good.

Take time now to STOP, DROP & PRAY!! Love you all.

In Christ's Love and Grace

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Monday, November 05, 2007

What time is it??

Good morning everyone!! What a wonderful day to be alive in Jesus!!! God is good all the time, all the time God is good!!! GOOD MORNING GOT!!
I hope this past weekend was wonderful and great for you. Then Sunday an added blessing as we take extra time for God.
Do you ever stop and wonder why God does not answer our pray NOW? Oh, I have prayed and prayed but God just does not hear or answer my prayer. Well, God, in fact does, however, the problem lies in the fact that we are in different time zones and on different time tables. God never delays his promises to frustrate you. Rather, he patiently waits until everything comes together and you've learned all you need to receive them.
God is committed to you for the long haul. So never fear being unqualified to receive his promises. Today learn from him and obey his instructions that the waiting will be exceptionally effective.
2 Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient towar you. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but want everyone to repent."
We must not sit and wait for Christ to return, but we should realize that time is short and we have important work to do. Be ready to meet Christ any time, even today, yet plan your course of service as though he may not return for many years.
Moses reminds us in Psalm 90:4 "For you, a thousand years are as a passing day, as brief as a few night hours." God is not limited by our time, just be faithful and ever watchful. Do not let you lamp oil grow low.
Thank you for reading today. I pray that the Lord blesses you more than you could imagine today and each day. Stay faithful. Love you all.

In Christ's Love and Grace

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Friday, November 02, 2007

Look around - be alert - be thankful!!

Good monrning!!! Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour!!! Do you appreciate what God has given you??? Have you spoken to your Father in Heaven today?? When will you communicate and tell your Father how much He means to you???

Personally, God has blessed me far more than I could hope to deserve. My life, my career, my family, my jobs, my home, everything has been given to me by my Lord and Savior, by my Father in Heaven.

Our faith has to be strong as we do not experience the miracles that the children of Israel did. Wait, we don't?? We need to stop, look around, and just see. The sunrise....the sunset! The mountains....the plains! The fowl....the creatures of four legs!! The healing of a cancer patient who was told to prepare to die!!! The fatal accident you were "almost" involved in!!

Where is God??? Look around!! Sure, we started from a microscopic organism and evolved over time to what we are now. Yeah, right, whatever.. ..and if this is true the Bible is confused. We need to thank God for what we have right now!!! A million dollar home or just simple shelter. Let's look at Numbers 11:4-6

"Then the foreign rabble who were traveling with the Israelites began to crave the good things of Egypt. And the people of Israel also began to complain, "Oh, for some meat!" they exclaimed. "We remember the fish we used to eat for free in Egypt and we had all the cucumbers,melons, leeks, onions, and garlic we wanted. But now our appetites are gone. All we ever see is this manna!""

Dissatisfaction comes when our attention shifts from what we have to what we don't have. Are we grateful for what God has given us, or are we always thinking about what we would like to have? We should not allow our unfulfilled desires to cause us to forget God's gifts of life, food, health, work, friends and family.

Thank you for reading with me. God loves you and so do I. Have a blessed and safe day and weekend.

In Christ's Love and Grace


Thursday, November 01, 2007

How tolerant are you? How tolerant is God??

Good morning all!! Yes, a great day to be alive in Jesus Christ our LORD!!! Remember, STOP-DROP-PRAY! Why is it when we pray, we become frustrated and sometimes angry that "GOD DOES NOT ANSWER?" Probably because we are marching on 'our' time and not God's. Also, since we are not puppets, many times we have to run amuck before we return to God's will.

Romans 2:4 "Don't you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can't you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?"

In HIS kindness, God holds back His judgment, giving people time to turn from their sin. It is easy to mistake God's patience for approval of the wrong way we are living. Self-evaluation is difficult and it is even more difficult to bring ourselves to God and let Him tell us where we need to change. However, as Christians we must ask God to point out our sins, so that He can heal them. We need to be amazed at God's patience with us as much as we are amazed at God's patience with others.

We need to humble ourselves and let God be in total control. Is it easy? No!! Besides doing the obvious: STOP-DROP-PRAY - we also need to be in the word. If you have a Christian emblem on the back of your you always drive in a Christian manner? A point to ponder! Love you all! Tell someone about Jesus Christ today.

In Christ's Love and Grace


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