Do you follow false teachers????
Good morning everyone!! I hope this is a great day in the Lord for you!! Remember, God is good all the time and all the time God is good. You know, many things get in our way and are able to distract our view, derail us from where we should be going. Unless we are aware, it is easy. Our children do this all the time.
Well let's look at Galatians 2:1-6 Now I am going to ask you look it up rather than my printing it out. Paul is returning to Jerusalem 14 years later (after his conversion) with Barnabas and Titus. God told Paul, through a revelation to go to the church leaders in Jerusalem about the message he was preaching to the Gentiles, so they would understand and approve of what he was doing. Paul's message was that God's salvation is offered to all people, Jews and Gentiles. Ones race, sex, nationality, wealth, social standing, educational level, or anything could not affect salvation.
Paul took Titus, a Greek Christian to Jerusalem and the Judaizers (false christians) said Titus should be circumcised. Paul refused, strongly refused, and would not give in to their demands. These false Christians were probably from the Pharisees and were strict leaders of Judaism.
Normally we take a stand against those who want to lead us astray by immoral acts, but in this case Paul had to take a stand against the most moral people. We must not give in to those who make the keeping of man made standards a condition for salvation, even when these people are morally good and have respected positions.
All this to say, are you following Jesus in your faith? Or are you swaying to the pressures of your friends, church, community, country?? We must stand on the Rock, the salvation of JESUS CHRIST!! and be not distracted from the truth. Satan is alive and well and comes as a beautiful worldly opportunity. Isn't he or she pretty??? Just one drink!!! Take a hit just one time, it won't hurt!! ETC.
Where are you standing?? Young people, high school students are denouncing God and Jesus Christ on UTube. Please pray for these students as they know not what they are doing. Pray for yourself first to walk upright in the word of God, pray for the people on this list, the people around you. What a time we live in. Thanks for reading. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
Labels: Christian, Jesus, love, naked truth